
2024 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Hybrid Workshop

Posters and Poster Pops

Poster POPs will be presented on Monday and Wednesday of the workshop. Note that POPs will be 90 seconds not 2 minutes!

Poster/Pop Submission Site

No submissions via email will be accepted.

Poster Submissions and Poster Sessions

Both in-person and remote attendees are invited to submit electronic posters for the 2024 Sagan Workshop. All submitted posters will be grouped by science area and put onto the workshop website. Posters must be broadly related to the topic of the workshop. We are not able to accommodate other topics.

In-person poster presenters should also bring a print out of their poster to mount on the provided poster boards on a first submitted, first served basis. Due to space considerations, we may not be able to accommodate all in person posters; the poster print out should have maximum dimensions of 4 feet (120 cm) wide by 4 feet (120 cm) high. The agenda includes two in-person poster sessions on Monday and Wednesday.

Poster Pops Schedule

Pops are oral advertisements for your poster and if you submit a pop you must submit a poster; both should cover topics relevant to the workshop topic.

In-person attendees should submit 2 slides and will give their pop presentation in person.

Remote attendees who submit a poster can submit a recorded poster Pop that should be no longer than 90 seconds. These will be put on the website, and if space allows, included in the Pop presentations during the meeting. Remote attendees will not present a live pop.

All Pops will be posted on the workshop website; Pop inclusion in the in-person agenda is limited by the availability of slots (40 total); therefore, inclusion will be based on the relevance to and balance within the topics covered by the workshop, as well as adherence to the 90 second maximum length. If you are submitting a poster and a pop, you will need to make two separate submissions.

In person poster presenters are numbered in alphabetical order (by last name) in the table below and will have the same number at the workshop. Remote poster presentations are listed at the end of this table.

Poster Presentations
Poster # Author Title (click title to view poster)
1 Ahmed, Zahra (Stanford University) Exoplanet Detection and Characterization in the Ultraviolet using a Starshade Complement for Habitable Worlds Observatory
2 Avsar, Arin (University of Arizona) Search for Collisions and Planet-Disk Interactions in the Beta Pictoris Disk with Long Baseline, High Precision HST/STIS Imaging
3 Balmer, William (Johns Hopkins University) Livin' on the Wedge, or JWST/NIRCam Bar Coronagraphy
4 Beiler, Samuel (University of Toledo) A Tale of Two Molecules: The Underprediction of CO2 and Overprediction of PH3 in Atmospheric Models
5 Bonney, Paul (JPL) Biases in Modeling Thermal Emission Spectra for Hot Jupiters and Implications for Directly-Imaged Exoplanets
6 Bovie, Danielle (University of Texas San Antonio) SCExAO/CHARIS Astrometric and Atmospheric Characterization of Planet HIP 99770 b
7 Brinjikji, Marah (Arizona State University) The Companions to B and A Stars Snapshot (CBASS) Survey: Initial Detections of Low-Mass M Dwarf Companions to Young B and A Stars
8 Cao, Fangyi (UC Riverside) AI-driven Classification and Imputation Techniques for High-contrast Imaging in Astronomy
9 Chavez, Amanda (Northwestern University) Astrometric Calibration for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
10 Choi, Sonja (University of Arizona) The Large Fiber Array Spectroscopic Telescope: Fiber-feed Fabrication and Characterization
11 Darcis, Michiel (SRON/Leiden Observatory) KARAOCE: KID array and adaptive optics for characterizing exoplanets
12 Diaz, Jordan (University of California Santa Cruz) Laboratory Demonstration of an All-Fiber-Based Focal Plane Nulling Interferometer
13 Do O, Clarissa (UC San Diego) The Orbital Eccentricities of Directly Imaged Companions Using Observable-based Priors: Implications for Population-level Distributions
14 Dushyantha Kumar, Neha (Pennsylvania State University) Exploring the Inflated Radius of a Massive Super-Puff TOI-3757b with Atmospheric Models
15 Dykes, Erica (University of Texas at San Antonio) Integral Field Polarimetry and Scattered-Light Imaging of AB Aurigae with SCExAO/CHARIS
16 El Morsy, Mona (UT San Antonio) Design, Scientific Goals, and First Results of the SCExAO Survey for Planets Around Accelerating Stars
17 Esmer, Ekrem (Washington University in St. Louis) Detecting Eclipse Timing Variation Planets with Other Methods
18 Ferrer-Chavez, Rodrigo (CIERA/Northwestern University) Differentiable Optical Modelling for Exoplanet Direct Imaging with JWST
19 Franson, Kyle (The University of Texas at Austin) Astrometric Accelerations as Dynamical Beacons: Discovery and JWST Follow-Up of the 3 Jupiter-Mass Planet AF Lep b
20 Gu, Ziying (The University of Tokyo) Unveiling Planet Evolution Mysteries: Empirical Models through a New Strategy
21 Harada, Caleb (UC Berkeley) SPORES-HWO II. Assessing Sensitivity Limits on Planetary Architectures with a Uniform Analysis of Radial Velocities
22 Hasler, Samantha (MIT) High Phase Angle Observations of Uranus from New Horizons: Implications for Future Direct Imaging Observations
23 Hosseininezhad, Nikoo (CUNY Queens College) Detecting Distant Outer Planets Around White Dwarfs from Transit Timing Variations
24 Huber, Guillaume (University of Hawai'I IfA) Recent characterization results of LmAPDs: towards photon counting infrared arrays for HWO
25 Huerta, Denise (University of Notre Dame) Real Time Phase Unwrapping for Adaptive Optics Wavefront Sensors
26 Jiang, Lillian (UT Austin) Deep H-alpha Imaging Survey of IC 348 with the Hubble Space Telescope: Demographics of Accreting Protoplanets on Wide Orbits
27 Juillard, Sandrine (University of Liege) Jointly Leveraging Angular Diversity and Reference Stars for Direct High-Contrast Imaging of Protoplanetary Systems
28 Kim, Crystal (University of California Santa Barbara) M-Echelle: The MKID Echelle Spectrograph
29 Kothari, Harshil (University of Toledo) Probing the heights and depths of ultra-cool objects: Atmospheric retrievals in the era of JWST
30 Lafleche, Emilie (Purdue University) Modeling Oxygen Seasonality on Earth-like Exoplanets
31 Lin, Yu-Chia (University of Arizona) Astrometric Calibration for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
32 Liu, Pengyu (University of Edinburgh) YSES3: A giant exoplanet imaged around a young solar-mass apparent binary
33 MacLean, Thomas (Caltech) Three-Dimensional Orbital Architectures and Detectability of Adjacent Companions to Hot Jupiters
34 Malin, Mathilde (STScI/JHU) Observation of directly imaged systems with JWST/MIRI coronagraphs
35 Mamonova, Elena (University of Oslo) Not-so-red dawn of red dwarf
36 Mullin, Camryn (University of Victoria) Direct Imaging of 5 Protoplanetary Disks Using JWST/NIRCam
37 Pauwels, Tinne (KU Leuven) Challenges in high-contrast imaging of massive stars
38 Rankovic, Stefan (New York University) A Likelihood Search for Exomoons
39 Sabalbal, Mariam (University of Liege) Exploring Beyond! Advancements in Exoplanet Detection in the SHINE High-contrast Imaging Survey through RSM Framework
40 Sanchez, Jorge (ASU) Precision Abundances of Ultracool T-T Pairs: A Critical Comparison to Directly Imaged and Transiting Planets
41 Sanghi, Aniket (Caltech) Searching for Planets and Exozodiacal Emission around the Closest Sun-like Star ΑCen A with JWST/MIRI
42 Stuber, Thomas (Steward Obs./University of Arizona) Infer exoplanets within or outside a planetesimal belt with debris disk observations
43 Taaki, Jamila (University of Michigan) PyStarshade: A Python starshade simulation tool for modeling contrast with exoplanetary scenes
44 Tandon, Ruben (University of Bern) Discovery Space and Science with the PLACID Coronagraph
45 Trehan, Vasuda (SUNY Albany) Understanding Exoplanet Habitability: An AI framework for Predicting Atmospheric Absorption Spectra
46 Trevascus, David (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) Dynamically Constraining PDS 70 Planet Masses
47 van Capelleveen, Richelle (Leiden Observatory) The Young Suns Exoplanet Survey (YSES) and the Wide Separation Planets in Time (WiSPIT) Survey
48 Vega-Pallauta, Macarena (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") Detection Capabilities of SHARK-NIR's High-Contrast Imager at the LBT
49 Venner, Alexander (University of Southern Queensland) Where are those planets now? Towards precision orbit predictions for near-future imaging targets
50 Vincent, Maria (University of Hawai'I IfA) Entering a new era of Adaptive Optics with more powerful Deformable Mirrors
51 Voyer, Mael (CEA) A cold planetary mass companion around a white dwarf
52 Walker, Sam (University of Hawai'I IfA) Direct Imaging in Taurus and Ophiuchus with Keck/NIRC2 and the Pyramid Wavefront Sensor
53 Xuan, Jerry (Caltech) A high-resolution spectroscopic survey of directly imaged companions and hot Jupiters with Keck/KPIC
54 Abdul Qadir, Yasir (University of Turku) Broadband Linear Polarimetry of Exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae b: Constraints on the orbital and physical parameters
55 Bottom, Michael (University of Hawaii) Fast and Furious wavefront control at W.M. Keck Observatory
remote An, Qier (University of California, Santa Barbara) Orbits and Masses of 152 companions from RV and Astrometry
remote Biswas, Shraddha (Indian Centre for Space Physics) Searching for Short Term Transit Timing Variation in Exoplanetary System WASP-19
remote Chouhan, Deepanshu (University of Hyderabad) Magnetosphere Formation Of A Tidally Locked Planet
remote Deka, Tonmoy (NISER Bhubaneswar, India) Developing an Exoplanet Atmospheric Retrieval Algorithm
remote Iqbal, Javed (Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan) Photometry and Transit Modelling of Exoplanet TOI 2109b
remote Klusmeyer, Jessica (New Mexico State University) Demographics of Giant Exoplanets from a Combination of Direct Imaging and Radial Velocity Surveys
remote O'Toole, Cian (Trinity College Dublin) Aurorae, Clouds or Magnetic Spots? Disentangling the Drivers of Variability in Three Early L-Dwarfs
remote Verma, Avinash (National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar) Unravelling the Atmospheres of Faraway Worlds with Adaptable Planetary Atmosphere Model


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(last updated August 22nd, 2024 11:53:54)