Workshop attendees were invited to submit electronic posters prior to the workshop. These were displayed continuously in the lobby during the workshop. To make the download process easier, we have organized the posters into files below by the last name of the author.
Click on the file name to download the file.
poster_A.pdf - contains posters from David Anderson, Ozgur Basturk, Tabetha Boyajian, John Brewer, Christopher Crockett, Julia DeMarines, Diana Dragomir, Tom Evans, Greg Feiden, Yuka Fujii
poster_B.pdf - contains posters from Elise Furlan, Jean-Christophe Gazzano, Paolo Giacobbe, Matt Giguere, Jon Givern, Janis Hagelberg, Sasha Hinkley, Teruyuki Hirano, Lev Horodyskyj, Sergio Hoyer
poster_C.pdf - contains posters from Katie Kaleida, Stephen Kane, Yitping Kok, Adam Jensen, Jeremy Lebreton, Amy McQuillan, Katie Morzinski, Matt Pagano, Ivan Ramirez, Ramses Ramirez
poster_D.pdf - contains posters from Sara Rastegar, Barbara Rojas-Ayala, Johannes Sahlmann, Vino Sangaralingam, Gozde Saral, Everett Schlawin, Avi Shporer, Alex Smith, Megan Smith, Julien Spronck
poster_E.pdf - contains posters from Stuart Taylor, Nahks Tr'Ehnl, Luis Ricardo Tusnski, Julian van Eyken, Todd Veach, Kaspar von Braun, Ingo Waldmann, Ji Wang, Wei Wang, Olga Zakhozhay, Neil Zimmerman
updated July 30, 2010