8:30 | Dawn Gelino (NExScI) and Chas Beichman (NExScI): Welcome and Opening Comments |
2:50 | Laurent Pueyo (Johns Hopkins University): High Contrast Imaging with an Arbitrary Aperture: Active Correction of Aperture Discontinuities |
3:10 | Afternoon Break |
3:40 | Katie Morzinski (Univ. of Arizona): MagAO: Bringing AO to the Magellan Clay Telescope |
4:00 | Ettore Pedretti (Scottish Assoc. for Marine Science): From Imaging Stars to Measuring Waves in Sea Ice: An Interferometrist Tale |
4:20 | Christian Schwab (Yale): Single Mode, Extreme Precision Doppler Spectrographs |
4:40 | John Johnson (Caltech): Toward a Grand Unified Theory of Hot Jupiters |
5:00 | Ivan Ramirez (Univ. of Texas, Austin): Finding Planets using Stellar Chemical Abundances |
5:20 | Adjourn |
7:00 | Dinner at Porto Alegro restaurant (free for speakers, $50 for others and guests) |
last modified November 20, 2012