Invited talks will be 30 minutes (25+5) and Contributed Talks will be 15 minutes (10+5).
click on each title to view the presentation
7:30 am | Registration Desk Open outside California Ballroom | |
8:30 am | Welcome | |
Session Chair: | Jessie Christiansen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) | |
9:00 am | Invited Talk: Properties of Exoplanets: From Rocky Planets to Gas Giants | Heather Knutson (Caltech) |
9:30 am | Calibrating the Chemistry of Planet Formation | John Brewer (Yale University) |
9:45 am | The California-Kepler Survey. III. A Gap In The Radius Distribution of Small Planets | BJ Fulton (Caltech) |
10:00 am | Relating Exoplanet Properties and Host Star Compositions using High Resolution NIR Spectroscopy | Johanna Teske (Carnegie Observatories/ DTM) |
10:15 am | A Brief Update on Preparations of JWST for Launch | David Soderblom (STScI) |
10:30 am | Morning Break | |
Session Chair: | Angie Wolfgang (Penn State) | |
11:00 am | Invited Talk: Properties of Exoplanet Hosting Stars | Erik Petigura (Caltech) |
11:30 am | Precise Stellar Parameters are Crucial for Constraining Transiting Exoplanet Interiors | Andrew Vanderburg (UT Austin) |
11:45 am | From Star to Stone: Using Stellar Abundances to Determine Planetary Mineralogy and Structure | Natalie Hinkel (Vanderbilt University) |
12:00 pm | Studying Exoplanet Evolution Through Young Planets and their Host Stars | Andrew Mann (Columbia University) |
12:15 pm | Directly Determined Properties of Exoplanet Host Stars | Kasper von Braun (Lowell Observatory) |
12:30 pm | Lunch Break | |
Session Chair: | Helen Giles (Université de Genève) | |
2:00 pm | Invited Talk: Stellar Physics and its Impact on Exoplanetary Science | Martin Asplund (Australian National University) |
2:30 pm | A Physically-motivated and Empirically-calibrated Method to Measure Effective Temperature, Metallicity, and Ti Abundance of M dwarfs | Mark Veyette (Boston University) |
2:45 pm | New Constraints on Stellar Parameters Inferred from Joint Modeling of Stellar Spectra and CMDs | Phillip Cargile (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) |
3:00 pm | Afternoon Break | |
Session Chair: | Natalie Hinkel (Vanderbilt University) | |
3:30 pm | Invited Talk: Exoplanetary System Architectures: What We Know and What We Don't | Angie Wolfgang (Pennsylvania State University) |
4:00 pm | The California Kepler Search V: Stellar and Planetary Properties in Kepler's Multiplanet Systems | Lauren Weiss (University of Montreal) |
4:15 pm | An Inconvenient Truth: Do We Really Know Where the Habitable Zone Is? | Stephen Kane (UC Riverside) |
4:30 pm | Poster Session: Pasadena Room | |
6:30 pm | Adjourn |
Session Chair: | Lea Hirsch (UC Berkeley) | |
9:00 am | Invited Talk: Occurrence and Frequency Rates of Exoplanetary Systems | Courtney Dressing (UC Berkeley) |
9:30 am | The Metallicity Distribution and Hot Jupiter Occurrence Rate of the Kepler Field: Hectochelle High-resolution Spectroscopy for 776 Kepler Target Stars | Xueying Guo (MIT) |
9:45 am | The Last Tall Tent Pole: Measuring the Multiplicity of Kepler Stars | Jessie Christensen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) |
10:00 am | Know Thy Star(s) - Know Thy Planet (Occurrence Rates) | Kevin Hardegree-Ullman (University of Toledo) |
10:15 am | Search for Giant Planets in the Open Cluster M67 | Anna Brucalassi (European Southern Observatory) |
10:30 am | Morning Break | |
Session Chair: | Courtney Dressing (UC Berkeley) | |
11:00 am | Invited Talk: Stellar Composition and Metallicity and its Role in the Formation of Exoplanetary Systems | Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona) |
11:30 am | The Chemical Homogeneity of Sun-like Stars in the Solar Neighborhood | Megan Bedell (Simons CCA) |
11:45 am | Linking Stellar Abundances with Planetary Formation: The Case of Brown Dwarfs | Jesus Maldonado (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo) |
12:00 pm | Density is not Destiny: Characterizing Exoplanet Geology from Stellar Compositional Abundances | Cayman Unterborn (Arizona State University) |
12:15 pm | Lunch Break | |
Session Chair: | Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona) | |
2:00 pm | Invited Talk: Stellar Properties and the Effects that Stars and Exoplanets Have on Each Other | Heather Cegla (Université de Genève) |
2:30 pm | How Planetary Properties and Stellar Irradiation Set Atmospheric Structure | Thomas Beatty (Pennsylvania State University) |
2:45 pm | Magnetic Inflation and Stellar Mass of M dwarf Stars | Eunkyu Han (Boston University) |
3:00 pm | The Starspots of HAT-P-11: Evidence for a Solar-like Dynamo | Brett Morris (University of Washington) |
3:15 pm | Using Disintegrating Planets to Study Planetary Interior Composition | Eva Bodman (Arizona State University) |
3:30 pm | Afternoon Break | |
Session Chair: | Heather Cegla (Université de Genève) | |
4:00 pm | Invited Talk: Stellar Multiplicity and its Role in Exoplanetary Systems | Elliott Horch (Southern Connecticut State University) |
4:30 pm | Solving the Orbit of the Planet-Hosting Binary Tau Bootis | Anders Bo Justesen (Aarhus University) |
4:45 pm | Isochrones & Vespa: Open-source Tools for Stellar System Characterization and Planet Validation | Timothy Morton (Princeton University) |
5:00 pm | Orbits of Moving Group Binaries: Constraining the Ages of Young Moving Groups with Dynamical Masses of Binaries | Eric Nielsen (KIPAC/Stanford) |
5:15 pm | Assessing the Impact of Unknown Stellar Companions on Kepler Objects of Interest | Lea Hirsch (UC Berkeley) |
5:30 pm | Adjourn |
Session Chair: | Johanna Teske (Carnegie Observatories/ DTM) | |
9:00 am | Invited Talk: The Impact of Gaia on Our Knowledge of Stars and the Planets They Host | Alessandro Sozzetti (INAF-Torino) |
9:30 am | Toward Accurate, Empirical Radii and Masses of Planets and their Host Stars with Gaia Parallaxes | Keivan Stassun (Vanderbilt University) |
9:45 am | Precise, Accurate, and Model-independent Masses and Radii of Stars and Planets | Dan Stevens (The Ohio State University) |
10:00 am | The Ultimate Stellar-Planetary Characterization in the GAIA Era | Jay Farihi (University College London) |
10:15 am | Our View of the Solar Neighborhood Before, During, and After Gaia | Todd Henry (RECONS/Georgia State University) |
10:30 am | Gaia, PLATO and WEAVE: Astrometry, Photometry and Spectroscopy for Exoplanet Characterisation | Nicholas Walton (University of Cambridge) |
10:45 am | Morning Break | |
Session Chair: | Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC) | |
11:15 am | Invited Talk: Determining Stellar Properties from Spectroscopic Observations | Phil Muirhead (Boston University) |
11:45 am | Abundances of Heavy Elements in Exoplanet Host Stars | Elisa Delgado Mena (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço) |
12:00 pm | Detailed Chemistry and Stellar Characterization of M dwarfs from APOGEE Spectra | Katia Cunha (University of Arizona) |
12:15 pm | Metal abundances survey of A-type Stars in Herschel DEBRIS | Zachary Draper (University of Victoria /NRC-Herzberg) |
12:30 pm | Lunch Break | |
Session Chair: | Rachel Matson (NASA Ames) | |
2:00 pm | Invited Talk: Asteroseismology of Exoplanet Host Stars | Daniel Huber (University of Hawaii) |
2:30 pm | Space-Based Light Curves as Predictors of Good Radial Velocity Planet Search Targets | Fabienne Bastien (Pennsylvania State University) |
2:45 pm | Exoplanets Around Flare Stars | James Davenport (Western Washington University) |
3:00 pm | The FUV Flares of Active and Inactive M Dwarfs | R. O. Parke Loyd (Arizona State University) |
3:15 pm | Probing Activity and Livable Environments Affecting L-dwarf Exoplanets (PALE ALE) | Julie Skinner (Boston University) |
3:30 pm | From Hot Jupiters to Habitable Planets: Optimizing Atmospheric Characterization Methods | Poster Winner 2: Cam Buzard (Caltech) |
3:40 pm | Afternoon Break | |
Session Chair: | Knicole Colon (NASA GSFC) | |
4:10 pm | Invited Talk: Stellar Companions and Properties from High Resolution Imaging | David Ciardi (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) |
4:40 pm | The Impact of Binary Companions on Planetary Systems | Adam Kraus (UT Austin) |
4:55 pm | Stellar Companions of Exoplanet Host Stars in K2 | Rachel Matson (NASA Ames) |
5:10 pm | Robo-AO KOI Survey: LGS-AO Imaging of Every Kepler Planetary Candidate Host Star | Carl Ziegler (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
5:25 pm | Rocky, Icy, or Gaseous Planet? The Effect of Stellar Companions | Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC) |
5:40 pm | Adjourn |
Session Chair: | Katia Cunha (University of Arizona) | |
8:30 am | Invited Talk: Observational Needs for Radial Velocity Surveys | Sharon Xuesong Wang (Carnegie DTM) |
9:00 am | Recon Spectroscopy with TRES | David Latham (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) |
9:15 am | Addressing Stellar Activity at Every Step in the Radial Velocity Follow-up of Small Planets | Raphaëlle Haywood (Harvard College Observatory) |
9:30 am | Determining Starspot Lifetimes from Photometry to Feed Models of Stellar Activity in Exoplanet RV Surveys | Helen Giles (Université de Genève) |
9:45 am | Getting to Know the Substellar Companion Hosts in the APOGEE-2 Survey | Joleen Carlberg (Space Telescope Science Institute) |
10:00 am | SpecMatch-Emp: Stellar Characterization using an Empirical Spectral Library | Poster Winner 2: Samuel Yee (Caltech) |
10:10 am | Morning Break | |
Session Chair: | Raphaëlle Haywood (Harvard College Observatory) | |
10:40 am | Invited Talk: Observational Needs for Transit Surveys | Joshua Pepper (Lehigh University) |
11:10 am | Achieving High Precision Transit Observations with Sub-Meter Telescopes | Dennis Conti (AAVSO) |
11:25 am | Chasing K2 Exoplanets with Ground-Based Near-Infrared Transit Photometry | Knicole Colon (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) |
11:40 pm | Stellar Activity in Transmission Spectroscopy: The Case of WASP-52 | Giovanni Bruno (Space Telescope Science Institute) |
11:55 pm | Forecasting the Impact of Stellar Activity on Transiting Exoplanet Spectra | Rob Zellem (Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology) |
12:10 pm | Lunch Break | |
Session Chair: | Rachel Street (LCO) | |
1:40 pm | Invited Talk: Observational Needs for Direct Imaging Surveys | Paul Kalas (UC Berkeley) |
2:10 pm | First Constraints on the Frequency of Sub-stellar Companions on Wide Circumbinary Orbits | Mariangela Bonavita (University of Edinburgh, IfA) |
2:25 pm | The Cautionary Tale of HD 131399 Ab | Jason Wang (C Berkeley) |
2:40 pm | Occurrence of Giant Planets Around Stars with Dusty Debris Disks | Tiffany Meshkat (Caltech/IPAC) |
2:55 pm | Debris Disks in STIPs | Samantha Lawler (NRC-Herzberg) |
3:10 pm | Afternoon Break | |
Session Chair: | Samantha Lawler (NRC-Herzberg) | |
3:40 pm | Invited Talk: Observational Needs for Microlensing Surveys | Rachel Street (LCO) |
4:10 pm | Using AO Follow-up to Characterize Microlensing Exoplanets | Calen Henderson (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) |
4:25 pm | Microlensing Exoplanet Mass Measurement in the WFIRST Era | Aparna Bhattacharya (NASA GSFC) |
Session Chair: | Tiffany Meshkat (Caltech/IPAC) | |
4:40 pm | Discovering Nearby Exoplanets with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) | George Ricker (MIT) |
4:55 pm | Connecting Planetary Atmospheres to Host Star Properties | Vincent Coudé du Foresto (LESIA - Paris Observatory) |
5:10 pm | SPHEREx: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic All-Sky Survey | Brendan Crill (JPL) |
5:25 pm | Closing Remarks | Steve Howell (NASA Ames) |
5:40 pm | Adjourn |
(last updated October 18th, 2017 10:12:01)