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Title |
Akeson | Rachel | Observations of T Tauri star inner disks [Poster PDF] |
Alexander | Richard | Photoevaporation of circumstellar discs
[Poster PDF]
Andrews | Sean | The Gas and Dust Phases of the Outer Disk
[Poster PDF]
Ardila | David | ACS Coronagraphic Observations of Transitional Debris Disks: HD100546 and HD163296
[Poster PDF]
Boden | Andy | Preliminary Physical Orbit of the HD98800B System
Boss | Alan | Mixing and Transport in Protoplanetary Disks: Chondrites and Crystalline Silicates
Bouwman | Jeroen | Placing our Solar System in Context: Latest Results from the FEPS Spitzer Legacy Science Program
Bryden | Geoffrey | The Distribution of Debris Disks around Solar-Type Stars
[Poster PDF]
Chandler | Claire | Disks in the proto-multiple stellar system IRAS 16293-2422 observed with the SMA and VLA
[Poster PDF]
Chen | Christine | A Spitzer Study of Dusty Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association
Ciardi | David | Crystalline Silicate Emission in the Protostellar Binary Serpens-SVS20
[Poster PDF] |
Cieza | Lucas | Circumstellar Disk Evolution in Nearby Molecular Cloud
[Poster PDF]
Corder | Stuart | AB Aurigae Resolved: Evidence for Spiral Structure
[Poster PDF]
Correla | Jose Carlos | Circumstellar Disk Frequency in Young Clusters and the Timescale for Planet Formation
Currie | Thayne | Circumpulsar disk evolution and pulsar planet formation
Dent | Bill | The gas content of discs in transition
[Poster PDF]
Dominik | Carsten | The deuterated forms of H3+ : a unique probe of the outer disk midplane
[Poster PDF] |
Furlan | Elise | SED evolution of young stellar objects in Taurus studied with Spitzer-IRS
Gras-Velasquez | Agueda | WTTS from ISO to SPITZER
Hollenbach | David | Infrared Emission from Gas in Optically Thick Disks
[Poster PDF]
Hubrig | Swetlana | Measurements of magnetic fields in intermediate mass stars with disks using FORS1 at the VLT
[Poster PDF]
Isella | Andrea | A model for the inner rim of protoplanetary disks
[Poster PDF] |
Ivezic | Zelijko | Astero-chronology with SDSS
Jardine | Moira | Magnetospheric accretion onto complex stellar fields
[Poster PDF]
Lim | Jeremy | The Triple Protostellar System L1551 IRS5: Molecular Core to Circumstellar Disks
Lis | Darek | Millimeter continuum observations of the giant proplyd j244-440
Lowrance | Patrick | Searching for Young Planetary Mass Companions
Lyra | Wladimir | 3-D Calculations on Gas Accreting Planetary Embryos
Martin | Claire | Excitation of Molecular Hydrogen in the Circumstellar Environment of Herbig Ae/Be stars
[Poster PDF] |
Masset | Frederic | On the migration rate of giant planets protocores
[Poster PDF]
McCabe | Caer | T Tauri Disk Evolution
McCarthy | Chris | Search for Terrestrial Planets with the Space Interferometry Mission
Meijer | Joke | Modelling Herbig Ae/Be group I/II properties
[Poster PDF]
Metchev | Stanimir | Evolution in the AU Microscopii Debris Disk
[Poster PDF]
Millan-Gabet | Rafael | Pre-planetary disks with the Antartic Plateau Interferometer
[Poster PDF]
Nuernberger | Dieter | Exciting new vistas on high mass protostars and their circumstellar envelopes/disks
[Poster PDF] |
Obinata | Makoto | Orbital stability of hypothetical terrestrial planets in extrasolar planetetary systems based on Jumping Jupiter model
Padgett | Deborah | Spitzer Cores to Disks Legacy Team Photometry of Weak-Line T Tauri Stars
Patience | Jenny | Infrared and Millimeter Observations of Inner and Outer Disks around Young Stars
Pecnik | Bojan | Classification and the Stability of the Isothermal Protoplanetary Equilibrium
Pietu | Vincent | Physico-chemistry of protoplanetary disks : the PdBI look
Pietu | Vincent | Sub-arcsecond imaging of the AB Aur molecular disk and envelope at millimeter wavelength
Qi | Charlie | Imaging the Disk around TW Hya with the SMA
Rebull | Luisa | Spitzer Observations of Nearby Star Systems
[Poster PDF]
Regandell | Samuel | Planetary Cradles
[Poster PDF] |
Rettig | Terry | Evidence for Dust Stratification In Disks Around Young Stars
Robitaille | Thomas | A Grid of YSO Models and a Data Fitter
[Poster PDF] |
Salmeron | Raquel | Angular momentum transport in weakly ionized protoplanetary disks
[Poster PDF] |
Sargent | Ben | Grain Processing in YSO Disks
[Poster PDF] |
Shen | Zhixia | Spectroscopic abundance analysis of dwarfs in the young open cluster IC 4665
[Poster PDF] |
Tanaka | Hidekazu | Dust Growth and Settling in Protoplanetary Disks and Evolution of Disk Spectral Energy Distributions
[Poster PDF]
Tunyi | Igor | Planetesimal Aggregation Driven by Impulse Magnetic Fields in Protoplanetary Nebulae
[Poster1 PDF][Poster2 PDF] |
Turner | Neal | Turbulent Mixing in the Outer Solar Nebula
[Poster PDF] |
Vink | Jorick | Probing the inner AU geometry of T Tauri and Herbig star
White | Russel | A Long-Lived Accretion Disk Around a Lithium-Depleted Binary T Tauri Star
Willacy | Karen | Deuterium chemistry in protoplanetary disks
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