
ExSoCal2015: An Exoplanet Orbital Interaction

September 24 -25, 2015

Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill Building, California Institute of Technology

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preliminary agenda

10 minute talks will be approximately 7 minutes talk + 3 minutes questions

posters are listed at the bottom of the agenda

Thursday, September 24

  • I: Introduction and Demographics

  • 8:30 am: Welcome and Introduction to ExSoCal - Jessie Christiansen (NExScI)
  • 8:40 am: Exoplanet Demographics: Current State of Observation - Scott Gaudi (Ohio State)
  • 9:20 am: How Common are Snowline -region Planets? First Results from a Second Generation Microlensing Survey - Yossi Shvartzvald (JPL)
  • 9:30 am: Development of an OpenSource Microlensing Modeling Software for WFIRST - Etienne Bachelet (LCOGT)
  • 9:40 am: Using K2 to find Free -floating Planets - Calen Henderson (JPL/Caltech)
  • 9:50 am: Does Planet Formation Influence Whether Binary Stars Are Identical or Fraternal "Twins"? - Johanna Teske (Carnegie Institution for Science)
  • 10:00 am: Morning Break
  • II: Institutions

  • 10:30 am: What Can the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Do for You? -Solange Ramirez (NExScI)
  • 10:40 am: The Carnegie Observatories -Stephen Shectman (Carnegie Observatories)
  • 10:50 am: Exoplanet Research at UCLA - Mike Fitzgerald (UCLA)
  • 11:00 am: Exoplanet Research at San Diego State - Bill Welsh (SDSU)
  • 11:10 am: Exoplanet Research at Caltech - Heather Knutson, Lynne Hillenbrand, Dimitri Mawet (Caltech)
  • 11:20 am: Exoplanet Research at UCSB - (UCSB)
  • 11:30 am: Characterizing Planets Beyond the Snowline - Rachel Street (LCOGT)
  • 11:40 am: Exoplanet Research at JPL - Gautam Vasisht (JPL)
  • 11:50 am: NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program - Gary Blackwood (JPL)
  • 12:00 pm: Lunch on Cahill Patio
  • III: High Contrast Imaging

  • 1:30 pm: Reaching Small Angles with Coronagraphy and Nulling - Gene Serabyn (JPL)
  • 1:40 pm: High contrast imaging with the L -band vortex coronagraph at Keck/NIRC2 - Dimitri Mawet (Caltech)
  • 1:50 pm: Implementing the Reject Table of WISE for Exoplanet and Disk Sources - Jonathan Zink (California State University, Northridge)
  • 2:00 pm: Multistage vortex coronagraphy and focal plane wavefront sensing with SDC at Palomar - Michael Bottom (Caltech)
  • 2:10 pm: Coronagraphic Searches for Planets with NACO/APP at the VLT - Tiffany Meshkat (JPL)
  • 2:20 pm: Exoplanet Imaging with Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors - Alex Walter (UCSB)
  • 2:30 pm: High -contrast imaging of exoplanets and brown dwarfs with Project 1640 - Ricky Nilsson (AMNH)
  • 2:40 pm: Imaging debris disks and searching for exoplanets in archival and new observations from high -contrast imaging instruments - Elodie Choquet (STScI)
  • 2:50 pm: Hot Dust Around Main Sequence Stars? - Paul Nunez (JPL)
  • 3:00 pm: Afternoon Break
  • IV: High Contrast Imaging and Transits

  • 3:30 pm: Disk theory meets observations: Planet Formation in the ALMA Era - Wladimir Lyra (California State University, Northridge)
  • 3:40 pm: The Planet -Forming Environment Close to Young Stars:Signatures of young hot planets - Mario Flock (JPL)
  • 3:50 pm: Bayes' Theorem Reveals that Hot Jupiters are not Lonely - Kevin Schlaufman (Carnegie Observatories)
  • 4:00 pm: Prevalence and Properties of Planets from Kepler and K2 - Erik Petigura (Caltech)
  • 4:10 pm: Spectral Changes in the Host Star and Planetary Transit for XO -2b - Kyle Pearson (Northern Arizona University)
  • 4:20 pm: Spitzer Meets K2: Spitzer Studies of Candidate Exoplanets Identified by K2 - Mike Werner (JPL)
  • 4:30 pm: Spitzer IRAC Sparsely Sampled Phase Curve of the Exoplanet WASP -14b - Jessica Krick (SSC/IPAC)
  • 4:40 pm: Characterizing Small Planets Orbiting Small Stars - Courtney Dressing (Caltech)
  • 4:50 pm: Characterization of Exoplanets via Their Parent Stars - Kaspar von Braun (Lowell)
  • 5:00 pm: Adjourn for Pizza and Beer on the Cahill Patio

Friday, September 25

  • V: Formation and Evolution

  • 8:30 am: Exoplanet formation and evolution:current state of theory - Ruth Murray -Clay (UCSB)
  • 9:10 am: Origins of Exoplanet Orbital Architectures - Konstantin Batygin (Caltech)
  • 9:20 am: The eccentric behavior caused by eccentric companions (to planetary systems) - Smadar Naoz (UCLA)
  • 9:30 am: Planet Traps and Exoplanetary System Architectures - Yasuhiro Hasegawa (NAOJ/JPL/Caltech)
  • 9:40 am: Planet Formation Under Different Environments - Ji Wang (Yale/Caltech)
  • 9:50 am: Planet Formation around Massive Stars? - Harold Yorke (JPL)
  • 10:00 am: Morning Break
  • VI: Atmospheres

  • 10:30 am: C/O Constraints and Cloud Properties of Eight Hot Jupiters - Bjorn Benneke (Caltech)
  • 10:40 am: Stability of CO2 Atmospheres on Desiccated M Dwarf Exoplanets - Pater Gao (Caltech)
  • 10:50 am: Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Chemistry in Evolved Exoplanet Atmospheres - Renyu Hu (JPL)
  • 11:00 am: A Characteristic Transmission Spectrum dominated by H2O applies to the majority of HST/WFC3 exoplanet observations - Aishwarya Iyer (JPL)
  • 11:10 am: Biosignature blind spots:lessons from early Earth - Stephanie Olson (UCR)
  • 11:20 am: Friends of Hot Jupiters:Trends in directly imaged companion fraction - Henry Ngo (Caltech)
  • 11:30 am: Friends of Hot Jupiters: An Infrared Spectroscopic Search for Low -Mass Stellar Companions - Danielle Piskorz (Caltech)
  • 11:40 am: ??? -
  • 11:50 am: ??? -
  • 12:00 pm: Lunch 1:00 pm: depart for optional tour to Mt. Wilson Observatory


  • GPI Observations of HR4796A - Pauline Arriaga (UCLA)
  • The Spitzer Kepler Survey (SpiKeS): A Survey of the Kepler field at 3.6 and 4.5 microns -Varoujan Gorjan (JPL)
  • Empirical Limits on Radial Velocity - Planet Detection for Young Stars - Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech)
  • Discovery of Resolved Debris Disk Around HD 131835 - Li -Wei Hung (UCLA)
  • High Contrast Imaging at High Frame Rates - Rebecca Jensen -Clem (Caltech)

ExSoCal 2015 main page

last updated September 10, 2015