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2011 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop
Local Information

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Workshop Site

Note: As of June 1, the venue for the 2011 workshop has changed. The new location is the Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall, 101 Guggenheim. (See this campus map with the new location marked.) Note that the Sunday evening reception will held in the courtyard outside the Beckman Institute which is also marked on the campus map.

Internet Access

Lees-Kubota lecture hall has wired internet connections at every seat which will better support the hands-on activities planned for the workshop. No food or drink (even water!) are permitted inside Lees-Kubota. Please note, we will not be providing computers.

Elsewhere on the Caltech campus, visitors have access to wireless internet via �Caltech guest� using the Airport utility or your network connections. In order to use the Caltech Guest wireless account, open a web browser and type in any URL to access the Caltech Guest wireless network welcome page. The Caltech Guest wireless network is restricted to web (http and https), Secure Shell (SSH) and VPN (IPSec over UDP or TCP, NAT-T, PPTP, L2TP) protocols only. Other uses are not allowed. Guests are expected to use their home institution's VPN to access email or any other resources not available via a web browser.

Workshop Hotels and Other Accommodation Options

Workshop Hotel

Blocks of rooms at the FY2011 standard government rate ($123/day) has been reserved at the Pasadena Hilton and at the Sheraton Pasadena for workshop participants. Both hotels are about 1 mile from the workshop venue (see map). Make your reservations by June 22 to secure the workshop rate.

Please note that free internet access is included for workshop attendees at both hotels. Upon check-in you'll receive a special code from the front desk agent which will give you the complimentary internet during your stay. Be sure to take advantage of the free internet as financially supported attendees/speakers will not be reimbursed hotel internet fees following the workshop.

Pasadena Area Hotels

If you prefer other accommodations in the Pasadena area, there are a number of hotels and motels close to the Caltech campus. Please note that if you are a speaker and we are reimbursing your hotel fees, the maximum base lodging rate you are allowed is $123/day.

Getting Around

to and from the airport

If you arrive at LAX International Airport and need ground transportation to Pasadena, try one of the shuttle services (also known as "shared ride vans") available on a walk-up or reservation basis. The vans are available outside of LAX baggage claim under the orange sign. More information on transportation between area airports and the hotel can be found here.

to and from the workshop

The distance between the hotels and the Caltech campus is a little over 1 mile, a pleasant 20 minute walk. Additionally, limited transportation will be provided by two 7-14 passenger vans, each of which will make 2 trips each morning between the hotels and Caltech. The van schedule will be posted closer to the workshop date. Once the presentations are over each afternoon, the vans will make two trips from the Caltech campus back to the hotels.

Parking at Caltech

Parking at Caltech

In order to park on the Caltech campus, you must purchase a visitor parking permit at an automated pay station (see map) and abide by Caltech parking regulations. Visitor permits may be purchased at the rate of $1 per hour, $5 per day, or $15 per week. A $5 daily permit is valid through the end of the business day (5:00 pm) on which the permit is purchased. Visitors are required to display a permit if their vehicle is parked on campus between 7am-5pm, Mon-Fri. and can only park in commuter zones. A map of Caltech parking lots and the locations of automated pay stations is available here.

Useful Maps

Workshop Events

Sunday Evening Reception & Registration

There will be a reception in the courtyard area outside the Beckman Institute Auditorium on Sunday, July 24 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Registration materials will be available for pick-up. Hors d'oeuvres (not dinner) will be served along with non-alcoholic drinks. So that we may order the appropriate amount of food, we ask that you RSVP for this event when you register, or let us know by email ( if your plans change after you've registered.

Wednesday Morning Tour - Beautiful Science: Ideas that Changed the World exhibit at the Huntington Library

On Wednesday morning, we'll visit the nearby Huntington Library and Gardens for a guided tour of Beautiful Science: Ideas that Changed the World. The exhibit highlights four areas: astronomy, natural history, medicine, and light. A gallery on each focuses on the changing role of science over time, particularly the astonishing leaps in imagination made by scientists over the years and the importance of written works in communicating those ideas. Following the guided tour, you'll have time to explore the gardens and art collection on your own. Note: the early breakfast and tour time is to allow us to enter the Huntington prior to the public opening time.

The approximate schedule for the tour will be:

The price of the tour is included in each workshop participant's registration fee. Guest tickets are available and may be purchased on the registration website for $40. The price includes admission to the Huntington, the guided tour, a continental breakfast at the Huntington, van transportation, and a box lunch (for group tour participants only) upon your return to Caltech for the afternoon session. We will NOT issue refunds for purchased guest tickets or for meeting attendees who elect not to go on the tour.

Thursday Evening Banquet - Porto Alegre Churrascaria restaurant

On Thursday evening at 6:30 pm we'll gather for a social evening at Porto Alegre Churrascaria (260 E. Colorado Blvd., #227) in the Paseo Colorado shopping center. Diners will enjoy a large selection of roasted meats carved at your table along with a variety of hot side dishes and a large salad bar. There are plenty of delicious vegetarian options at the side dish and salad buffets. Dinner includes non-alcoholic drinks and a cash bar will be available. We will not be providing transportation for this event. Porto Alegre is within easy walking distance (less than ¼ mile) of the workshop hotels. If you drive your own car, there is underground parking at Paseo Colorado with parking validation available at the restaurant.

The price of the dinner is included in each workshop participant's registration fee. Guest tickets are available for $48 and may be purchased through the registration website. We will NOT issue refunds for purchased guest tickets or for meeting attendees who elect not to go to the dinner.


Area Restaurants Caltech and the workshop hotels are located near fine restaurant choices on South Lake Ave., Paseo Colorado, and Old Town Pasadena.

Food on the Caltech Campus

Caltech Dining Services offers several on campus eateries:

Pasadena Weather

The weather in Pasadena in late July is typically hot. Click here for the current forecast.


2011 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop main page

last updated June 3, 2011