2012 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop: July 23-27, 2012
Working with Exoplanet Light Curves
Final Agenda
The table below shows the posted presentations only; scroll down for the full agenda (including POP schedule, breaks, hands on sessions, etc.)
Click "presentation" to view a PDF of the slides presented in each talk. Click "m4v movie" to view movies of each presentation, with the slides embedded (unless there were technical difficulties, as noted).
Monday, July 23
8:30 am |
Welcome and Opening Comments |
Dawn Gelino (NExScI) |
n/a |
8:45 am |
The Promise of Transits |
Josh Winn (MIT) |
9:30 am |
Basic Light Curve Models |
Eric Agol (Univ. of Washington) |
11:15 am |
Validation and Confirmation of Transit Signals (3 parts) |
Validation and Confirmation of Transit Signals |
Gaspar Bakos (Princeton) |
Ground-based Transit Surveys |
Tim Morton (Caltech) |
The Validation of Habitable/Rocky Planets |
Francois Fressin (Harvard CfA) |
1:00 pm |
Working with MCMC Codes: Exofast |
Jason Eastman (Las Cumbres Observatory) |
2:00 pm |
Survey Statistics I |
Andrew Howard (UC Berkeley) |
3:05 pm |
Survey Statistics II |
Andrew Howard (UC Berkeley) |
Tuesday, July 24
8:30 am |
Transit Timing Variations |
Dan Fabrycky (Univ. of Chicago) |
1:45 pm |
The Importance of Stellar Properties to Estimating Planet Characteristics |
Andrew Cameron (Univ. of St. Andrews) |
2:45 pm |
Determining the Physical Parameters of M-Dwarf Planet-Hosts |
Phil Muirhead (Caltech) |
3:15 pm |
Photometric Orbital Modulations |
Avi Shporer (LCOGT) |
4:35 pm |
Software for Analysis of Transit Data |
Joel Hartman (Princeton) |
5:20 pm |
VAO Tools |
Joe Lazio (JPL) |
Wednesday, July 25
8:15 am |
Working with Kepler Data: From Pixel Data to Light Curves |
Martin Still (NASA Ames) |
9:15 am |
High Throughput Computing for Astronomers |
Mats Rynge (USC/ISI) |
Thursday, July 26
8:30 am |
Infrared Photometry: How to Make Your Own Light Curves |
Jacob Bean (Univ. of Chicago) |
10:20 am |
Introduction to Transit Spectroscopy |
Heather Knutson (Caltech) |
11:20 am |
Exploring the Interface Between RV and Transits |
Josh Winn (MIT) |
1:30 pm |
Ground-based Surveys and Transits |
Gaspar Bakos (Princeton) |
2:20 pm |
Planetary Structure: Inferring Atmospheric Characteristics from Transits |
Jean-Michel Desert (Harvard CfA) |
3:40 pm |
Planetary System Dynamics |
Kaitlin Kratter (Harvard CfA) |
4:35 pm |
Planetary Structure I: Rocky Planets |
Christophe Sotin (JPL) |
Friday, July 27
8:30 am |
Looking for Moons |
David Kipping (Harvard CfA) |
9:30 am |
Looking for Rings and Other Unusual Features |
Jason Barnes (Univ. of Idaho) |
11:00 am |
Spot-Crossing Models for Spin-Orbit Alignment |
Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda (MIT) |
11:45 am |
Planetary Structure II: Giant Planets |
Jonathan Fortney (UCSC) |
1:45 pm |
Properties of Stars from Precision Photometry |
Bill Chaplin (Univ. of Birmingham) |
2:45 pm |
Future Missions |
Pieter Deroo (JPL) |
3:30 pm |
Survey and Closing Comments |
Dawn Gelino (NExScI) |
n/a |
Complete Agenda
Sunday, July 22
- 6:00-8:00 pm: Opening Reception — Beckman Institute Courtyard, Caltech
Monday, July 23
- 8:30 am: Welcome and Opening Comments — Dawn Gelino (NExScI)
- 8:45 am: The Promise of Transits— Josh Winn (MIT)
- 9:30 am: Basic Light Curve Models — Eric Agol (Univ. of Washington)
- 10:30 am: Attendee Pops (7) — click to view the POP Schedule
- 10:45 am: Morning Break
- 11:15 am: Validation and Confirmation of Transit Signals
- Validation and Confirmation of Transit Signals — Gaspar Bakos (Princeton)
- Ground-based Transit Surveys — Tim Morton (Caltech)
- The Validation of Habitable/Rocky Planets — Francois Fressin (Harvard CfA)
- 12:15 pm: Lunch (provided)
- 1:00 pm: Working with MCMC Codes: Exofast — Jason Eastman (Las Cumbres Observatory)
- 2:00 pm: Survey Statistics I — Andrew Howard (UC Berkeley)
- 2:45 pm: Afternoon Break
- 3:05 pm: Survey Statistics II — Andrew Howard (UC Berkeley)
- 3:50 pm: Hands-on Session — Modeling a Light Curve — led by Stephen Kane (NExScI) and Zach Gazak (IfA)
- 6:00 pm: Adjourn
Tuesday, July 24
- 8:30 am: Transit Timing Variations — Dan Fabrycky (Univ. of Chicago)
- 9:30 am: Attendee Pops (15) — click to view the POP Schedule
- 10:00 am: Workshop Picture and Morning Break
- 10:30 am: Hands-on Session — TTVs — led by Dan Fabrycky (UCSC/Univ. of Chicago) and Darin Ragozzine (Univ. of Florida)
- 12:30 pm: Lunch (on own)
- 1:45 pm: The Importance of Stellar Properties to Estimating Planet Characteristics — Andrew Cameron (Univ. of St. Andrews)
- 2:45 pm: Determining the Physical Parameters of M-Dwarf Planet-Hosts — Phil Muirhead (Caltech)
- 3:15 pm: Photometric Orbital Modulations <— Avi Shporer (LCOGT)
- 3:45 pm: Afternoon Break
- 4:10 pm: Attendee Pops (11) — click to view the POP Schedule
- 4:35 pm: Software for Analysis of Transit Data — Joel Hartman (Princeton)
- 5:20 pm: VAO Tools — Joe Lazio (JPL)
- 5:50 pm: Adjourn
Wednesday, July 25
- 8:15 am: Working with Kepler Data: From Pixel Data to Light Curves — Martin Still (NASA Ames)
- 9:15 am: — Mats Rynge (USC/ISI)
- 9:55 am: Morning Break
- 10:20 am: Hands-on Session — Working with Kepler Data — led by Martin Still (NASA Ames) and Jessie Christiansen (NASA Ames)
- 12:30 pm: Box Lunch and Depart for Tour of Mt. Wilson Observatory
- ~6:00 pm: Arrive back in Pasadena
Thursday, July 26
- 8:30 am: Infrared Photometry: How to Make Your Own Light Curves — Jacob Bean (Univ. of Chicago)
- 9:20 am: Attendee Pops (14) — click to view the POP Schedule
- 9:50 am: Morning Break
- 10:20 am: Introduction to Transit Spectroscopy — Heather Knutson (Caltech)
- 11:20 pm: Exploring the Interface Between RV and Transits— Josh Winn (MIT)
- 12:10 pm: Lunch (on own)
- 1:30 pm: Ground-based Surveys and Transits — Gaspar Bakos (Princeton)
- 2:20 pm: Planetary Structure: Inferring Atmospheric Characteristics from Transits — Jean-Michel Desert (Harvard CfA)
- 3:10 pm: Afternoon Break
- 3:40 pm: Planetary System Dynamics — Kaitlin Kratter (Harvard CfA)
- 4:35 pm: Planetary Structure I: Rocky Planets — Christophe Sotin (JPL)
- 5:30 pm: Adjourn
- 7:00 pm: Workshop Banquet at Porto Alegre Churrascaria restaurant
Friday, July 27
- 8:30 am: Looking for Moons— David Kipping (Harvard CfA)
- 9:30 am: Looking for Rings and Other Unusual Features — Jason Barnes (Univ. of Idaho)
- 10:30 am: Morning Break
- 11:00 am: Spot-Crossing Models for Spin-Orbit Alignment <— Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda (MIT)
- 11:45 am: Planetary Structure II: Giant Planets — Jonathan Fortney (UCSC)
- 12:45 pm: Lunch (provided)
- 1:45 am: Properties of Stars from Precision Photometry — Bill Chaplin (Univ. of Birmingham)
- 2:45 pm: Future Missions — Chas Beichman (NExScI), Pieter Deroo (JPL)
- 3:30 pm: Survey and Closing Comments
- 4:00 pm: Adjourn
Questions? Sagan_Workshop@ipac.caltech.edu
2012 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop main page
last updated November 27, 2012