Note that most have been compressed from their original format to reduce file size and three presentations (Kempton, Sing, Ricker) that were in Keynote have been saved as smaller PDF files. Those files that were compressed have "compressed" as part of their file name. The original files can be viewed by clicking on the title in the agenda below.
8:00 am | Coffee/Introductions | C. Beichman, J. Lunine |
8:15 am | I. Goals of the Meeting | |
A. Identify key exoplanet (transit) science opportunities for JWST | ||
B. Identify appropriate instrument modes for different science cases | ||
C. Ensure optimized observatory operation and data processing | ||
D. Identify ways to engage broad exoplanet community in JWST | ||
E. Discussion (⇒ Generate White Paper summarizing meeting results) | ||
II. Key Science Opportunities | ||
9:15 am | A. Spectroscopy of Giant Planets | J. Fortney |
9:35 am | B. Spectroscopy of Super Earths (keynote) (pdf) | E. Kempton |
9:55 am | C. Atmospheric Dynamics and Weather | H. Knutson |
10:15 am | D. Known Transit Validation, high precision characterization (TTV), searches for new planets in known systems | D. Deming |
10:35 am | Discussion/Other Science | |
11:05 am | Break | |
III. Transit Best Practices | ||
11:25 am | A. HST best performance and best practices (keynote) (pdf) | D. Sing |
A1. Analysis of Hot Jupiter Transit Spectroscopy with HST/WFC3 | A. Mandell | |
11:45 am | B. Kepler best performance and best practices | J. Christiansen |
12:05 pm | C. Spitzer best performance and best practices | S. Carey and I. Crossfield |
12:25 pm | D. Lessons from Spitzer spectroscopy | J. Bouwman |
12:45 pm | Discussion | |
1:00 pm | Lunch and presentation E. Frontiers of Precision Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization with HST" |
L. Kreidberg |
2:00 pm | IV. JWST Operations for Transit Observation | M. Clampin and J. Stansberry |
A. Data rate and storage issues | ||
B. Image trailing | ||
C. Maximum uninterrupted duration | ||
D. Pointing control stability (control) | ||
E. Image quality, temporal variability, and SI tuning | ||
F. Pointing knowledge for post-processing | ||
G. Observation planning and Exposure Time Calculators | ||
H. Observing in an Event Driven Environment (or Oops! I missed your transit) | ||
I. What time (UT, JD, BJD) is it anyway and how well do I know it? | ||
3:15 pm | Discussion | |
3:35 pm | Break | |
V. Detector Problems and Features | ||
3:55 pm | A. HgCdTe/ASIC | M. Rieke |
4:25 pm | B. Silicon detectors | M. Ressler |
B1. H2RG Readout for Efficient Coadds of Bright Images | R. Smith | |
4:55 pm | C. Challenges in measurement repeatability | M. Swain |
5:25 pm | Discussion | |
5:55 pm | Adjourn |
8:00 am | Coffee | |
VI. Targets for JWST | ||
8:30 am | A. Ground RV/transits | J. Bean |
8:50 am | B. Kepler and K2 | S. Howell |
9:10 am | C. TESS (keynote) (PDF) | D. Latham and G. Ricker |
9:30 am | D. M Stars as JWST targets | C. Dressing |
9:50 am | E. CHEOPS | D. Ehrenreich (via Webex) |
10:10 am | Break | |
10:30 am | F. GAIA | A. Sozzetti |
10:50 am | H. Challenge of stellar variability | P. McCullough |
11:10 am | G. Precursor data needs (orbit info., transit timing, variability, etc.) (pdf) | D. Ciardi |
11:30 am | Discussion | |
12:00 pm | Lunch and presentation | J. Krick |
VII. Instrument modes for transits | ||
1:10 pm | A. NIRSPEC
1. Instrument overview 2. Bright star limit 3. Suggested modes for transit work 4. Target acquisition and pointing requirements 5. Simulations to date with estimated integration times 6. Operational limitations 7. Fill out performance template |
P. Ferruit and S. Birkmann |
1:55 pm | B. NIRISS
1. Instrument overview 2. Bright star limit 3. Suggested modes for transit work 4. Target acquisition and pointing requirements 5. Simulations to date with estimated integration times 6. Operational limitations 7. Fill out performance template |
R. Doyon and D. Lafreniere |
2:40 pm | Break | |
3:00 pm | C. NIRCam
1. Instrument overview 2. Bright star limit 3. Suggested modes for transit work 4. Target acquisition and pointing requirements 5. Simulations to date with estimated integration times 6. Operational limitations 7. Fill out performance template |
T. Greene |
3:45 pm | D. MIRI
1. Instrument overview 2. Bright star limit 3. Suggested modes for transit work 4. Target acquisition and pointing requirements 5. Simulations to date with estimated integration times 6. Operational limitations 7. Fill out performance template |
T. Greene and P. Lagage |
4:30 pm | Discussion: Optimum Combinations of Instruments | |
1. Science requirements for optimum multi-wavelength coverage | ||
2. Technical requirements for best data quality, e.g. parallel mode pointing reconstruction from NIRCamimaginge | ||
5:30 pm | Adjourn | |
7:00 pm | Group Dinner |
8:00 am | Coffee | |
VIII. Data Processing Challenges and Requirements | ||
8:30 am | A. What is the smallest planetary atmosphere JWST will characterize? | D. Deming and W. Traub |
8:55 am | B. Laboratory testbeds | G. Vasisht |
9:20 am | C. Data simulations | S. Birkmann, STScI Instrument Teams |
9:45 am | D. Pipeline data processing challenges (transits and phase curves) | P. Deroo |
10:10 am | Discussion | |
10:35 am | Break | |
IX. Engage the Community | ||
11:00 am | A. Status of Science Timeline for JWST | J. Lee |
11:30 am | B. What does the transit community need from "Commissioning" and "Early Release" science for observation planning | Discussion, R. Doyon |
12:30 pm | Lunch (on own) | |
2:00 pm | C. Ideas for Community Grand Challenges (presentation combined with Birkmann's above) | Discussion, J. Valenti |
3:00 pm | D. Discussion and plans for White Paper | M. Clampin/C. Beichman |
4:00 pm | Adjourn |
last updated March 25, 2014