
2007 Michelson Summer Workshop

Planetary Transits: From Detection to Characterization

Final Agenda


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Sunday, July 23

6:00 - 8:00 pm - Opening Reception and Workshop Registration at Workshop Hotel: Sundowner Inn

Monday, July 23
Transits: What, Why, and How?

9:00 am - Opening Comments - D. Gelino (Michelson Science Center)
9:15 am - Background and History on Exoplanetary Science - G. Laughlin (UC Santa Cruz)
10:15 am - Break  
10:45 am - Brief History of Transit Photometry - B. Borucki (NASA Ames)
11:30 am - Planetary Physics from Transits - S. Seager (MIT)
12:00 pm - Lunch
1:15 pm - Planetary Formation & Migration - J. Lissauer (NASA Ames)
2:00 pm - Transit Survey Design Considerations - K. von Braun (Michelson Science Center)
2:45 pm - Break
3:15 pm - Stellar Photometry: Basic Information - S. Howell (NOAO)
4:00 pm - Data Reduction Strategies and Challenges: Relative Photometric Precision - T. Brown (LCOGT)
4:30 pm - Q & A Session - Moderator: B. Borucki (NASA Ames) 

Tuesday, July 24
Transits: What, Why, and How? (continued)

9:00 am - Operational Experience with Wide-Field Surveys - N. Batalha (San Jose State University)
9:30 am - Data Reduction Strategies and Challenges: White, Pink and Red Noise; Data Trend Filtering & Systematics - F. Pont (Geneva Observatory)
10:30 am - Break  
10:50 am - Data Reduction Strategies and Challenges: Analysis Approach and Transit Detection - J. Jenkins (NASA Ames)
11:35 am - Laboratory Testing of Photometric Precision Required to Detect Terrestrial Planets - D. Koch (NASA Ames)
12:05 pm - Lunch
1:05 pm - Follow-up Methods and Elimination of False Positives - G. Torres (Harvard CfA)
1:45 pm - Ancillary Science from Transit Searches - S. Aigrain (U of Exeter)
2:15 pm - Statistics and Simulations of Transit Surveys - S. Gaudi (Ohio State University) (Related Papers: 1 2)
3:00 pm - Break

Planetary Transit Theory
3:20 pm - Mass-Radius Relations of Giant Exoplanets - J. Fortney (NASA Ames)
4:00 pm - Mass-Radius Relationships for Solid Exoplanets - S. Seager (MIT) (Related Paper: 1)
4:40 pm - Q & A Session - Moderator: S. Aigrain (U of Exeter)

Wednesday, July 25
Characterization of Transiting Planets

9:00 am - Secondary Eclipses: Overview, Photometry, Spectroscopy - D. Deming (NASA GSFC)
9:45 am - Portraits of Distant Worlds: Mapping the Atmospheres of Hot Jupiters - H. Knutson (Harvard CfA)
10:10 am - Break   
10:30 am - Planetary Atmospheres: Models and Observations - M. Marley (NASA Ames)
11:15 am - Atmospheric Dynamics of Jupiters (Hot and Not) - A. Showman (U of Arizona)
12:00 pm - Depart for Tour of Lick Observatory (Box lunch included) 

Thursday, July 26

Characterization of Transiting Planets (continued)

9:00 am - Transit Timing - M. Holman (Harvard CfA)
9:45 am - The Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect - S. Gaudi (Ohio State University)
10:05 am - GJ 436 - M. Gillon (Geneva Observatory) 
10:20 am - Break

Space-Based Transit Searches
10:50 am - MOST - J. Matthews via Videocon (U of British Columbia)
11:35 am - Corot - S. Aigrain (U of Exeter)
12:05 pm - Lunch
1:20 pm - Kepler - B. Borucki (NASA Ames)
2:20 pm - EPOXI/EPOCh - D. Deming (NASA GSFC)
2:50 pm - Break  
3:20 pm - Panel Discussion on Transit Searches and Data Sets - Panel Includes:  R. Street (LCOGT), P. Plavchan (IPAC/JPL), K. Sahu (STScI), S. Aigrain (U of Exeter), B. Borucki (NASA Ames), D. Ciardi (Michelson Science Center), B. Lee (U of Florida) ; Moderator: G. van Belle (Michelson Science Center)
6:00 pm - Workshop Banquet at Chef Chu's

Friday, July 26
Opportunities and Future Surveys 

9:00 am - Towards the Detection and Characterization of Smaller Transiting Planets - D. Latham (Harvard CfA)
9:55 am - Statistical Analysis of Transit Surveys and the Compositions of Giant Exoplanets - F. Fressin (OCA Nice)
10:20 am - Break
10:40 am - Prospecting for Transits in 2MASS and Other Surveys - P. Plavchan (IPAC/JPL) 
11:10 am - Trials and Tribulations of a Transit Telescope in the Antarctic - D. Caldwell (SETI)
11:40 am - Systemic and Transitsearch - G. Laughlin (UC Santa Cruz)
12:05 pm - Asteroseismology: Synergy with Transit Searches - R. Gilliland (STScI)
12:35 pm - Lunch
1:35 pm - Pan-Planets with PANSTARRS1 - C. Afonso (MPIA)
2:00 pm - Exoplanet Studies with the Spitzer Warm Mission - D. Deming (NASA GSFC)
2:25 pm - Serendipitous Detection of Transiting Planets in Future Synoptic Surveys - S. Gaudi (Ohio State University)
2:50 pm - Q & A Session - Moderator: K. von Braun (Michelson Science Center)
3:10 pm - Workshop Review: 8 Years of Transits - G. Laughlin (UC Santa Cruz)
3:45 pm - Closing Comments - D. Gelino (Michelson Science Center)