kepconvert -- Convert Kepler FITS time series to or from a different file format
kepconvert infile outfile conversion columns baddata clobber verbose
logfile status
infile = string
The name of an input file, e.g. a
MAST standard format FITS file containing a Kepler light curve
within the first data extension, or an ASCII table.
outfile = string
The name of the output file, e.g. a FITS structure or ASCII table.
conversion = string (fits2asc|asc2fits)
Define the type of file conversion.
columns = string
A comma-delimited list of data column names or descriptors.
baddata = boolean (optional)
If yes, all the rows from the input FITS file are output to an ascii file. If no then only rows with SAP_QUALITY equal to zero will but output. This option is only applicable if conversion = fits2asc.
clobber = boolean (optional)
Overwrite the output file? if clobber = no and an existing file has
the same name as outfile then the task will stop with an error.
verbose = boolean (optional)
Print informative messages and warnings to the shell and logfile?
logfile = string (optional)
Name of the logfile containing error and warning messages.
status = integer
Exit status of the script. It will be non-zero if the task halted with an
error. This parameter is set by the task and should not be modified by the
The Kepler PyRAF tasks perform exclusively upon a standardized
FITS file format. kepconvert converts tabular data to or
from FITS format. Currently, only ASCII conversions are supported.
- Convert data from a FITS format to ASCII.
- kepconvert infile=kplr002436324-2009259160929_llc.fits
outfile=2436324-Q3.txt conversion=fits2asc columns=TIME,RAW_FLUX,RAW_FLUX_ERR,SAP_QUALITY
- Convert data from ASCII format to FITS.
- kepconvert infile=2436324-Q3.txt outfile=kplr002436324-Q3.fits
conversion=asc2fits columns=TIME,RAW_FLUX,RAW_FLUX_ERR
Full completion upon one quarter of Kepler long cadence target using a 3.06
GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac running OS 10.6.4 takes 1 second.
The Kepler PyRAF package is privately-developed software made available to
the community through the contributed software page of the GO program at It is not an
official software product of the Kepler mission. Bugs and errors are not
the responsibility of NASA or the Kepler Team. Please send bug reports and
suggestions to
Initial software release (MS)
Updated for Kepler FITS v2.0 (MS)
Precision of FITS-ASCII conversion increased (TB)
Added option to only output those rows which have a data quality flag of zero (i.e. no known issues with that cadence). (TB)
Code can now be run from the command line (TB)