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Kepler Guest Observer Program

Contributed Software - KEPWINDOW

Software: PyKE
Version: 2.0.1

kepwindow -- Calculate and store the window function for a Kepler time series

kepwindow infile outfile fcol fmax nfreq plot clobber verbose logfile status

infile = string
The name of a MAST standard format FITS file containing a Kepler light curve within the first data extension.

outfile = string
The name of the output FITS file with a new extension containing the window function.

fcol = string
The name of the FITS table column in extension 1 of infile with which the window function should be coupled to. While the window function ostensibly requires the timing information, this particular piece of information is required so that the task can search the fcol array for bad data such as instances of NaN. These will be rejected before the window function is calculated.

fmax = float
The maximum frequency on which the window function will be calculated. The unit is 1/day.

nfreq = integer
The number of uniform frequency steps between 0 and fmax over which the window function will be calculated.

plot = boolean
Plot the output window function?

clobber = boolean (optional)
Overwrite the output file? if clobber = no and an existing file has the same name as outfile then the task will stop with an error.

verbose = boolean (optional)
Print informative messages and warnings to the shell and logfile?

logfile = string (optional)
Name of the logfile containing error and warning messages.

status = integer
Exit status of the script. It will be non-zero if the task halted with an error. This parameter is set by the task and should not be modified by the user.

Kepler time stamps are not perfectly uniform. There are gaps in the data due to operational pauses and issues, and timestamps are corrected to the barycenter of the solar system. The size of the barycenter correction is time-dependent. kepwindow calculates a discrete window function for a user-provided Kepler time series. The result is stored in a new FITS file that is a direct copy of the input file but with an additional table extension containing the window function. A permanent copy of the optional plot can be stored by using the save button on the plotting GUI.


  • kepwindow infile=kplr002436324-2009259160929_llc.fits outfile=output.fits fcol=SAP_FLUX fmax=0.7 nfreq=500 plot=y

Full completion upon one quarter of Kepler long cadence target depends on the data cadence and the value of nfreq. using a 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac running OS 10.6.4, 100 frequency steps on a full quarter of long cadence data takes 10 seconds.

The Kepler PyRAF package is privately-developed software made available to the community through the contributed software page of the GO program at It is not an official software product of the Kepler mission. Bugs and errors are not the responsibility of NASA or the Kepler Team. Please send bug reports and suggestions to


Initial software release (MS)
Tool can now be run from te command line (TB)
more reliable plot rendering on linux operating systems (MS)

kepdynamic, kepft, keptrial

Questions concerning Kepler's science opportunities and open programs, public archive or community tools? Contact us via the email address.
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Martin Still
NASA Official: Jessie Dotson
Last Updated: Jan 6, 2012
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