2012 Sagan/Michelson Fellows Symposium
November 8-9, 2012
Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill
California Institute of Technology

2012 Fellows Symposium Attendees
General Information
The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) will host the Sagan/Michelson Fellows Symposium on November 8-9, 2012 at Caltech. The symposium is for current and past Sagan/Michelson graduate student and postdoctoral fellows to present current or past research results and will highlight many of their cutting-edge efforts. All interested parties are welcome to attend. The last Fellows Symposium was held in November 2009.
There is no registration fee for the symposium, however we ask that all those who will attend register for planning purposes. Click here to register and to submit your abstract (deadline for abstract submission is Oct. 4).
Agenda and Information for Speakers
The agenda is now available! We will have a panel on Career Paths/Transitions and two keynote speakers, Professor Peter Goldreich of Caltech and the Institute of Advanced Study and Professor John Grotzinger of Caltech, the project scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory, who will speak on early results from the Curiosity Mars rover.
Financially supported travelers must follow the Travel Guidelines and stay at the symposium hotel. Financially supported travelers will receive contact information for the NExScI administrative support person who will be helping with their reimbursement
Symposium Dinner! There will be a symposium dinner at on Thursday evening Nov. 8 at Porto Alegre restaurant in Pasadena. The dinner is free for speakers and $50 for others and guests. Please RSVP for the dinner to saganfellowship@ipac.caltech.edu if you plan to attend.
Confirmed Speakers and Fellowship Project Title
- Sarah Ballard - Investigating Habitable Worlds: Validating and Characterizing Kepler-Identified Planet Candidates around M Dwarf Stars
- Aaron Boley - The First Stages of Planet Formation
- Sean Brittain - Measuring the Physical and Chemical Environment of Planet Formation
- Lucas Cieza - Witnessing Planet Formation in Circumstellar Transition Disks
- Bryce Croll - Multiwavelength Characterization of the Atmospheres of Alien Worlds
- Jean-Michel Desert - Exploring the Plurality of New Worlds
- Subo Dong - Searching For Extrasolar Planets with Gravitational Microlensing
- Catherine Espaillat - Towards a Multi-Wavelength View of Planet-Forming Circumstellar Disks
- Sasha Hinkley - High-Contrast Integral Field Spectroscopy for Exoplanetary Science
- Hannah Jang-Condell - Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in Disks with Planets
- David Kipping - A Search for Exomoons
- Nikole Lewis - Chemistry of Exoplanet Atmospheres: Linking Three-Dimensional Chemical, Dynamical and Radiative Processes
- Stefan Kraus - Exploring the potential planet-forming regions in young stellar disks with infrared interferometry
- Wladimir Lyra - Planet Formation in Protostellar Disks Through Vortices in Layered Accretion Flows
- Rebecca Martin - Accretion and Planetary System Formation
- Rafael Millan-Gabet - Near Infrared Interferometry of Young Stars
- Margaret Moerchen - A Mid-IR Study of Circumstellar Debris Disk Evolution
- Katie Morzinski - Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres with High-contrast 0.5-5 �m Adaptive Optics
- Eric Nielsen - Constraining Extrasolar Planet Populations with SDI
- Ettore Pedretti - The study of Young Stellar Objects with infrared, long baseline interferometry, final report
- Laurent Pueyo - Characterization of Exo-planets via Non Redundant Aperture Masking and Advanced Starlight Suppression Techniques
- Ivan Ramirez - Finding extrasolar terrestrial planets with detailed chemical composition analyses of their host stars
- Emily Rauscher - Investigating Hot Jupiter Atmospheric Variability with Three-Dimensional Modeling
- Christian Schwab - Extreme Precision Doppler Spectrographs
- Sloane Wiktorowitz - Direct Detection of Exoplanets and Debris Disks with Polarimetry
Names will be posted as people register.
The local information page includes information on:
If you have questions, email us at: saganfellowship@ipac.caltech.edu
last updated Oct. 12, 2012