

2023 Sagan Summer Workshop

Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres: The Next Twenty Years

Agenda (all times listed in Pacific Daylight Time)

Click on the title to download the presentation slides; click on the video link to view the presentation.

Sunday July 23: Registration Gathering

Join us for an outdoor registration gathering at Dabney Gardens from 4-6 pm, you can pick up your registration materials, put up your printed posters, and meet your fellow attendees.

Monday July 24: Atmosphere Fundamentals

Time Title Speaker
Session Chair: Tom Greene (NASA Ames)
8:30 am Welcome and Opening Comments (video) Dawn Gelino, Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
9:00 am Introduction: Atmospheric Structure, Gas Giants vs. Sub-Neptunes vs. Terrestrial Planets (video) Heather Knutson (Caltech)
9:45 am Break
10:15 am Introduction: Radiative Transfer and Line Formation (video)) Paul Molliere (MPIA)
11:00 am Introduction: Chemistry of Exoplanet Atmospheres (video) Julie Moses (SSI)
11:45 am Introduction to Hands-on Sessions (video) Taylor Bell (NASA Ames)
12:00 pm Poster Pops presentation video (25; see schedule )
12:40 pm Lunch and Poster Session I (List of Posters)
2:30 pm Hands-on Session I: Reducing JWST Data: From Raw Data to Light Curves (webpage) (presentation) (video) Taylor Bell (NASA Ames), Kevin Stevenson (JHU/APL), Laura Kreidberg (MPIA)
5:00 pm Adjourn
5:30 pm Dinner in Dabney Gardens (optional; order deadline was July 13)

Tuesday July 25: Observations

Time (PDT) Title Speaker
Session Chair: Renyu Hu (JPL))
8:30 am Observations: Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy (video) Jason Wang (Northwestern University)
9:00 am Observations: Transmission (video) Hannah Wakeford (University of Bristol)
9:30 am Observations: Secondary Eclipses and Phase Curves (video) Laura Kreidberg (MPIA)
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Observations: High-resolution Spectroscopy (video) Matteo Brogi (University of Turin, remote speaker)
11:00 am Observations: Interferometry (video) Sascha Quanz (ETH Zurich)
11:30 am Panel Discussion: Applicability and Comparison of Techniques (interpretation and end-to-end examples) (video) moderated by Tom Greene (NASA Ames)
12:15 pm Poster Pops presentation video (19, see schedule )
12:45 pm Lunch and Poster Session II (List of Posters)
2:45 pm Hands-on Session II: Fitting JWST Data: from light curves to planet spectra (website) (presentation) (video) Taylor Bell (NASA Ames), Kevin Stevenson (JHU/APL), Laura Kreidberg (MPIA)
5:15 pm Adjourn

Wednesday July 26: Atmospheres in Context

Time Title Speaker
Session Chair: Emily Rauscher (Univ. of Michigan)
8:30 am Lessons Learned from Brown Dwarfs (video) Mark Marley (University of Arizona)
9:00 am Lessons Learned from the Solar System (video) Leigh Fletcher (University of Leicester)
9:30 am Studying Solar System Bodies as Exoplanets (video) Laura Mayorga (JHU/APL)
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Star-Planet Interactions (video) Joseph Llama (Lowell Observatory)
11:00 am Retrievals and Fitting Models to Data (video) Mike Line (Arizona State University)
11:30 am Group Picture
11:40 am Lunch
1:00 pm Hands-on Session III: Forward Modeling with PICASO (website) (slides) (video) Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames)
3:00 pm Break
3:30 pm Hands-on Session IV: Retrievals using petitRADTRANS (video) Paul Molliere (MPIA)
5:30 pm Adjourn

Thursday July 27: Connecting Observations with Models

Time Title Speaker
Session Chair: Laura Kreidberg (MPIA)
8:30 am Observations of Terrestrial Exoplanet Atmospheres (including Trappist-1) (video) Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames)
9:00 am Formation and Links to Present-day Atmospheres (Terrestrial Planets with Secondary Atmospheres) (video) Yamila Miguel (Leiden Observatory)
9:30 am Interior (bulk) Compositions and the Importance of Measured Masses and Connection to Atmospheres (video) Leslie Rogers (University of Chicago)
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Looking Through Clouds and Hazes with JWST (video) Peter Gao (Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory)
11:00 am Mapping the 3D Structure of Exoplanet Atmospheres using Transit Spectroscopy (video) Emily Rauscher (University of Michigan)
11:30 am Atmospheric Escape and Mass Loss (video) Hilke Schlichting (UCLA)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Hands-on Session: Group Projects
5:00 pm Adjourn
5:30 pm Dinner in Dabney Gardens (optional; order deadline was July 13)

Friday July 28: Next Steps in Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres

Time Title Speaker
Session Chair: Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
8:30 am Prospects for Biosignatures (video) Eddie Schwieterman (UC Riverside)
9:00 am Prospects for Technosignatures (video) Jacob Haqq-Misra (Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, remote speaker)
9:30 am JWST I: Transit Science (video) Nikole Lewis (Cornell University)
10:00 am Break
10:30 am JWST II: Imaging (video) Aarynn Carter (UCSC)
11:00 am Future Facilities: ELTs (video) Quinn Konopacky (UC San Diego)
11:30 am Future Facilities: ARIEL and CASE (video) Giovanna Tinetti (University College London)
12:00 pm Lunch
Session Chair: Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
1:30 pm Future Facilities: MIRECLE (video) Kevin Stevenson (JHU/APL)
2:00 pm Future Facilities: IR/O/UV Flagship (video) Shawn Domagal-Goldman (NASA GSFC)
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm Group Project Presentations (video)
4:30 pm Closing Comments (video) Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
4:45 pm Adjourn

Saturday July 29: EXCALIBUR Workshop

The Excalibur workshop will take place in the same location as the Sagan Workshop, Baxter Lecture Hall at Caltech. It will also use the same Zoom webinar link.


Workshop Code of Conduct

2023 Workshop home page

(last updated September 28th, 2023 14:53:33)