
2023 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Hybrid Workshop

Posters and Poster Pops

POP Schedule

Poster POPs will be presented on Monday and Tuesday of the workshop. Note that POPs will be 90 seconds not 2 minutes!

Poster Listing

All posters are in the Gather space in two virtual poster rooms. In-person posters will also be displayed at Dabney Lounge during the workshop.

Poster/Pop Submission Site - July 14 submission deadline

Posters and Pops must be submitted online by the July 14 deadline. No submissions via email will be accepted.

Poster Submissions and Poster Sessions

Both in-person and remote attendees are invited to submit electronic posters for the 2023 Sagan Workshop. All submitted posters will be grouped by science area and put onto the workshop website. Posters must be broadly related to the topic of the workshop. We are not able to accommodate other topics.

In-person poster presenters should also bring a print out of their poster to mount on the provided poster boards; the poster print out should have maximum dimensions of 4 feet (120 cm) wide by 4 feet (120 cm) high. The agenda includes two in-person poster sessions after lunch on Monday and Tuesday.

Poster Pops

Pops are oral advertisements for your poster and if you submit a pop you must submit a poster; both should cover topics relevant to the workshop topic.

In-person attendees should submit 2 slides and will give their pop presentation in person.

Remote attendees who submit a poster can submit a recorded poster Pop that should be no longer than 2 minutes. These will be put on the website, and if space allows, included in the pop presentations during the meeting. Remote attendees will not present a live pop.

All Pops will be posted on the workshop website; Pop inclusion in the in-person agenda is limited by the availability of slots (30 total); therefore, inclusion will be based on the relevance to and balance within the topics covered by the workshop, as well as adherence to the 2-minute maximum length. If you are submitting a poster and a pop, you will need to make two separate submissions.

Posters (click on title to view poster)

  1. Agrawal, Rishav (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur) Exoplanet Classification
  2. Alexoudi, Xanthippi (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam) A Comparative Study of Nearly-Grazing and Fully-Grazing Exoplanet System Parameters Derived with Tess and Ground-Based Instruments
  3. Amadio, Flavia (Univerity of Copenhagen, Denmark and KU Leuven, Belgium) A self-consistent 1D grid for irradiated substellar atmospheres
  4. Amaral, Laura (Arizona State University) The Contribution of M-dwarf Flares to the Thermal Escape of Potentially Habitable Planet Atmospheres
  5. An, Qier (UC Santa Barbara) Orbits and Masses from RV and Astrometry
  6. Ardevol Martinez, Francisco (Kapteyn Institute of Astronomy) This trick will make your retrievals 10x faster!
  7. August, Prune (University of Chicago, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) WASP-77Ab in thermal emission spectroscopy with JWST
  8. Awasthi, Manas (Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology) The Nature of Trappist-1 Exoplanets
  9. Bartier, Crystal-Lynn (Brigham Young University) Forward Modeling of 2MASS 0415195-093505 Using Spitzer and AKARI
  10. Bennett, Katherine (Johns Hopkins University) A Tale of Two Data Reductions: The JWST Transmission Spectrum of the Warm Super-Earth GJ 1132b
  11. Bess, Michael (University of New Mexico) Determining the Atmosphere of Super-Earth 55 Cancri e with JWST
  12. Bhattacharya, Ananyo (University of Michigan) Highly depleted alkali metals in Jupiter's deep atmosphere
  13. Biswas, Shraddha (Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya) Exploring the Existence of an Additional Planet in the hot-Jupiter Extra-solar Planetary System TrES-2 with TESS data
  14. Braam, Marrick (University of Edinburgh/KU Leuven) 3-D circulation and ozone on synchronously rotating exoplanets
  15. Brande, Jonathan (University of Kansas) Clouds and Clarity: Revisiting Atmospheric Feature Trends in Neptune-size Exoplanets
  16. Brinjikji, Marah (Arizona State University) High-Resolution Detections of Low-Mass Dwarf Companions to Young B and A Stars
  17. Burke, Angela (Purdue University) Abiotic oxygen production in high-obliquity and high-eccentricity planet atmospheres
  18. Campos Estrada, Beatriz (University of Copenhagen/ Space Research Institute (IWF), Austria) On the likely magnesium-iron silicate dusty tails of catastrophically evaporating rocky planets
  19. Chavez, Amanda (Northwestern University) HR8799 Orbit Fitting Using High Precision Astrometry
  20. Chen, Xueqing (University of Edinburgh) Mapping the atmospheric structure of the nearest brown dwarf
  21. Cheverall, Connor (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge) Robustness measures for molecular detections using high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets
  22. Cohen, Maureen (University of Edinburgh) Haze optical depth in exoplanet atmospheres varies with rotation rate
  23. Cronin, Julianne (Northwestern University) KPIC high resolution spectroscopy detection of low-mass companion HIP21152b
  24. Davey, Jack (University College London) Approximate Bayesian Computation in Retrievals of Exoplanet Atmospheres
  25. de Regt, Sam (Leiden Observatory) First results from the ESO SupJup Survey
  26. Ealy, Jordan (University of Maryland, College Park) Analysis of M Dwarf Flaring with the beta Pictoris Moving Group
  27. Elliott, Ashley (Louisiana State University) LUSTER: LUnar-based Survey for Time-domain Exoplanet Research
  28. Evan Sneed (UC Riverside) Archean Analogue Photochemistry Across the Habitable Zone
  29. Foote, Trevor (Cornell University) The Pandora SmallSat: a multi-wavelength characterization mission for Exoplanets and their Host Stars
  30. Foote, Searra (University of Arizona) Solving the Mesosphere Mystery: Modeling the Middle Atmospheres of Hot Jupiters and Beyond
  31. Forestano, Roy (University of Florida) Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for Outlier and Novelty Detection of Transmission Spectra
  32. Fromont, Emeline (University of Maryland, College Park) Atmospheric Escape from Three Rocky Planets in the L 98-59 system
  33. Garreau, Germain (KU Leuven) Exoplanet imaging within the snow line with the VLTI: warm optical design of Asgard/NOTT
  34. Kaz, Gary (Ohio State University) Phase Curve Modeling with Twinkle
  35. Gonzalez Picos, Dario (Leiden Observatory) The 12/13-CO isotopologue ratio of GQ Lupi B
  36. Hammond, Tobi (University of Maryland) The Coupled Impacts of Atmospheric Composition and Obliquity on the Climate Dynamics of TRAPPIST-1e
  37. Hasler, Sammy (MIT) Leveraging photometry for deconfusion of directly imaged multi-planet systems
  38. Hsu, Chih-Chun (Northwestern/CIERA) Rotation and Abundances of HD 33632 Ab with KPIC
  39. Huggahalli, Advait (Horace Greeley High School) Atmospheric Technosignature Grading System to Optimize ETI Detection on G-type Exoplanets Using Next-Generation Space Telescopes
  40. Huseby, Lori (University of Arizona) Characterizing & Exploring the Extreme Ultraviolet with PEGASUS
  41. James Adah, Ameh (University of Jos, Nigeria) Exoplanet detection methods
  42. Johnson, Ted (NASA GSFC) VSPEC: Simulate Exoplanet & Variable Host Observations
  43. Kofman, Vincent (NASA GSFC) Hyper-realistic simulations of Earth-like exoplanet observations using the Planetary Spectrum Generator
  44. Konings, Thomas (University of Michigan) Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven
  45. Langeveld, Adam (Cornell University) A survey of Na absorption in giant exoplanets with high-resolution transmission spectroscopy
  46. Latouf, Natasha (George Mason University & NASA Goddard) Bayesian Analysis for Remote Biosignature Identification on exoEarths I
  47. Lecoq-Molinos, Helena (Space Research Institute - Austrian Academy of Sciences) A quantum chemistry approach to cloud formation in exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres
  48. Leung, Michaela (UC Riverside) Methylated Biosignatures: Mid-Infrared Signs of Life with Low False Positive Potential
  49. Libby-Roberts, Jessica (Pennsylvania State University) Exploring the Atmospheres of G.E.M.S. (Giant Exoplanets around M-dwarf Stars) with JWST
  50. Lin, Yu-Chia (University of Arizona) Study the Exozodi Effect on the Direct Imaging of Exoplanetary Systems via Coronagraph
  51. Liu, Pengyu (University of Edinburgh) The First Near-infrared Variability Survey of Young T-type Planetary-mass Objects
  52. Louie, Dana (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) A First Look at the Hot Jupiter WASP-17 b's JWST NIRISS SOSS Transmission Spectrum
  53. Macdonald, Evelyn (University of Toronto) Water Vapour Transit Ambiguities on Habitable M-Earths
  54. Mamonova, Elena (University of Oslo) Patterns in the sky. Limited similarity in exoplanetary systems
  55. Mang, James (UT Austin) Microphysical Water Clouds in Ultra Cool Substellar Atmospheres
  56. Mayo, Andrew (Space Research Institute - Austrian Academy of Sciences) Enriching Our View of Multiplanet Systems with High-Cadence Observations of 914 TESS Targets
  57. Meadus, Jacob (University of Toronto) Probing the Formation of Three Planetary-Mass Objects in Beta Pic with Atmospheric Retrievals
  58. Mehta, Harsh (Frank.W. Springstead High School) Discrepancies in Exoplanetary Data
  59. Mireles, Ismael (University of New Mexico) TOI-201 c and TOI-1670 d: two new planets in warm Jupiter systems discovered by TESS
  60. Fuda, Nguyen (LPL, University of Arizona) Cloudy with a chance of perpetual storms: Monitoring the Variability of Luhman 16 AB with TESS
  61. Oliveros-Gomez, Natalia (Universidad de Guanajuato) Method to identify variable mid-L dwarfs
  62. Parker, Luke (University of Oxford) High Resolution Spectroscopy in the M-band: A validation using CRIRES+ observations of Beta Pic b
  63. Prasad, Aniket (National Institute of Technology Agartala) Discovery Of 11 Exoplanets orbiting K-Type stars through VaTEST collaboration
  64. Rajkumar, Anitha Raj (Universidad de Atacama) A comprehensive homogenous investigation of orbital ephermeris and transmission spectrum of WASP-19 b
  65. Ramkumar, Swaetha (Trinity College Dublin) MASCARA: does it help your eyelash? High-resolution emission spectroscopy retrievals of MASCARA-1b with CRIRES+
  66. Ramos-Rosado, Lakeisha (Johns Hopkins University) The Hubble Space Telescope PanCET Program: An Extended Transmission Spectrum of the Warm Neptune HAT-P-26b
  67. Rowland, Melanie (The University of Texas at Austin) Using Self-Consistent Models to Inform Atmospheric Retrievals Across the Brown Dwarf Sequence
  68. Saba, Arianna (UCL) MAUVE
  69. Sanchez, Jorge (Arizona State University) High Precision Abundances of T/Y Brown Dwarf Pairs as a Key Test of Star and Planet Formation Models
  70. Shubhonkar, Paramanick (University of Rochester) Investigating the influence of an unmagnetized versus magnetized planet on relative stellar wind and planet atmosphere contributions to the escaping mass flux
  71. Silva, Tomas (Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences & University of Porto) Detection of barium in the atmospheres of the ultra-hot gas giants WASP-76b and WASP-121b
  72. Smith, Kayla (Central State University/Caltech) Impact of Novel H2O(v) Absorption Cross Sections on the Present Day Martian Atmosphere via Caltech/JPL's 1D Photochemical Model
  73. Squicciarini, Vito (LESIA - Observatoire de Paris) One body, two souls: exploring the difference between bound and isolated substellar objects
  74. Stoeva, Denitza (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria) The EXO-RESTART Project
  75. Suissa, Gabrielle (University of Washington) Photochemically Consistent Simulations of TOI-700 d
  76. Sumida, Viktor (Mackenzie Presbyterian University) Unravelling the role of transit latitude in transmission spectra
  77. Tran, Zoe (Laguna Beach) Developing a New Criterion and Novel Equation to Increase the Accuracy in Exoplanet Searches
  78. Tuchow, Noah (NASA Goddard) HPIC: The Habitable Worlds Observatory Preliminary Input Catalog
  79. Vani, Dhwani Rupali (University of Kansas) Atmospheric Composition and Chemical Processes in Exoplanets: Insights from Modeling and Observations
  80. Vannah, Sara (Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), Inc) An Information Theory Approach to Searching for Signs of Life On Transiting Exoplanets
  81. Vasist, Malavika (University of Liege) Neural Posterior Estimation for exoplanet characterization
  82. Waalkes, William (University of Colorado) Characterizing Starspots on AU Mic to Complement Hubble Transmission Spectrum Observations of AU Mic b
  83. Wang, Lanxuan (University of California, Santa Barbara) Improved Dynamical Masses of the Brown Dwarf Binary HD130948BC
  84. Ware, Austin (Arizona State University) Continuous Habitable Zones: Pairing a GCM and Bayesian Framework to Predict Habitable Zone Evolution
  85. Winterhalder, Thomas (ESO) Astrometry and Interferometry: Combining Gaia and GRAVITY
  86. Wong, Michael (Carnegie Institution for Science) Towards Network-Based Planetary Biosignatures: Atmospheric Chemistry as Unipartite, Unweighted, Undirected Networks
  87. Xue,Qiao (University of Chicago) JWST transmission spectroscopy of HD 209458b
  88. Yee, Samuel (Princeton University) The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey
  89. Zhang, Huihao (The Ohio State University) Assessing the Capability of Direct Imaging in Different Coronagraph Contrast Levels with ELT-HARMONI and ELT-METIS for Atmosphere of Rocky Exoplanets


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(last updated July 27th, 2023 08:30:07)