Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Welcome and Opening Comments | Dawn Gelino (JPL), Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI), Tracy Chen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) |
Session Chair: Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) | ||
9:00 am | Introduction: From Jupiters to Earths: Current Status and Future Prospects with Direct Imaging (View Video) | Beth Biller (University of Edinburgh) |
9:45 am | Break | |
10:15 am | Introduction: Fourier Optics Theory and Fundamentals (View Video) | Iva Laginja (LESIA) |
11:00 am | Introduction: Coronagraph Optical Theory and Practice (View Video) | David Doelman (Leiden University) |
11:45 am | Introduction to Hands-on Sessions: Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 (View Video) | |
12:00 pm | Poster Pops I (download schedule) (View Video) | |
12:30 pm | Lunch and Poster Session I | |
2:15 pm | Hands-on Session I: Optical Modeling (View Video) | Sebastiaan Haffert (Leiden Observatory/Steward Observatory) and Emiel Por (STScI) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn | |
5:30 pm | Dinner on campus (optional, must pre-order) |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
Session Chair: Beth Biller (University of Edinburgh) | ||
8:30 am | Introduction: Exoplanet Atmospheric Studies (View Video) | Jacob Lustig-Yaeger (JHU/APL) |
9:15 am | A Direct Imager's Guide to Debris Disks (View Video) | John Debes (STScI) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | Post-processing for High-Contrast Imaging: Ground-based Instruments (View Video) | Faustine Cantalloube (University of Grenoble) |
11:15 am | Introduction: Wavefront Sensing and Control (View Video) | Becky Jensen-Clem (UCSC, remote speaker) |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:30 pm | Hands-on Session II: PSF Subtraction (View Video) | Jason Wang (Northwestern University/CIERA) |
4:30 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
Session Chair: Aki Roberge (NASA GSFC) | ||
8:30 am | Intro: Designing a Coronagraphic System (View Video) | Sebastiaan Haffert (Leiden Observatory/Steward Observatory) |
9:15 am | Survey Optimization/Yield Modeling Key Factors/Dependencies (View Video) | Chris Stark (GSFC, remote speaker) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | Calibrating High-contrast Data (View Video) | Rob De Rosa (ESO) |
11:00 am | High and Mid-dispersion Spectroscopy (View Video) | Jean-Baptiste Ruffio (UCSD) |
11:30 am | Poster Pops II (download schedule) (View Video) | |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:15 pm | Poster Session II | |
2:00 pm | Hands-on Session III: Yield Modeling (View Video) | Rhonda Morgan (JPL, in person) & Dmitry Savransky (Cornell University, remote speaker) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
Session Chair: Faustine Cantalloube (LAM) | ||
8:30 am | Interpreting Photometry and Spectroscopy (View Video) | Eileen Gonzales (SFSU) |
9:15 am | Orbital Fitting (View Video) | Sarah Blunt (Northwestern University) |
9:45 am | Break | |
10:15 am | Ground-based AO Surveys (View Video) | Clemence Fontanive (Université de Montréal) |
11:00 am | Lessons Learned in Ground-based Instruments (View Video) | Julien Milli (University of Grenoble, remote speaker) |
11:30 am | Space vs. Ground: JWST Case Studies (View Video) | Kimberly Ward-Duong (Smith College) |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:30 pm | Hands-on Session: Group Project Work Time | |
5:00 pm | Adjourn | |
5:30 pm | Dinner on campus (optional, must pre-order) |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
Session Chair: Jason Wang (Northwestern) | ||
8:30 am | VLTI: Exoplanet Interferometry (View Video) | Guillaume Bourdarot (MPE) |
9:00 am | ELT: METIS (View Video) | Gilles Orban de Xivry (University of Liège) |
9:30 am | GMT: GMagAO-X (View Video) | Jared Males (Steward Observatory/University of Arizona) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | Novel Concepts: Photonics for Astronomical Instruments (View Video) | Aline Dinkelaker (AIP) |
11:00 am | Aperture Masking: Interferometry in Astronomy (View Video) | Steph Sallum (UC Irvine) |
11:30 am | Lunch | |
Session Chair: Vanessa Bailey (JPL) | ||
1:00 pm | The Roman Coronagraph Instrument: Expected Capabilities & Relevance to HWO (View Video) | Bertrand Mennesson (JPL) |
1:30 pm | Panel Session with Instrument Team Members (View Video) | Mike Bottom (IfA), Dimitri Mawet (Caltech) and Bertrand Mennesson (JPL), moderated by Vanessa Bailey (JPL) |
2:00 pm | Habitable Worlds Observatory and Extremely Large Telescopes (View Video) | Aki Roberge (NASA GSFC) |
2:45 pm | Break | |
3:15 pm | Group Project Presentations | |
4:45 pm | Closing Comments | Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) and Tracy Chen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Questions? Sagan_Workshop@ipac.caltech.edu
(last updated July 29th, 2024 13:03:16)