There are three hands-on sessions during the 2024 Sagan Summer Workshop and we encourage all attendees to participate in as many as possible and in the group projects with informal presentations on Friday afternoon. Our goal is to allow both in-person and remote attendees participate in these sessions however support for remote attendees may be somewhat limited.
There are three hands-on sessions led by experts in the field during the 2024 Sagan Summer Workshop
We encourage all attendees to participate in these hands-on sessions, select one of the group projects to work on during the week, and make informal group presentations at the end of the workshop. Group projects are based on the hands-on sessions. Below is a list of currently available group projects. More details will be provided during the workshop.
Group projects from hands-on session I:
Group projects from hands-on session II:
Group projects from hands-on session III:
The hands-on session activities will use Google Colaboratory (Colab) notebooks. The Colab notebooks run in your Google Drive using a virtual machine and does not require a Python installation, therefore they provide the easiest way to work on the activities. A free Google account is required. No prior Python experience is required to participate in the hands-on sessions. For experienced Python users, the notebooks can generally be downloaded and run as jupyter notebooks, but there may be dependencies in addition to the defined packages in the notebook that you may need to install. Please run the Setup notebooks prior to the Workshop.
Here are the instructions:
Optical modeling plays an integral part in designing and analyzing the performance of high-contrast imaging systems. This hands-on session will teach you the basics of how such diffraction calculations are performed, for both space- and ground-based telescopes, and will provide valuable insights into the behavior of light within complex optical systems. We will use HCIPy for all simulations in this session.
During this session you will learn:
In this hands-on session, you will learn how to image and characterize exoplanets with real data. The core of this process is performing stellar point spread function (PSF) subtraction to remove the glare of the star and look for faint planets in the data. In this hands-on session, you will learn how to perform stellar PSF subtraction using the pyklip package and look for real planets in real data. From there, you will learn how to measure the significance of a detection, quantify the sensitivity of the data, and measure the properties of any exoplanets you detect.
Science yield modeling plays a key role in space mission development, including current efforts around the Habitable Worlds Observatory. Yield modeling allows scientists and engineers to explicitly test the impact of engineering decisions on possible mission outcomes, which is especially important for the technologically challenging case of exoplanet imaging.
The session organizers suggest that you review these pre-recorded short talks on the fundamental concepts of yield modeling posted here.
In this hands on session you will learn the basic techniques of exoplanet imaging yield modeling, including:
(last updated October 21st, 2024 15:22:53)