Thursday: From disks to planets Morning session:
Disk hydrodynamics - R. Nelson: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Transport and diffusion of grains and molecules in 3D-MHD simulations of protoplanetary accretion - H. Klahr: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Critical tests of magnetospheric accretion theory - C. M. Johns-Krull: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Disk/planet interactions, migration - W. Kley/G. Bryden: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) How shadowing and illumination in disks affects planet formation - H. Jang-Condell: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Eccentric disks due to a large embedded planet - G. Dirksen: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Afternoon session:
Constraining the origin of high metallicity in planet host stars - A. M. Cody: Abstract | Talk Viewgraphs (PDF) Conference summary - A. Sargent: Talk Viewgraphs (PDF)
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