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Flagstaff Conference Poster

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Second Announcement - January 24, 2011

Exploring Strange New Worlds:
From Giant Planets to Super Earths

High Country Conference Center, Flagstaff, AZ May 1-6

Co-hosted by the NASA/JPL Exoplanet Exploration Program
and the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute

This second conference announcement focuses on information about upcoming important deadlines for attendees. For more information on the conference and the agenda, please see the main conference page or the First Announcement.

Important Dates

Ticketed Conference Excursions - tickets must be purchased by March 15!

The following conference events/excursions are not included in the registration fee and require that you purchase tickets prior to March 15, 2011, the early registration deadline. Click on the following links for information on all the conference events and excursions.

Registration - early registration ends March 15!

Click here to register.

Financial Assistance for Students - apply by Jan. 31!

Graduate students and post-docs may apply for limited financial assistance to attend this conference. Click here for the on-line application which is due Jan. 31, 2011. Decisions on financial assistance will be announced via email by Feb. 18, 2011.

Program Information - abstracts due Feb. 28!

A preliminary agenda, including confirmed speakers, is available here.

Attendees are invited to submit abstracts for contributed talks and posters. The deadline for abstract submission is Feb. 28, 2011, with an extended deadline of April 22 to submit electronic posters only.

Accommodation and Travel Information - reservation deadline for conf. rate is April 2!

Room blocks have been reserved at three hotels nearby the HCCC. On-line reservation links and information on the Flagstaff area can be found on the lodging and travel information page. The reservation deadline in order to secure the conference rate is April 2, 2011.


Email us at to be added to our mailing list for future conference announcements.

For questions not answered on these web pages, please email us at