The 2009 Sagan/Michelson Fellows Symposium will be held in the Hameetman Auditorium in the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics on the Caltech Campus at 1216 California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125. The Auditorium can get cold at times, so it is advised that you bring a light sweater or jacket. Food and drink (other than water) are not allowed in the auditorium.
Internet Access
Visitors have immediate access to wireless internet by connecting to �Caltech guest� using the Airport utility or your network connections. In order to use the Caltech Guest wireless account, open a web browser and type in any URL to access the Caltech Guest wireless network welcome page. Click the continue button to accept the guidelines; you will then be redirected to the intended destination.
Please note that use of the Caltech Guest wireless network is restricted to web (http and https), Secure Shell (SSH) and VPN (IPSec over UDP or TCP, NAT-T, PPTP, L2TP) protocols only. Other uses are not allowed. Note that guests are expected to use their home institution's VPN to access email or any other resources not available via a web browser.
Symposium Hotel
A block of rooms at the standard government rate for 2009 has been reserved at the Sheraton Pasadena for symposium participants. The Sheraton is a little over 1 mile from the Caltech campus. Please note that the group rate is available until Oct. 28.
You must make your own reservations. To make reservations on-line at the Sheraton Pasadena, use the on-line reservation web page. Please note: Financially supported attendees should book their own hotel room and will be reimbursed after the symposium.
Pasadena Area Hotels
If you prefer other accommodations in the Pasadena area, there are a number of hotels and motels close to the Caltech campus. All financially supported attendees must stay at the symposium hotel.
to and from the airport
If you arrive at LAX International Airport and need ground transportation to Pasadena, try one of the shuttle services (also known as "shared ride vans") available on a walk-up or reservation basis. The vans are available outside of LAX baggage claim under the orange sign. Contact information for airport shuttle services can be found here (scroll down to the bottom of this page).
to and from the symposium
Transportation between the hotel and the Caltech campus will not be provided. The distance between the Sheraton and the Cahill building is approximately 1 mile, a pleasant walk if you do not have a rental car. You can also schedule with the hotel shuttle to bring you to campus.
Parking at Caltech
In order to park on the Caltech campus, you must purchase a visitor parking permit at an automated pay station (see map) and abide by Caltech parking regulations. Visitor permits may be purchased at the rate of $2 for the first hour, and $1 for each subsequent hour up to 4 hours or for $6 per day. A $6 daily permit is valid through the end of the business day (5:00 pm) on which the permit is purchased. Visitors are required to display a permit if their vehicle is parked on campus between 7am-5pm, Mon-Fri. and can only park in commuter zones.
A map of Caltech parking lots and the locations of automated pay stations is available here. Note that the California parking structure (#3) is just south of Cahill.
Parking at the Sheraton Pasadena
Underground parking is available at the Sheraton Pasadena for a rate of $13 per night which includes in/out privileges.
Coffee and light break food will be provided in the morning and afternoon on each meeting day.
Symposium Dinner! There will be a symposium dinner at 7 pm on Thursday evening Nov. 12 at Il Fornaio restaurant. The dinner is free for speakers and $40 for others and guests. Please RSVP for the dinner to if you plan to attend.
We are not able to provide lunch as part of the symposium, however there are several lunch options both on the Caltech campus and within walking distance of Cahill in the South Lake Avenue business/shopping district.
Food on the Caltech Campus
Caltech Dining Services offers several on campus eateries:
last updated Oct. 23, 2009