Gopal Hazra (Trinity College Dublin), Aline A. Vidotto (Trinity College Dublin), Carolina Villarreal D'Angelo (Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba (OAC-UNC))
We consider a hypothetical system where a hot Jupiter is orbiting our Sun at a = 0.05 AU
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of our model with equations used
Figure 2: XUV spectrum of the Sun
Solar XUV radiation is highly correlated with the solar cycle
As the Fxuv varies with cycle, we simulate 34 cases covering solar cycle 23-24.
Figure 3: Cyclic behavior of planetary properties
The solar surface magnetic flux is highly correlated with the XUV flux
Figure 4: Full scale magnetic flux vs XUV flux
For other stars, we can only get large-scale magnetic components (upto lmax = 10)
Is the large-scale component of solar magnetic field also correlated? Yes
Figure 5: Large-scale magnetic flux vs XUV flux
We calculated XUV fluxes from the star HD189733 using above formula at different epochs (when ZDI observations are available).
Flare case: five times stronger Fxuv from "minimum" magnetic activity
Figure 7: Spectral transit of Lyα and Hα lines over magnetic cycle