kepmask -- plots, creates or edits custom light curve extraction masks for target pixel files
kepft infile maskfile plotfile tabrow imin imax iscale cmap verbose
logfile status
infile = string
The name of a target pixel file from the MAST Kepler archive, containing a standard mask
definition image in the second data extension.
maskfile = string
The name of an ASCII mask definition file. This is either the name of a file to be plotted,
a file to be created, or a file to be edited.
plotfile = string
The name of a PNG plot file containing a record of the mask defined or uploaded by this
tabrow = float
A target pixel file contains one target image for every cadence within a long cadence
quarter or short cadence month. A target can move across one or more pixel in that time
due to differential velocity aberration, and focus drift. Users are recommended to use
an image close to the middle of the quarter or month to minimize the impact of target
drift across the defined mask. If there are 4600 cadences over the quarter, then
tabrow=2300 is recommended. This will use the image in row 2,300 of the target table
to guide the definition of the mask.
imin = float (optional)
Sets the minimum intensity range for the image display. The user can select the minimum
level (in electrons per cadence) with this parameter. The default minimum intensity level
is the median of the faintest 10% of pixels in the image.
imax = float (optional)
Sets the maximum intensity range for the image display. The user can select the maximum
level (in electrons per cadence) with this parameter. The default maximum intensity level
is the median of the brightest 10% of pixels in the image.
iscale = string (optional)
The type of intensity scaling for the image display. Options: linear | logarithmic |
cmap = string (optional)
Color intensity scheme for the image display. The various options can be inspected and
compared together if cmap=browse is selected. Options:
Spectral | summer | RdBu|gist_earth | Set1 | Set2 | Set3 | Dark2 | hot | RdPu | YlGnBu | RdYlBu
| gist_stern | cool | gray | GnBu | gist_ncar | gist_rainbow | bone | RdYlGn | spring
| Accent | PuBu | spectral | gist_yarg | BuGn | YlOrRd | Greens | PRGn | gist_heat | Paired
| hsv | Pastel2 | Pastel1 | copper | OrRd | jet | BuPu | Oranges | PiYG | YlGn | gist_gray
| flag | BrBG | Reds | RdGy | PuRd | Blues | Greys | autumn | pink | binary | winter
| prism | YlOrBr | Purples | PuOr | PuBuGn | browse.
verbose = boolean (optional)
Print informative messages and warnings to the shell and logfile?
logfile = string (optional)
Name of the logfile containing error and warning messages.
status = integer
Exit status of the script. It will be non-zero if the task halted with an
error. This parameter is set by the task and should not be modified by the
kepmask plots, creates or edits custom target masks for target pixel
files. The product from this task is a target mask definition file which can be
used by kepextract to extract
a light curve from target pixel data. This tool is a GUI interface for defining
a pixel mask by moving a mouse over image pixels and selecting them by pressing the 'x' key on the keyboard. Functionality is mostly
identical to the kepffi for
constructing a mask from Full-Frame Image data. Detailed instructions may be
found by following the kepffi link.
- kepmask infile=kplr012984227-2009170134520_lpd-targ.fits
maskfile=mask.txt plotfile=kepmask.png tabrow=2000
iscale=logarithmic cmap=bone
Completion upon one target pixel file using a 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 i7 Mac running
OS 10.6.6, takes a few seconds in addition to the manual input required by the tool.
The Kepler PyRAF package is privately-developed software made available to
the community through the contributed software page of the GO program at PyKE is not an
official software product of the Kepler mission or NASA. Bugs and errors are not
the responsibility of the Kepler Team or NASA. Please send bug reports and
suggestions to
Initial software release (MS)
Replaced mouse event listener with button event listener to avoid mouse incompatibilities between mac and linux (MS)
Replaced pylab.ioff() call with pylab.draw() in order to avoid issues with plot rendering in subsequent tasks (MS)
Trapped new behavior of STSCI_PYTHON 2.12 in reading multi-dimension FITS columns (MS)
Code can now be run from the command line (TB)
more reliable plot rendering on linux operating systems (MS)