
Piecing Together the Complete Puzzle of Planet Populations

November 9-13, 2020

Poster Presentations for the Virtual Online Meeting

Hosted by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, IPAC/Caltech

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Poster Title Presenter
Inner Planetary System Demographics
The Unexpectedly Divergent Fates of Hot Jupiters and Ultra-short-period Planets (view poster) Jacob Hamer (Johns Hopkins University)
Lonely No More? A Uniform Search for Nearby Planetary Companions to Hot Jupiters Using TESS Data (view poster) Ben Hord (University of Maryland, College Park)
Outer Planetary System Demographics
A Survey of the Coldest Planets Around Low-mass Stars Mallory Harris (University of New Mexico)
Searching for Long-period, Transiting Exoplanets with Planet Hunters Emily Safron (Louisiana State University)
The Mass Function and Multiplicity of Directly Imaged Planets (view poster) Kevin Wagner (University of Arizona)
COCONUTS: COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS Zhoujian "ZJ" Zhang (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
Small Planets
What Types of Rocky Worlds Will TESS Likely Discover? (view poster) Jake Clark (University of Southern Queensland)
Revisited Mass-radius Relations for Exoplanets Below 120Me (view poster) Jon Fernandez Otegi (University of Geneva)
Atmosphere-Magma Interaction and the Exoplanet Mass-Radius Diagram (view poster) Edwin Kite (Univ. of Chicago)
"Earth-Like": A Browser-based Climate Model for Exploring the Diversity of Earth-like Planets Elizabeth Tasker (ISAS, JAXA)
Giant Planets to Brown Dwarfs
Demographics of giant exoplanets from the CORALIE survey (view poster) Domenico Barbato (University of Geneva)
Optimization of the MISHAPS Data Pipeline (view poster) Alison Crisp (Louisiana State University)
Testing Brown Dwarf Cooling Models with a New Substellar Dynamical Mass (view poster) Kyle Franson (The University of Texas at Austin)
Radial Velocity Survey of Giant Planets Around the 304 Nearest K Dwarfs (view poster) Leonardo Paredes (Georgia State University)
Architectures of Systems: Observations
Discovering Hidden Worlds with DYNAMITE (view poster) Jeremy Dietrich (Univ. of Arizona Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory)
Investigating Unseen Exoplanets in Kepler Multis (view poster) Abigail Graham (Brigham Young University)
Determining the Mutual Inclinations of Exoplanets (view poster) Kate Hendrickson (Brigham Young University)
Filling in the Gaps: Inputing the Missing Properties of Exoplanets with Machine Learning Elizabeth Tasker (ISAS, JAXA)
The Major Features of the Distribution of Exoplanets of Sun-like Stars, Highlighted by the Peak-Gap-Peak Feature (view poster) Stuart Taylor (Participation Worldscope)
Bayesian Model Comparison as a Tool to Determine the Number of Planets in Multi-body Systems (view poster) Nicolas Unger (Observatoire de Genève)
Evidence for a High Mutual Inclination Between the Cold Jupiter and Transiting Super Earth Orbiting π Men (view poster) Jerry Xuan (University of Cambridge, Caltech)
Long-period Giant Planet Outside the Compact Multi-planet System Kepler-129 (view poster) Jingwen Zhang (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy)
Architectures of Systems: Theory
The Role of Gas Disk Gravitational Instability Models in Exoplanet Population Synthesis Models (view poster) Alan Boss (Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution)
PhoDyMM: The PhotoDynamical Multi-planet Model (view poster) Daniel Jones (Brigham Young University)
Impact of Tides on the Potential for Exoplanets to Host Exomoons (view poster) Armen Tokadjian (USC)
Exoplanet Demographics with Stellar Properties
The Dichotomy of Atmospheric Escape in AU Mic b (view poster) Stephen Carolan (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
Host-star Metallicity of Directly Imaged Planets (view poster) Swastik Chowbay (Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
How Stellar Activity Cycle Can Shape Atmospheric Escape (view poster) Gopal Hazra (Trinity College Dublin)
The Occurrence Rate of Short-Period Planets around A-Type Stars from TESS Marshall Johnson (Las Cumbres Observatory)
Comparison of Microlensing Planet Distribution with a Galactic Model (view poster) Naoki Koshimoto (University of Tokyo)
An Increase in Small Planet Occurrence with Metallicity for Late-type Dwarf Stars in the Kepler Field and Its Implications for Planet Formation (view poster) Cicero Lu (Johns Hopkins University)
Transit and Comparison Star Effects on Resulting Light Curves for TOI 1780.01 (view poster) Sujay Nair (Stanford OHS)
Planetary Occurrence Rates Around Early-M Dwarfs with HADES (view poster) Matteo Pinamonti (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino)
A Planetary Sysytem Discovered Around a Nearby Young Star Peter Plavchan (George Mason University)
The Epoch of Giant Planet Migration: A Near-Infrared RV Survey for Giant Planets Around Young Sun-like Stars (view poster) Quang Tran (University of Texas at Austin)
Looking for Hot Jupiters orbiting M dwarfs in TESS: Where Are They? Emma Turtelboom (UC Berkeley)
Exoplanet Demographics with White Dwarfs
Irradiated Brown Dwarfs - Hot Jupiter Analogues? (view poster) Sarah Casewell (University of Leicester)
Triaxial Asteroids as Reservoirs for Planetary Debris Around White Dwarfs (view poster) Catriona MacDonald (University of Warwick)
The Demographics of Exo-minor Planets (view poster) Dimitri Veras (University of Warwick)
Exoplanet Demographics with Stellar Environment
ARMADA: A Unique Hunt for Exoplanets and Low-mass Companions to Hot Stars (view poster) Tyler Gardner (University of Michigan)
Binary Exoplanet Host Star Orbital Period Distribution (view poster) Steve Howell (NASA Ames)
Differential Abundances of a Planet-hosting Star and its Wide Binary Companion to Explore Planet Formation (view poster) Emiliano Jofré (Instituto de Astronomía - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Spiral Arm Motion Informs the Existence of Hidden Planet(s): A Case Study for MWC 758 (view poster) Bin Ren (California Institute of Technology)
First Radial Velocity Mass Determination of a Circumbinary Planet (view poster) Matthew Standing (University of Birmingham)
Exoplanet Atmosphere Demographics
Colour-magnitude Diagrams of Transiting Exoplanets (view poster) Georgina Dransfield (University of Birmingham)
Photoevaporation of Water Dominated Exoplanet Atmospheres (view poster) Laura Harbach (Imperial College London)
Atmospheric Speciation of Rocky Planets from Magma Ocean Outgassing (view poster) Tim Lichtenberg (University of Oxford)
To Cool is to Keep: Residual H/He Atmospheres of Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes William Misener (UCLA)
Using Machine Learning to Remove Noise from Stellar Spots in Exoplanetary Data (view poster) Artash Nath
GJ 436b and the Stellar Wind Interaction: Simulations Constraints Using Spectral Lines (view poster) Carolina Villarrea D'Angelo (Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba)
Future Exoplanet Demographics Missions
The Computational Challenge of Planetary Microlensing in a New Perspective (view poster) Valerio Bozza (Università di Salerno)
Imaging the Interaction between Planets and Young Disks with the ngVLA Sarah Harter (California State University, Northridge)
Expectations from Future Missions (PLATO and Ariel) in Exoplanet Demographics Simran Kaur (Khalsa College)
Intelligent Classifier of Patterns for Celestial Bodies Using a Two-dimensional Approach Raul Jimenez Cruz (Centro de Investigación en Computación)
Study of Cosmological Bias Of Galaxies in Quasi Linear Regime Sujata Mohanty (CMR University, Bangalore)
Transit and Comparison Star Effects on Resulting Light Curves for TOI 1780.01 Sujay Nair
Standing on an Asteroid: Exploring Virtual Reality for Outreach and Education Elizabeth Tasker (ISAS, JAXA)

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(last updated March 12th, 2021 20:37:02)