The search for Earth-size and larger planets
through transit events about solar-type stars will involve
continuous monitoring of over +150,000 stars, consisting largely of
F through M main sequence stars, through mission life. Kepler is
in an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit, which insures a thermally stable
environment and provides the ability to remain on a single
pointing for the mission duration. Pointed observations away from the
single stare position of the mission cannot be
accommodated by Kepler; GO targets are limited to the objects available in
the fixed FOV. Quarterly rolls are performed –
one roll every 93 days – to reorient the solar arrays. With each
roll, the stars in the FOV land on different regions of the
detector relative to their pre-roll position, introducing discontinuities in the light curve.
Kepler was designed for optimum performance for
9 < mkep < 15 stars but potential GOs please note that the useful magnitude range for GO programs is muchg broader. targets brighter than mkep = 11 are saturated, but photometric precision is recoverable, although expensive in terms of pixels, down to mkep = 5. Kepler will achieve a benchmark photometric, shot noise-dominated
precision, near the middle of this magnitude range, of 50
parts-per-million (ppm) on a mkep = 12 G2V star in 30 minutes of
on targets as faint as 20th magnitude if the photometric precision
of 3% over 30 min yields scientifically valuable
results. The broad photometric bandpass has a half-maximum transmission
range of 430 to 840 nm. The instrument has neither changeable filters
nor dispersing elements. The detector has an image scale of ~3.98
arcseconds per pixel. The image quality varies with position in the focal plane,
with the 95% encircled energy diameter ranging from 3.1 to 7.5 pixels,
with a median of 4.2 pixels. The percentage of point-source flux
concentrated in the center pixel is between 20% and 62%, with a median
value of 45%. Because of a very stable focal plane, a precision better than 1 milliarcsecond over periods up to three months is expected for the relative centroid positions of stars.
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