8:15 | Dawn Gelino (NExScI) and Chas Beichman (NExScI): Welcome and Opening Comments |
8:30 | Sasha Hinkley (Caltech): A New High-Contrast Imaging Program for Exoplanetary Science at Palomar |
8:55 | Remi Soummer (STScI): Science Optimization and design of a starshade for JWST |
9:20 | Amir Give'on (JPL): Controlling Amplitude and Phase - the Electric Field Conjugation Algorithm |
9:45 | Ruslan Belikov (Ames): Exoplanet Imaging with the PIAA Coronagraph: Latest Laboratory Results from NASA Ames |
10:10 | Morning Break |
10:35 | Julian van Eyken (NExScI): PTF Orion Project |
11:00 | Marshall Perrin (UCLA): Building the Gemini Planet Imager: Status Update and Future Plans |
8:30 | Ming Zhao (JPL): Imaging Stars and Hot Jupiters using the CHARA Interferometer |
8:55 | Jason Aufdenberg (Embry-Riddle): What's the Matter with Vega?: The Next Generation of Model Atmospheres for Rapidly Rotating Stars |
9:20 | Ettore Pedretti (Univ. of St. Andrews): Long-baseline Interferometry Study of the Symbiotic Star CH Cyg |
9:45 | Katie Morzinski (UC Santa Cruz): A High-Contrast Adaptive Optics Imaging Search for Brown Dwarfs |
10:10 | Morning Break |
10:30 | Hannah Jang-Condell (Univ. of Maryland/GSFC): Detecting Planets in Protoplanetary Disks |
10:55 | Marc Kuchner (GSFC): The Circumstellar Disk-Planet Connection |
11:20 | Eric Nielsen (Univ. of Arizona): On the Road to Imaging Extrasolar Planets: Null Results, Other Discoveries Along the Way, and Signposts for the Future |
11:45 | Subo Dong (Inst. for Advanced Studies): Searching for Extrasolar Planets with Gravitational Microlensing |
12:10 | Lunch (on own) |
1:45 | Chas Beichman (NExScI) Keynote Talk Protoplanetary Disks: Spitzer and Beyond |
2:45 | John Johnson (Caltech): Super-Earths or Mini-Neptunes? |
3:10 | Fergal Mullally (Princeton): Searching for Planets Around White Dwarf Stars |
3:35 | Afternoon Break |
4:00 | Phil Hinz (Univ. of Arizona): Direct Imaging of Planets in the Thermal Infrared |
4:25 | Dan Fabrycky (Harvard): The Dynamics of Hot Jupiters: Tales Told by Transits |
4:50 | Eliza Miller-Ricci (UC Santa Cruz): Atmospheres of Extrasolar Super-Earths |
5:15 | Ian Dobbs-Dixon (Univ. of Washington): Extrasolar Planetary Weather |
5:40 | Dawn Gelino (NExScI): Closing Comments |
5:50 | Adjourn |
last modified Nov. 16, 2009