getCal is a product of the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute.
getCal is an interferometric observation planning software suite. Its tools can be used to resolve common star names into standard catalog designations and astrometry; extract visibility calibrators from the Hipparcos catalog according to a variety of geometric, brightness, and astrophysical criteria; compute target zenith and delay accessibility; interface with the Simbad astronomical database, the PTI and KI sequencer GUIs, visibility calibration codes, and sky visualization software.
getCal also has other uses, is portable among UNIX varieties, can be autonomously driven over a list of sources, and can be accessed either from either the Unix command line or a (Perl/Tk) GUI.
More abstractly, getCal is an information synthesis tool; it aims to pull together the information needed to efficiently plan and analyze interferometric observations, and to present that information to you in a format you can easily integrate and comprehend.
To the user, getCal appears as an integrated application available from both the command line and GUI that:
For further information on getCal, see the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute software page at
Here we're going to give a few illustrative screenshots to whet your appetite and introduce you to a few of the more popular use cases for getCal suite.
Here is the basic user interface window produced by gcGui:
Here's the standard output window that displays the getCal results. The getCal invocation line is coded in blue, the GUI-consumable object designations are coded in red (getCal Format), and everything else is comments intended for your consumption. The "Simbad Browser" button allows you to spawn a Simbad query on the returned objects in an external web browser (see below).
Attached to the "Save Photometry" button in the top-level GUI is the ability to view, save, and edit the photometric data getCal retrieves from Simbad and 2Mass, and to iteratively process your edits through fbol.
Here's an example of the target/calibrator accessibility/timing calculations for 20 December 2002 computed with timing, and displayed with the timing GUI tool tGui.
Here we're actually displaying a whole night's observing schedule for Santa, but if invoked from getCal (gcGui) only the selected target gets displayed. The current UT/LST/local time indicators (vertical red line and text boxes) update in real-time (in case you're at the telescope); lighter red lines indicate target cluster transitions; and the bottom time axis labels toggle between off, LST (default), local time, and UT. Sunrise and sunset times are rendered (blue); timings are calculated by the timing component, and arbitrary sun twilight angles (e.g. 12 deg nautical (default), 18 deg astronomical) can be selected. Moon illumination and sky presence are indicated at the bottom of the graph. tGui renders timings for multiple baselines in multiple notebook pages accessible with tabs, and for multiple baseline observations a "Composite" page has the intersection of accessibility for all baselines. tGui also provides external-browser Simbad query support on the input target list (see below). There is also support for command-line options and batch-mode hardcopy (PostScript, pdf, jpeg, png) creation. Please see the tGui documentation for details.
Along these same lines, getCal components obsCalendar and ocGui respectively compute and display the annual accessibility of astronomical targets. Like the other timing/display components these function can be accessed either within or external to getCal proper.
Here's an example of the u-v track display tool uvTool for HD 187642 on 1 August 2006. The optional concentric circles indicate fringe spacings at various spatial frequencies (in case like me you can't do the conversion between Mlambda and mas in your head). The current UT/LST/HA markers (red arrows) and text update in real-time, as do the current time, hour angle, airmass...(you get the point). uvTool also provides external-browser Simbad query support (see below). Also new in uvTool is support for command-line options and batch-mode hardcopy (PostScript, pdf, jpeg, png) creaton. Please see the uvTool documentation for details.
Finally, here's an example of using the fbol module to fit a single component Plank black-body uniform stellar disk model to the Simbad-extracted broad-band photometry:
While we have done our best to simplify the installation procedures here, getCal can take some amount of effort to build and install.
The following table summarizes the dependencies of getCal, plus other software that is useful alongside it.
Note: Previous releases of getCal used the "lynx" utility as a tool for accessing web services such as Simbad. As of getCal-2.8, lynx is no longer required by getCal.
To build getCal, you will need a working *NIX (UNIX or Linux) system with the following items installed. Note that the list order reflects the packages' order of installation.
The starred items above are optional in varying degrees, so you may be able to get along without them. Please refer to the detailed notes below.
Several of these items may have been installed by the system administrator. If you are in doubt, the build scripts for getCal will examine the system and alert you if anything is missing.
A C++ compiler – for fbol. You almost certainly already have this, but in case you don't, gcc is a popular choice.
Perl 5.6.1 or higher is required. Almost all of getCal is in Perl, so there's no getting around it. Fortunately Perl is pretty pervasive these days, so this package may come bundled with your system. This dependency/version requirement is checked during the configuration step.
The Tk package is required if you want to use any of the GUI tools (gcGui, ocGui, tGui, uvTool) in the getCal suite. Thus it is highly recommended that you install Tk prior to building getCal.
The Tk toolkit is often installed by UNIX system administrators. Before installing it yourself, look for library file and header tk.h.
A default Perl installation includes many useful modules. However, thousands more modules have been written and are publicly available. The Perl community has addressed the issue of distributing such modules by creating the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) Web site, getCal requires some of these add-on modules. If they are not already installed on your system, they must be installed before building getCal.
A handy utility module exists to simplify the retrieval and installation of these modules. Once installed at your site, the CPAN module takes care of retrieving and installing other modules from CPAN. It allows you to sidestep the syndrome known as “dependency hell” because it is able to determine inter-module dependencies, find modules already installed on your system, and to transparently install all prerequisites for the modules that you really want. The instructions below use the CPAN module to assist with installing other needed modules.
An important decision to be made before continuing is whether modules will be installed in the site's Perl module repository, or in some private repository (e.g. under your home directory). Instructions are provided below for both types of installations.
Installing modules in the site repository will allow other users will be able to access the modules you install. However, depending on how Perl is installed on your system, root access may be necessary to install modules in the site repository. If you do not have root access or write permission to update the site repository you will probably not be able to use this option.
On the other hand, installing modules in a private repository may make cleanup easier should you have trouble with the installation and wish to start fresh, but requires a few extra steps to specify where modules should be installed, and to setup your environment to search for modules in that location.
The following sections describe the procedure for each of these alternatives. If you wish to install modules as a root user in the site repository, follow the steps in the next section. Otherwise, skip ahead to the following section.
Some networks have firewalls or gateways that block regular FTP traffic and require the use of "passive" FTP. If you are on such a network, or you find that the module installation procedure below seems to stall at the point of retrieving modules from the Internet, it may be helpful for you to set environment variable FTP_PASSIVE to a value of 1.
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
If you find yourself looking at a cpan>
prompt, is
already installed and you can skip the next step.
gunzip -c CPAN-1.76.tar.gz | tar -xv cd CPAN-1.76 perl Makefile.PL make make install
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
The very first time you do this after installing, you will be prompted on whether you want to perform a manual configuration of CPAN. You can generally answer no to this question and let the module work out its own initial settings. If it works, you'll save yourself a long Q&A session.
cpan> install LWP::UserAgent
You may be prompted that CPAN has found additional dependencies for the requested module, and given an option to prepend those dependencies to the build list. You should answer yes to this question.
From there on, the process is fairly automatic: CPAN should build, test and install all the required modules. Watch the output for error messages; it should be clear whether or not a module installed correctly.
Sometimes, the dependency processing doesn't work out cleanly and an installation will fail with a message saying that something wasn't found, even though the dependency was just installed. If an installation step fails, trying it a second time sometimes works.
If a module still fails to install correctly, you may need to use the force keyword–e.g.:
cpan> force install LWP::UserAgent
You need to use common sense with this option, though, since it won't do you any good to install a module that truly doesn't work.
cpan> install Time::CTime cpan> install HTML::TreeBuilder cpan> install HTML::FormatText
This item is somewhat optional, just like the Tk library. (The Tk module allows Perl programs to utilize the Tk library, which is written in C.) This module is highly recommended.
Before you install the Tk module, please be aware that the module's unit tests require an X server (DISPLAY should be defined in the environment). The build script may report errors if you attempt to install Tk via a console-only session.
cpan> install Tk
mkdir $HOME/perl mkdir $HOME/perl/lib
Some networks have firewalls or gateways that block regular FTP traffic and require the use of "passive" FTP. If you are on such a network, or you find that the module installation procedure below seems to stall at the point of retrieving modules from the Internet, it may be helpful for you to set environment variable FTP_PASSIVE to a value of 1.
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
If you find yourself looking at a cpan>
prompt, is
already installed and you can skip the next step.
gunzip -c CPAN-1.76.tar.gz | tar -xv cd CPAN-1.76 perl Makefile.PL -- PREFIX=$HOME/perl LIB=$HOME/perl/lib make make install
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
The very first time you do this after installing, you will be prompted on whether you want to perform a manual configuration of CPAN. You can generally answer no to this question and let the module work out its own initial settings. If it works, you'll save yourself a long Q&A session.
cpan> o conf makepl_arg "PREFIX=~/perl LIB=~/perl/lib" cpan> o conf commit
cpan> install LWP::UserAgent
You may be prompted that CPAN has found additional dependencies for the requested module, and given an option to prepend those dependencies to the build list. You should answer yes to this question.
From there on, the process is fairly automatic: CPAN should build, test and install all the required modules. Watch the output for error messages; it should be clear whether or not a module installed correctly.
Sometimes, the dependency processing doesn't work out cleanly and an installation will fail with a message saying that something wasn't found, even though the dependency was just installed. If an installation step fails, trying it a second time sometimes works.
If a module still fails to install correctly, you may need to use the force keyword–e.g.:
cpan> force install LWP::UserAgent
You need to use common sense with this option, though, since it won't do you any good to install a module that truly doesn't work.
cpan> install Time::CTime cpan> install HTML::TreeBuilder cpan> install HTML::FormatText
This item is somewhat optional, just like the Tk library. (The Tk module allows Perl programs to utilize the Tk library, which is written in C.) This module is highly recommended.
Before you install the Tk module, please be aware that the module's unit tests require an X server (DISPLAY should be defined in the environment). The build script may report errors if you attempt to install Tk via a console-only session.
cpan> install Tk
You need to have the Hipparcos catalog installed to perform the basic functionality of selecting calibrators and extracting astrometry. We did this quite intentionally – minimal planning functionality at the telescope must not be compromised even if the network connection is unavailable.
Hipparcos was an ESA space astrometry mission from the late 1980's and 1990's which surveyed roughly 120,000 stars brighter than V ~ 10 (exact magnitude limits are a function of galactic coordinates).
If you don't have the Hipparcos catalog already, you can find zipped copies of the main catalog and annexes at
New in release 2.8, getCal includes a utility makeHipIdx that will generate a set of indexes for the Hipparcos catalog to speed lookups. getCal will use the indexes, if present, to quickly locate records within the catalog instead of searching the entire catalog. Use of these indexes is optional, getCal will still work if they are not available.
If available getCal will scan the Hipparcos informational annexes, specifically concerning multiplicity and variability. getCal will still operate without access to the annexes, but if you're choosing visibility calibrators you really do want that additional information. If you don't have the annexes but would like them you can follow the URL link given above for the full catalog.
In particular, getCal uses the following annexes when available:
You should place the annexes into the same directory as the main Hipparcos catalog files, identified by runtime parameter GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH.
The Catalog of Infrared Observations. CIO is a valuable source of IR radiometric data. You can find the online information concerning CIOv5.1 (including instructions on how to get your very own copy) at
tGui, ocGui, and uvTool use the Ghostscript translator ps2pdf to make PDF output. See
fbol can make spectrophotometry plots using gnuplot, but of course only if you have it. Most environments already have gnuplot installed, but in case yours doesn't, you can find it at Note that some installations of gnuplot may not support the "png" terminal type. If your gnuplot does not support png, you will be unable to save fbol plots in the png format, but other formats (ps, eps) should still work.
tGui, ocGui, and uvTool use utilities from the netpbm package (namely pstopnm, pnmflip, ppmtogif, ppmtojpg, and pnmtopng) to generate GIF, JPEG, and PNG output. Please see
getCal can optionally drive the popular XEphem software for sky visualizations. XEphem can be found at the URL, and is worth the investment of your time to download if you don't already use it...
Building and installing getCal from a distribution tarball (i.e. getCal-*.tar.gz) looks something like this:
gunzip -c getCal-2.10.4.tar.gz | tar -xv cd getCal-2.10.4 setenv GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH {path to Hipparcos catalog files} ./configure --prefix={installation prefix directory} make make index (optional) make check make install
The process in detail:
By default, configure looks for the Hipparcos catalog under $(prefix)/data/catalogs/hipparcos, so if your Hipparcos files have that position relative to your installation prefix, you don't need to set GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH explicitly, even while building.
One thing to consider in this step is where you will want getCal to be installed. If you have root access, you might want getCal to go under /usr/local (the default location) or another system-wide directory such as /opt. Otherwise, you'll probably prefer to have it go inside a personal directory such as ~/software.
The configure script takes a --prefix=[some path] argument. Use this to specify your installation prefix path.
If configure fails, it should print a descriptive message stating the problem. Generally, it fails because of some unsatisfied dependency; the point is to alert you to any problems as soon as possible.
Distribution tarballs should always contain a configure script. If you are not building from a tarball or otherwise do not find a configure script, the autoreconf utility will generate a new one. This should not be necessary when building from a distribution tarball. In the top level directory, run
If you do not have autoreconf available, you can instead try something like:
aclocal automake autoconf
Then, run the configure script and continue.
This is a fairly quick process but a lot of messages will scroll by. Take note of any error or warning messages.
If your system has the recommended DB_File Perl module, this optional step will run the makeHipIdx utility to create the Hipparcos catalog index files which getCal uses to speed Hipparcos lookups. You don't need to do this step if usable index files already exist.
This optional step runs getCal's unit tests. This step requires several minutes to run, but is a good idea since it exercises your build of getCal. If it passes these tests, getCal should work correctly after installation.
Note: There is also an option make check-long, which runs a more extensive series of tests. This option is intended primarily for the maintainers of the source code. If you are interested only in validating the build of getCal, make check is the command to use.
If you are installing to a system-wide directory such as /usr/local, you will need to perform this step as the root user.
For your reference, getCal-2.10.4 has been successfully built and tested on the following platforms/configurations:
getCal has a number of configuration parameters which can be changed by the user. These are documented below.
Prior to version 2.8, getCal required each user to set the run-time configuration through environment variables. Starting with 2.8, environment variables can still be used, but they are no longer required. Instead, getCal now uses a configuration file for most user-configurable values, and uses environment variables to override settings from the config file when desired. Additionally, getCal can use an alternate user-specified configuration file, minimizing the need for numerous environment variables to be set at runtime.
The sources for runtime-configurable values used by getCal are (in order of increasing precedence):
The gcConf utility lists all configuration parameters in force, and the source (env var, config file, etc) for each value. Use gcConf to resolve any confusion about what configuration parameters are in effect, and their origins.
The getCal suite of programs use the following parameters, configurable via getCal.conf or environment variables:
Parameter | Description | Default
GC_CONFIG | Location of getCal configuration file. | $(prefix)/etc/getCal.conf
GC_CIO_CATALOG_PATH | directory containing CIO catalog files | $(prefix)/data/catalogs/CIO5.1/ciov5.1
GC_BROWSER | Browser executable to use when running interactive Simbad queries. Can be any browser that accepts a URL on the command line. | `which mozilla` or `which netscape`
GC_CAL_MINK | Min K mag constraint for calibrator stars | 2.0
GC_CAL_MAXK | Max K mag constraint for calibrator stars | 5.0
GC_CAL_MINV | Min V mag constraint for calibrator stars | 2.0
GC_CAL_MAXV | Max V mag constraint for calibrator stars | 7.5
GC_CAL_MINN | Min N mag constraint for calibrator stars | undefined
GC_CAL_MAXN | Max N mag constraint for calibrator stars | undefined
GC_CAL_MINL | Min L/L' mag constraint for calibrator stars | undefined
GC_CAL_MAXL | Max L/L' mag constraint for calibrator stars | undefined
GC_CAL_SEARCHRADIUS | Search radius constraint for calibrator stars. Units are degrees. | 10.0
GC_2MASS_SEARCHRADIUS | Search radius for position matching done in 2MASS queries. Units are arcseconds. | 3
GC_IRAS_SEARCHRADIUS | Search radius for position matching done in IRAS queries. Units are arcseconds. | 10
GC_CIO_CATALOG_PATH | directory containing CIO catalog files | $(prefix)/data/catalogs/CIO5.1/ciov5.1
GC_DEFAULT_BASELINE | Interferometer baseline, depends on location. See | all
GC_DEFAULT_BIASOFFSET | Default delay bias offset (LDL), in meters. | 0.0
GC_DEFAULT_FORMAT | Output format for getCal. Allowed values: new|old|sky. | new
GC_DEFAULT_LOCATION | Default observing location. Allowed values are:
| Palomar
GC_DEFAULT_TIMEOFFSET | Sets the graphic zero point for tGui. Should be a time offset in the form hh:mm. | 00:00
GC_FIRSTPASS_K | If 2MASS Kmag was requested (option --K2Mass), model Kmag must be within this value (in mag) if the indicated Kmag min/max limits before getCal will actually query 2MASS. This reduces the overhead of performing unnecessary 2MASS lookups for stars where the model Kmag is far outside the desired min/max limits. | 0.5
GC_FIRSTPASS_N | If IRAS-based Nmag was requested (option --NIRAS), model Nmag must be within this value (in mag) if the indicated Nmag min/max limits before getCal will actually query IRAS. This reduces the overhead of performing unnecessary IRAS lookups for stars where the model Nmag is far outside the desired min/max limits. | 0.5
GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH | directory containing Hipparcos catalog (e.g., hip_main.dat) and annex files | $(prefix)/data/catalogs/hipparcos
GC_HIPPARCOS_IDX_PATH | directory to place the Hipparcos catalog index files, created by makeHipIdx and used by getCal to speed catalog searches. | $(prefix)/data/getCal
GC_HTTP_TIMEOUT | Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout on HTTP transactions. Should be a positive integer, or 0 for infinite. | 30
GC_IDENT_HDC | Boolean value (0 or 1) to toggle the substitution of `HDC' in place of `HD' in object identifiers output by getCal. The `HDC' prefix is a convention used by PTI, but is otherwise nonstandard usage, so this should be only be used when preparing observing schedules for PTI. Use of `HDC' was the default behavior for getCal releases prior to 2.8. | 1
GC_IRSA_HOST | IRSA web server |
GC_NULLDEPTH_TRGDIAM | Default target angular size (mas) to use for null depth estimates | 1.5
GC_NULLDEPTH_WAVELENGTH | Default Wavelength (um) to use for null depth estimates | 11.25
GC_SIMBAD_HOST | Simbad web server |
GC_SIMBAD_CACHEDIR | Directory for caching of Simbad queries, useful for testing against a known set of Simbad results. Also potentially useful for speeding repeated queries against the same set of objects, though may be dangerous if the cached results become stale, as no checking of the freshness of cached results is done. | None
GC_SIMBAD_CACHEONLY | When set to 1, only previously cached Simbad results are used. If a query is not found in the cache, Simbad is NOT queried, and the query will fail. Useful for testing against a known set of Simbad results, and running getCal when Simbad is offline. | 0
GC_TOLERANCE_K | A warning will be output if the difference between model and 2MASS Kmags exceeds this value. | 0.4
GC_TOLERANCE_N | A warning will be output if the difference between model and IRAS Nmags exceeds this value. | 0.4
GC_TWILIGHT_ANGLE | Default twilight angle limit (degrees below horizon) for sunrise/sunset calculations. | 12.0
GC_XEPHEM_FIFO | Optional FIFO file that xeConvert should use for communicating with XEphem | None
GC_ZENITH_ANGLE | Default zenith angle limit (degrees from zenith) for target accessibility calculations. | 35.0
HTTP_PROXY | Use this parameter to route HTTP traffic (Simbad and IRSA) through an HTTP proxy server (e.g., localhost:8080). | None
getCal can be a fairly slow application. Some parts of it are CPU-intensive; some are I/O-bound; still others spend time waiting for replies from the SIMBAD or IRSA web servers. Here are some ways to improve getCal's performance.
getCal uses an appreciable amount of CPU time. If you have a choice of hosts on which to run it, you should opt for the faster CPU (e.g., choose Intel ahead of SPARC), and opt for an unloaded, single-user machine over a multi-user system.
getCal makes extensive use of the Hipparcos catalog; this catalog is stored as a set of files in the local filesystem. It is advisable that the Hipparcos catalog files be stored on a local disk if possible. The GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH parameter tells getCal where to find the catalog files.
New in release 2.8 is an indexing feature for the Hipparcos catalog. getCal includes a utility makeHipIdx that will create a set of index files to greatly speed Hipparcos catalog lookups by allowing getCal to consult the index instead of scanning the entire file. The GC_HIPPARCOS_IDX_PATH parameter tells getCal where to store and find these index files. If the indexes are not available, getCal will still work, but Hipparcos lookups (and the hipRecord command) will function more slowly.
In the process of acquiring up-to-date information about targets and calibrator stars, getCal issues web-based queries to SIMBAD and IRSA. The time taken performing those queries and waiting for responses can add up, especially when running repeated queries for the same sources.
The overhead of repeated web queries can be reduced by using a caching HTTP proxy server, and routing getCal's queries through that proxy. Depending on your level of interest in improving getCal query performance (and your thirst for adventure), you can also set up such a server on your own system. One such proxy server is Squid (, some advice on installing Squid on linux is given below.
A version of Squid, along with a nice gui control panel for it, is available in pre-packaged form for MacOSX. See After installing the package, see the configuration information in the next section.
The remainder of this section provides a first-person account of how Squid was used to speed up getCal on one machine. It is not intended as a replacement for Squid's user manual, but rather as a complement to it.
Squid server configuration (root user):
438,439c438,439 < acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? < no_cache deny QUERY --- > #acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? > #no_cache deny QUERY
3189c3195 < # strip_query_terms on --- > strip_query_terms off
477c477 < # cache_mem 8 MB --- > cache_mem 100 MB
527c527 < # maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB --- > maximum_object_size_in_memory 512 KB
692c692 < # cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256 --- > cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 500 16 256
1465c1465 < refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 --- > refresh_pattern . 4320 20% 10080 override-expire reload-into-ims
1871a1872,1877 > # Only allow access to domains that getCal uses > acl getcal_usage dstdom_regex|| > http_access deny !getcal_usage > # Only allow access to local machines > acl ipac_clients src > http_access allow ipac_clients
Client configuration (non-root user):
time make check
to establish a rough baseline of how long getCal takes to complete its test suite without using Squid. This took 8 minutes, 55 seconds.
time make check
again. This time, it completed in 3 minutes, 28 seconds.
grep TCP_ /var/log/squid/access.log
and observed that TCP_HIT appeared throughout the log's entries. TCP_MISS would have indicated that some pages were not cached. Since I had previously run getCal's test suite against Squid, all the required pages should have been–and were, in fact–already loaded in Squid's cache.
Note that the access log's location may vary by system; it is set in Squid's configuration file.
Command-line tools:
Catalog-lookup tools:
Other Utilities:
getCal is the “driver” application for most of the command-line tools in the getCal suite. Given a target, it selects calibrator stars; orchestrates the lookup of target and calibrator data in one or more catalogs; calculates various spectral, photometric and timing-related values of interest; and outputs these data in one of several formats.
getCal {target options} [other options]
--searchRA= --searchDec= --targetName= | --targetHD= | --targetHIP= | --targetDM=
--cal= | --noCalibrators --searchRadius= --effTemp --linearDiam --lClass= --maxAD= --minK= --maxK= --minV= --maxV= --minN= --maxN= --minL= --maxL= --useMeasurement
--K2Mass --NIRAS --Nband --Lband --Lprime
(Enabled by --fbol; implies --simbadInteractiveQuery):
[from fbol]
[from fbolFormat]
--2Mass --CIO --fLambda --fNu --geneva --gezari --hipparcos/--tycho --longWL --noB --noPlx --noU --noV --stromgren/--uvby
SIMBAD Options (enable with --simbadInteractiveQuery):
--allData/--meas --browser --commonNames --coord --FK5 --HD= --HIP= --SAO --html --identifiers/--pseudonyms --Kmag --lineWidth= --list --url
Timing Options (enable with --timing):
--airmass= --baseline= --biasOffset=/--LDL=/--offset= --day= --delayLimit= --delayMax= --delayMin= --location= --month= --noEcho --noPreamble --noPrecess --noTargets --precess --replace --twilightAngle= --year= --za=/--zenithAngle= --table --tableStep= --nullDepth -NDstep --NDwavelength --trgAngDiam=
Observation Calendar Options (enable with --obsCalendar):
--hourAngle= --location= --noEcho --noPreamble --replace --twilightAngle= --year=
--format=new|old|sky --noInterspersed --photometry/--savePhotometry --noMessages/--noWarnings/--quiet --verbose --plx/--parallax --sigFigures= --rename --identHDC/--noIdentHDC
--copyright --debug --help --longHelp --version
General comments: The use of command-line options in getCal adheres to the Unix standard, except that all the options have long (more than single-character) names. Technically this is referred to as the POSIX standard with GNU extensions. (Handling of options is by Perl's Getopt::Long module, and most of the positive attributes of our command-line processing is by virtue of that module.)
Options should be prefaced by double dashes. You may be able to get away with using single dashes or with abbreviating options, but you could run into trouble–e.g., --searchR could match either --searchRA or --searchRadius.
Options that require arguments should have an equal sign (--option=)as per the GNU convention, though --option val may also work.
--searchRA=331.75 --searchRA=22:07 --searchRA=22h7m00s --searchRA=22_07_00 --searchDec=25.3333333333333 --searchDec=25d20m --searchDec=25:20:00 --searchDec=+25_20
If you want to use spaces in the arguments, you may, as long as you quote the arguments using double quotes–e.g.:
--searchRA="22 07 00" --searchDec="25 20 00"
Note that using seconds is optional for both RA and Dec, but using minutes is not. Without a minutes argument the program will think you're trying to give it a decimal degrees (i.e. --searchRA=22 will be interpreted as 22.0 degrees), probably not what you had in mind.
When used, these options require a string argument.
(BTW, yes the DM option really works, it just works slowly. Try a --targetDM=B+24_4533 (iota Peg) and go get some lunch. Notice you need to replace the spaces in the DM designations by underlines.)
Note that this is the option of choice when your target doesn't have a HIP entry and you want to observe it anyway. getCal will do its best to compose an appropriate GUI line out of the Simbad coordinate return. The user should especially be on the lookout for missing proper motions...
--lClass=III IV V
will just get the giants, while
--lClass=III --lClass=IV --lClass=V
gets them all. When used, this option requires a string argument.
When used, these options require a numerical argument (mag). Defaults for these values can be controlled by Run-Time Configuration.
The calculation applies a IRAS color correction factor (based on object estimated effective temperature), per the method described in the IRAS PSC Explanatory Supplement, Sec VI. A passband correction factor is then applied to convert the corrected IRAS 12um flux into an estimated N-band (10micron) flux.
If no IRAS information is found for a source within the configured IRAS position search radius (see getCal config param GC_IRAS_SEARCHRADIUS), getCal will issue a warning message and revert to using a value calculated from an internal V-N model.
See also --Nband, which is implied when --NIRAS is used.
In the "new" output format, the N-band magnitude appears as an addtional tagged field on the output line (N=...). In the "old" output format, the N-band magnitude will be inserted between the B-V color index and the spectral type. See getCal Format. No argument when used.
The --fbol option directs getCal to compute apparent diameter estimates based on effective temperature and a bolometric flux model fit to available photometry. (Photometry sources are SIMBAD and 2MASS). Defaults to no.
--fbol sub-options delegated to fbol (see fbol Command-Line Options):
--fbol sub-options delegated to fbolFormat:
Enable the lookup of calibrator stars in SIMBAD with --simbadInteractiveQuery. By default this option prints out just the Simbad object classification (e.g. iota peg Type: Spectroscopic Binary), but this behavior is customizable through a number of additional options:
simbadInteractiveQuery --browser --list iota_Peg 51_Peg simbadInteractiveQuery NGC_1068 --browser
--baseline=PTI_NS --baseline=PTI_NW
Default all provides timings for all supported baselines at selected location, and supercedes all other baseline arguments. Value of "none" computes no delay timings. May be invoked multiple times.
--obsCalendar directs getCal to compute observing calendar information for the composed program using obsCalendar. Depending on additional arguments (e.g. --year=) this option can determine calendar constraints for this year, or any other observation year. When used, this option does not take an argument.
Both obsCalendar and timing use the GC_DEFAULT_LOCATION and GC_DEFAULT_BASELINE runtime parameters to define defaults, and fall back to PTI and PTI_NS and PTI_NW baselines if they are not set. A discrete set of other locations and baselines can be used (see --location and --baseline below).
Sub-options enabled with --obsCalendar:
HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 0.50 SPECTYP=F8V... ROLE=TRG PID=? PLX=0.0418
The --format=sky option turns on the Keck observatory “sky” format, e.g.:
HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 2000 pmra=-0.002 pmdec=-0.202 vmag=5.1 3.7 F8V... 0.0 xxx xxx trg
The default value for this option is is new.
Please see getCal formats for more information on these formats.
The format of the "parallax-enhanced" "old-format" line looks like:
HDC120136 13 47 15.743 +17 27 24.862 -0.504 0.054 0.06412 4.5 3.2 F7V xxx xxx trg
that is, the parallax (64.12 mas for tau Boo) has been inserted between the dec PM and the V-magnitude. In the "new" output format, the parallax is tagged with "PLX=". See getCal Format.
Note this argument requires you to have xephem running separately, and configured to accept objects through the FIFO mechanism. Please consult the xeConvert on-line documentation.
In its most basic form, getCal resolves designations into standard catalog representations, and makes potential calibration source recommendations. This takes the command-line form:
getCal --targetName=iota_Peg
which results in:
### GUI catalog from getCal-2.8 ### # Resolving target iota_peg via SIMBAD # target HD 210027 HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # HIP 106897 (HD 206043) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.020 mag scatter in 166 observations HDC206043 21 39 01.189 +20 15 55.623 0.131 -0.001 5.8 5.0 0.31 F2V 8.2 0.37+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 # HIP 107310 (HD 206826) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 4.856 # B component -- V= 6.308 at sep 2.002 arcsec/PA 302 deg HDC206826 21 44 08.578 +28 44 33.476 0.297 -0.243 4.5 3.3 0.51 F6V 6.1 0.67+/-0.4 cal HDC210027 HDC208527 21 56 23.984 +21 14 23.490 0.002 0.015 6.4 3.5 1.70 K5V 4.8 0.58+/-1.1 cal HDC210027 HDC210074 22 07 28.593 +19 28 31.893 0.129 0.037 5.7 4.9 0.33 F2V: 5.9 0.32+/-0.2 cal HDC210027 HDC210460 22 10 19.021 +19 36 58.821 0.098 -0.094 6.2 4.8 0.69 G0V 5.8 0.32+/-0.3 cal HDC210027 # HIP 110548 (HD 212395) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 6.391 # B component -- V= 9.287 at sep 0.42 arcsec/PA 0 deg HDC212395 22 23 39.565 +20 50 53.627 0.359 -0.015 6.2 4.9 0.52 F7V 5.9 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC210027
The format of getCal's output is documented in getCal Format.
“old” format
getCal supports a legacy “old” format, originally used by the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI, ) sequencer.
Here are a couple of sample lines:
# Simbad Search HD 210027: Type: Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 * iot Peg * iot Peg A * 24 Peg HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # Simbad Search HD 206043: Type: Variable Star of delta Sct type F2V V=5.783 V* NZ Peg HDC206043 21 39 01.189 +20 15 55.623 0.131 -0.001 5.8 5.0 0.31 F2V 8.2 0.37+/-0.1 cal HDC210027
A description is given for each of these fields in the following table:
Field | Item | Description
1 | Designation | Object Designation (string). No spaces are allowed.
2-4 | RA (J2000) | Object right ascension in hh mm ss.s format (J2000)
5-7 | Dec (J2000) | Object declination in +/-dd mm ss.s format (J2000)
8 | PMra | RA Proper motion (arcsec/yr)
9 | PMdec | Dec Proper motion (arcsec/yr)
10 | V | Object V magnitude (mag)
11 | K | Object K magnitude (mag)
12 | B-V | Object B-V color (mag)
13 | SpYtpe | Object spectral type descriptor (string)
14 | AngSep | Angular separation from target (zero for target) (deg)
15 | AngDiam | Estimated angular diameter (xxx for target) (mas)
16 | AngDiamErr | Estimated angular diameter error (xxx for target) (mas)
17 | trg/cal | Target/Calibrator designation (string)
There are several optional variants to this format:
One variant on the getCal output format also includes the parallax in
arcsec, inserted between the PMdec
and V
# Simbad Search HD 210027: Type: Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 * iot Peg * iot Peg A * 24 Peg HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 0.085 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg
This variant is controlled by using the --parallax or --plx command-line option (see getCal Command-Line Options), or the parallax button (see gcGui controls).
N-band Photometry
Another available variant on the getCal output line is the inclusion of an N-band photometry estimate, inserted between the B-V color and spectral type fields:
# Simbad Search HD 4676: HD 4676 -- Spectroscopic binary F8V V=5.07 * 64 Psc HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 0.50 3.7 F8V... 0.0 xxx xxx trg
This variant is controlled by using the --Nband and/or --IRAS command-line options (see getCal Command-Line Options), or the N-band and/or IRAS buttons (see gcGui controls).
Because of evolving getCal requirements and other new software, a "new" output format has been defined. As of version 2.8, this format is the default for getCal, and is currently used by the Keck Interferometer (KI, sequencer.
This format looks like:
HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 0.50 SPECTYP=F8V... ROLE=TRG PID=? PLX=0.0418 N=3.8 HDC2454 00 28 20.052 +10 11 23.452 0.033 -0.203 6.0 4.8 0.45 SPECTYP=F6Vawvar ROLE=CAL DIAM=0.36 DIAMERR=0.120 CALFOR=HDC4676 PLX=0.02751 D=8.4 N=4.8
The first 12 fields (Designation through B-V) are identical to the normal "old" getCal format (without the parallax), and the rest of the fields are formatted as "TAG=value", as listed below. Some of these tagged fields are required and some are optional. (For now, the tagged fields will be in the order below as well, but this may change at any time!)
tag gives the target name for which the source is a calibrator;
required for calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the distance from the target to the calibrator;
optional for calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the angular diameter of the calibrator;
required for calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the angular diameter error of the calibrator;
required for calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the N-band magnitude of the source, requested using the
--Nband and/or --IRAS options (see getCal Command-Line Options);
optional for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the L-band magnitude of the source, requested using the
--Lband (see getCal Command-Line Options);
optional for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the L'-band ("L-prime") magnitude of the source,
requested using the --Lprime (see getCal Command-Line Options);
optional for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives a placeholder for the "project ID" required by
other software;
required for targets. Ex.:
tag gives the parallax of the source;
optional for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the "role" of the source in this getCal run, either
"target" (TRG
) or "calibrator" (CAL
required for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
tag gives the spectral type of the source;
required for both targets and calibrators. Ex.:
This format is requested using the --format=new command-line option (see getCal Command-Line Options), or the New Format button (see gcGui controls).
Finally for use with the Keck Interferometer, getCal also supports the William M Keck Observatory's sky software format for generating object lists compatible with Keck telescope control software. This format looks like:
HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 2000 pmra=-0.0002 pmdec=-0.202 vmag=5.1 B-V=0.50 F8V... 0.0 xxx xxx trg
The authoritative reference on this format is given at
This variant is controlled by using the --format=sky command-line option (see getCal Command-Line Options), or the sky button (see gcGui controls).
The V^2 calibration applications wbCalib and nbCalib, part of the V2Calib package, use an input format called a calibration script to define calibration targets and sources, and ancillary information (e.g. astrometry, angular diameter information, etc):
# Simbad Search HD 9939: Type: High proper-motion Star K0IV V=6.99 HDC9939 01 37 25.107 +25 10 03.969 -0.211 -0.208 0.0238 # K0IV V = 7.0, K = 5.0 --- 2 # Simbad Search HD 7034: Type: Star F0V V=5.160 ## 7 HD7034--F0V 7306 +/- 0 1.79 11 25.82 +/- 0.66 0.52 +/- 0.01 XX HDC7034 01 11 06.768 +31 25 29.051 -0.009 -0.012 0.00582 0.50 0.05 # F0V V = 5.2, K = 4.5 # Simbad Search HD 7964: Type: Star A3V V=4.752 ## 9 HD7964--A3V 8686 +/- 0 9.18 20 47.44 +/- 1.85 0.50 +/- 0.01 XX XXXX HDC7964 01 19 27.993 +27 15 50.611 0.026 -0.012 0.01049 0.47 0.05 # A3V V = 4.7, K = 4.6
The reader is referred to the V2Calib documentation for more information on this format.
To relieve some of the tedium in composing these calibration scripts, getCal offers you the --calScript option.
getCal supports the creation of a provisional calibration script natively through the use of the --calScript option, as in:
(gnomad:6) getCal --targetName=iota_peg --calScript --simbadInteractiveQuery ### GUI catalog from getCal v2.6dev ### # Resolving target iota peg via SIMBAD # target HD 210027 # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # HIP 106897 (HD 206043) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.020 mag scatter in 166 observations # Simbad Search HD 206043: HD 206043 -- Variable Star of delta Sct type F2V V=5.783 HDC206043 21 39 01.189 +20 15 55.623 0.131 -0.001 5.8 5.0 0.31 F2V 8.2 0.37+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 # HIP 107310 (HD 206826) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 4.856 # B component -- V= 6.308 at sep 2.002 arcsec/PA 302 deg # Simbad Search HD 206826: HD 206826 -- High proper-motion Star F6V V=4.51 HDC206826 21 44 08.578 +28 44 33.476 0.297 -0.243 4.5 3.3 0.51 F6V 6.1 0.67+/-0.4 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 208527: HD 208527 -- Star K5V V=6.399 HDC208527 21 56 23.984 +21 14 23.490 0.002 0.015 6.4 3.6 1.70 K5V 4.8 0.58+/-1.1 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210074: HD 210074 -- Star F2V: V=5.742 HDC210074 22 07 28.593 +19 28 31.893 0.129 0.037 5.7 4.9 0.33 F2V: 5.9 0.32+/-0.2 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210460: HD 210460 -- Star G0V V=6.194 HDC210460 22 10 19.021 +19 36 58.821 0.098 -0.094 6.2 4.8 0.69 G0V 5.8 0.32+/-0.3 cal HDC210027 # HIP 110548 (HD 212395) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 6.391 # B component -- V= 9.287 at sep 0.42 arcsec/PA 0 deg # Simbad Search HD 212395: HD 212395 -- High proper-motion Star F7V V=6.04 HDC212395 22 23 39.565 +20 50 53.627 0.359 -0.015 6.2 4.9 0.52 F7V 5.9 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 ### Begin Calibration script ### # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 HDC210027 22 07 00.648 +25 20 42.402 0.297 0.027 0.08506 # F5V V = 3.8, K = 2.7 --- 6 # Simbad Search HD 206043: HD 206043 -- Variable Star of delta Sct type F2V V=5.783 HDC206043 21 39 01.184 +20 15 55.623 0.123 -0.001 0.02557 0.37 0.1 # F2V V = 5.8, K = 5.0 # Simbad Search HD 206826: HD 206826 -- High proper-motion Star F6V V=4.51 HDC206826 21 44 08.556 +28 44 33.476 0.260 -0.243 0.04464 0.67 0.4 # F6V V = 4.5, K = 3.3 # Simbad Search HD 208527: HD 208527 -- Star K5V V=6.399 HDC208527 21 56 23.984 +21 14 23.490 0.002 0.015 0.00284 0.58 1.1 # K5V V = 6.4, K = 3.6 # Simbad Search HD 210074: HD 210074 -- Star F2V: V=5.742 HDC210074 22 07 28.588 +19 28 31.893 0.122 0.037 0.01639 0.32 0.2 # F2V: V = 5.7, K = 4.9 # Simbad Search HD 210460: HD 210460 -- Star G0V V=6.194 HDC210460 22 10 19.018 +19 36 58.821 0.092 -0.094 0.01801 0.32 0.3 # G0V V = 6.2, K = 4.8 # Simbad Search HD 212395: HD 212395 -- High proper-motion Star F7V V=6.04 HDC212395 22 23 39.551 +20 50 53.627 0.335 -0.015 0.0295 0.36 0.1 # F7V V = 6.2, K = 4.9 ### End Calibration script ### ...
The calibration script composed by getCal in this use case is intended to be provisional only – you may not want to use all the calibrators that getCal suggests, and you certainly want to carefully check the details of the angular diameter estimates provided by getCal in this context.
Please note that if invoked in the context of gcGui, the returned calibration script will be rendered in a dedicated window.
In conjunction with --calScript, you may find the --cal option useful. --cal, which can be supplied multiple times in the getCal command, allows you to specify which calibrator stars should be used, rather than relying on getCal to pick a set for you.
The following examples will help you get started with getCal by leading you through some of the more popular features. We'll do this in the context of the command-line, but most of these examples can be emulated from the getCal GUI (gcGui) as well. It would be a good exercise to try and emulate these examples in both contexts.
The intended way for you to get access to getCal and it's components
is by putting either the mscSoftware/bin directory
(e.g. $HOME/mscSoftware/bin
). Please see
Building and Installing getCal for more information.
getCal requires a valid runtime configuration; see the Run-Time Configuration discussion for more details.
(gnomad:2) getCal Usage: getCal [target options] [other options] scan for visibility calibrators and format for the GUI, and optionally correlate SIMBAD database information, compute target accessibility time intervals and plot on the sky using xephem. Options: -help, -longHelp : help messages of various granularities. No argument. Overrides all other arguments. -version : print out version information and exit. No argument. -copyright : print out copyright information and exit. No argument. -targetName : define target by common name (i.e. iota_peg), and resolve into catalog id/coordinates by SIMBAD. no default, argument required when used. -targetHD | -targetHIP | -targetDM : define target by HD|HIP|DM target designation. no default, argument required when used. ...
Notice that there's a -longHelp option that gives a more complete discussion.
(gnomad:6) getCal --format=old --targetName=iota_peg --simbadInteractiveQuery --commonNames ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target iota peg via SIMBAD # target HD 210027 # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 * iot Peg * iot Peg A * 24 Peg HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # HIP 106897 (HD 206043) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.020 mag scatter in 166 observations # Simbad Search HD 206043: HD 206043 -- Variable Star of gamma Dor type F2V V=5.783 V* NZ Peg HDC206043 21 39 01.189 +20 15 55.623 0.131 -0.001 5.8 5.0 0.31 F2V 8.2 0.37+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 # HIP 107310 (HD 206826) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 4.856 # B component -- V= 6.308 at sep 2.002 arcsec/PA 302 deg # Simbad Search HD 206826: HD 206826 -- High proper-motion Star F6V V=4.51 * 78 Cyg A * mu.01 Cyg * mu. Cyg A ** STF 2822A HDC206826 21 44 08.578 +28 44 33.476 0.297 -0.243 4.5 3.3 0.51 F6V 6.1 0.67+/-0.4 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 208527: HD 208527 -- Star K5V V=6.399 HDC208527 21 56 23.984 +21 14 23.490 0.002 0.015 6.4 3.5 1.70 K5V 4.8 0.58+/-1.1 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210074: HD 210074 -- Star F2V: V=5.742 HDC210074 22 07 28.593 +19 28 31.893 0.129 0.037 5.7 4.9 0.33 F2V: 5.9 0.32+/-0.2 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210460: HD 210460 -- Star G0V V=6.194 ** CHA 106 HDC210460 22 10 19.021 +19 36 58.821 0.098 -0.094 6.2 4.8 0.69 G0V 5.8 0.32+/-0.3 cal HDC210027 # HIP 110548 (HD 212395) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 6.391 # B component -- V= 9.287 at sep 0.42 arcsec/PA 0 deg # Simbad Search HD 212395: HD 212395 -- High proper-motion Star F7V V=6.04 * 33 Peg ** STF 2900AB HDC212395 22 23 39.565 +20 50 53.627 0.359 -0.015 6.2 4.9 0.52 F7V 5.9 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 ...
Before you can get this far getCal will have had to find the Hipparcos catalog (and optionally, the annexes) in your installation.
Please see the Run-Time Configuration description for more information.
(gnomad:7) getCal --format=old --targetName=iota_peg --simbadInteractiveQuery --commonName --lClass=III --minK=3.5 --maxK=4.2 --searchRadius=5 ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target iota peg via SIMBAD # target HD 210027 # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 * iot Peg * iot Peg A * 24 Peg HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # Simbad Search HD 208700: HD 208700 -- Star K3III V=7.187 HDC208700 21 57 29.193 +29 18 36.379 -0.001 -0.044 7.2 4.2 1.22 K3III 4.5 0.98+/-0.4 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 211432: HD 211432 -- Star G9III V=6.378 HDC211432 22 16 29.647 +27 48 14.507 -0.017 -0.004 6.4 4.1 0.98 G9III 3.2 0.94+/-0.3 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 211884: HD 211884 -- Star K5III V=7.33 HDC211884 22 19 53.969 +25 43 26.316 -0.021 -0.027 7.3 3.7 1.59 K5III 2.9 0.92+/-0.2 cal HDC210027 ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 208700: HD 208700 -- Star K3III V=7.187 # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 * iot Peg * iot Peg A * 24 Peg # Simbad Search HD 211432: HD 211432 -- Star G9III V=6.378 # Simbad Search HD 211884: HD 211884 -- Star K5III V=7.33 ### End Simbad query results ###
(gnomad:13) getCal --format=old --targetName=64_psc --calScript --simbadInteractiveQuery --meas ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # Simbad Search HD 4676: HD 4676 -- Spectroscopic binary F8V V=5.07 HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 0.50 F8V... 0.0 xxx xxx trg # Simbad Search HD 2454: HD 2454 -- High proper-motion Star F6Vawvar V=6.04 HDC2454 00 28 20.052 +10 11 23.452 0.033 -0.203 6.0 4.8 0.45 F6Vawvar 8.4 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC4676 # Simbad Search HD 3651: HD 3651 -- Variable Star K0V V=5.80 HDC3651 00 39 21.806 +21 15 01.701 -0.495 -0.371 5.9 3.9 0.85 K0V 4.9 0.72+/-0.0 cal HDC4676 # HIP 3138 (HD 3690) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 5.611 # B component -- V= 8.657 at sep 6.61 arcsec/PA 194 deg # Simbad Search HD 3690: HD 3690 -- Star in double system K0Iab: V=5.438 HDC3690 00 39 55.572 +21 26 18.582 0.031 -0.029 5.4 4.5 1.16 F3V... 5.0 0.32+/-0.5 cal HDC4676 # Simbad Search HD 8723: HD 8723 -- Variable Star F2V:var V=5.356 HDC8723 01 26 15.262 +19 10 20.444 -0.028 0.010 5.3 4.5 0.40 F2V:var 9.1 0.49+/-0.1 cal HDC4676 ### Begin Calibration script ### ## 64 psc # Simbad Search HD 4676: HD 4676 -- Spectroscopic binary F8V V=5.07 HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 0.042 ## F8V... V=5.1 K=3.7 --- 3 # Simbad Search HD 3651: HD 3651 -- Variable Star K0V V=5.80 HDC3651 00 39 21.806 +21 15 01.701 -0.495 -0.371 0.090 0.72 0.0 ## K0V V=5.9 K=3.9 # Simbad Search HD 3690: HD 3690 -- Star in double system K0Iab: V=5.438 HDC3690 00 39 55.572 +21 26 18.582 0.031 -0.029 0.008 0.32 0.5 ## F3V... V=5.4 K=4.5 # Simbad Search HD 8723: HD 8723 -- Variable Star F2V:var V=5.356 HDC8723 01 26 15.262 +19 10 20.444 -0.028 0.010 0.038 0.49 0.1 ## F2V:var V=5.3 K=4.5 ### End Calibration script ### ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 2454: HD 2454 -- High proper-motion Star F6Vawvar V=6.04 ...
### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # Simbad Search HD 4676: HD 4676 -- Spectroscopic binary F8V V=5.07 HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 0.50 F8V... 0.0 xxx xxx trg # Simbad Search HD 2454: HD 2454 -- High proper-motion Star F6Vawvar V=6.04 HDC2454 00 28 20.052 +10 11 23.452 0.033 -0.203 6.0 4.8 0.45 F6Vawvar 8.4 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC4676 # Simbad Search HD 3651: HD 3651 -- Variable Star K0V V=5.80 HDC3651 00 39 21.806 +21 15 01.701 -0.495 -0.371 5.9 3.9 0.85 K0V 4.9 0.72+/-0.0 cal HDC4676 # HIP 3138 (HD 3690) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 5.611 # B component -- V= 8.657 at sep 6.61 arcsec/PA 194 deg # Simbad Search HD 3690: HD 3690 -- Star in double system K0Iab: V=5.438 HDC3690 00 39 55.572 +21 26 18.582 0.031 -0.029 5.4 4.5 1.16 F3V... 5.0 0.32+/-0.5 cal HDC4676 # Simbad Search HD 8723: HD 8723 -- Variable Star F2V:var V=5.356 HDC8723 01 26 15.262 +19 10 20.444 -0.028 0.010 5.3 4.5 0.40 F2V:var 9.1 0.49+/-0.1 cal HDC4676 ### Bolometric Flux Diameter Fit results ### # option fixedError # option eps # option stdin # 3 command line arguments processed # Read 141 data lines from file stdin # ChiSqr F_bol (10^-8 Ang # Star Teff(K) /DOF DOF erg/cm2/s) Size (mas) Filters 1 HD_2454--F6Vawvar 6019 +/- 85 0.36 18 12.17 +/- 1.17 0.53 +/- 0.11 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2 HD_3651--K0V 4698 +/- 54 3.00 41 14.01 +/- 1.23 0.93 +/- 0.33 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3 HD_3690--K0Iab: 4482 +/- 274 12.16 5 22.88 +/- 10.3 1.30 +/- 1.50 XXXXXXX 4 HD_4676--F8V 5738 +/- 159 0.38 5 29.17 +/- 5.46 0.90 +/- 0.27 XXXXXXX 5 HD_8723--F2V:var 6204 +/- 205 0.70 6 22.25 +/- 4.83 0.67 +/- 0.26 XXXXXXXX ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 2454: HD 2454 -- High proper-motion Star F6Vawvar V=6.04 ...
There are a number of options associated with the fbol module, I'll defer you to the documentation for more details.
(gnomad:15) getCal --format=old --targetName=capella --noCal --simbadInteractiveQuery ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target capella via SIMBAD # target HD 34029 # HIP 24608 (HD 34029) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.011 mag scatter in 52 observations # HIP 24608 (HD 34029) has his multiple component flag set to O # Warning: the O designation indicates an orbital solution was found # with photocentric SMA 2.16 mas, 104.0220 day period # Simbad Search HD 34029: HD 34029 -- Variable of RS CVn type G5IIIe+... V=0.08 HDC34029 05 16 41.359 +45 59 52.768 0.109 -0.427 0.1 -3.8 0.80 M1:comp 0.0 xxx xxx trg ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 34029: HD 34029 -- Variable of RS CVn type G5IIIe+... V=0.08 ### End Simbad query results ###
(gnomad:51) getCal --format=new --targetName=capella --noCal --simbadInteractiveQuery ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target capella via SIMBAD # target HD 34029 # HIP 24608 (HD 34029) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.011 mag scatter in 52 observations # HIP 24608 (HD 34029) has his multiple component flag set to O # Warning: the O designation indicates an orbital solution was found # with photocentric SMA 2.16 mas, 104.0220 day period # Simbad Search HD 34029: HD 34029 -- Variable of RS CVn type G5IIIe+... V=0.08 HDC34029 05 16 41.359 +45 59 52.768 0.109 -0.427 0.1 -3.8 0.80 SPECTYP=M1:comp ROLE=TRG PID=? PLX=0.07729 ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 34029: HD 34029 -- Variable of RS CVn type G5IIIe+... V=0.08 ### End Simbad query results ###
(gnomad:16) getCal --format=old --searchRA=21:07 --searchDec=25:30 --lClass=III --maxK=3 --timing --location=PTI --baseline=PTI_NS --baseline=PTI_NW ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### posTarget 21 07 00.000 +25 30 00.000 PM? PM? V? K? B-V? Sp? 0.0 xxx xxx trg HDC196852 20 38 59.517 +30 20 03.355 -0.032 -0.066 5.7 3.0 1.09 K2III 7.8 1.45+/-0.1 cal posTarget # HIP 102388 (HD 197752) has his multiple component flag set to G # the G designation indicates acceleration or higher-order terms in astrometric solution HDC197752 20 44 52.505 +25 16 14.220 -0.031 -0.178 4.9 2.2 1.18 K2III 5.0 1.78+/-0.4 cal posTarget # HIP 103004 (HD 198809) has his multiple component flag set to G # the G designation indicates acceleration or higher-order terms in astrometric solution HDC198809 20 52 07.678 +27 05 49.126 -0.081 -0.061 4.6 2.4 0.83 G8III 3.7 1.75+/-0.2 cal posTarget HDC199697 20 58 16.351 +22 19 33.267 -0.003 -0.004 5.3 2.0 1.42 K4III 3.7 1.96+/-0.4 cal posTarget # HIP 103645 (HD 200043) has his variability flag set (2) # with 0.027 mag scatter in 217 observations HDC200043 20 59 58.795 +32 29 44.295 -0.002 -0.028 6.8 2.2 1.64 M3III 7.2 1.83+/-2.1 cal posTarget HDC200546 21 03 19.910 +27 19 53.489 -0.014 -0.024 7.1 2.8 1.80 M2III 2.0 1.54+/-1.3 cal posTarget # Timing summary (timing v0.64dev) run at 3/31/2005 UTC, day 2005090 # for timings on 3/31/2005 UTC, day 2005090 # Using PTI Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2453460.5 (precessing coordinates to this date) # The LST at 0 hr UT is 04:46:25 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 03:00 -- 12:42 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate LST at sunset -- sunrise: 07:47 -- 17:31 # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 07:41 -- 17:22 # 66% moon illumination -- 1.5 days before last quarter (moon transit 17 23 RA -28 15 Dec) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using -38.3 to 38.3 m delay interval # posTarget 21 07 13.8 +25 31 16.6 transits at 16:18 UT, zenAng 7.8 deg (1.01 am) target # posTarget is within zenith angle range from 13:40 to 18:55 UT # posTarget is within delay range from 13:05 to 23:45 UT for PTI_NS # posTarget is within delay range from 13:58 to 18:04 UT for PTI_NW # HDC196852 20 39 12.5 +30 21 10.6 transits at 15:50 UT, zenAng 3.0 deg (1.00 am) # HDC196852 is within zenith angle range from 13:04 to 18:35 UT # HDC196852 is within delay range from 13:04 to 22:51 UT for PTI_NS # HDC196852 is within delay range from 13:31 to 17:52 UT for PTI_NW # HDC197752 20 45 06.1 +25 17 23.5 transits at 15:56 UT, zenAng 8.1 deg (1.01 am) # HDC197752 is within zenith angle range from 13:18 to 18:33 UT # HDC197752 is within delay range from 12:42 to 23:25 UT for PTI_NS # HDC197752 is within delay range from 13:35 to 17:42 UT for PTI_NW ...
(gnomad:18) timing --replace --day=12 --month=8 --base=PTI_NS --baseline=PTI_NW < ~/mscSoftware/src/tools/planning/getCal/getCal-2.7/src/timing/testCases/ # Timing summary (timing v0.64dev) run at 3/31/2005 UTC, day 2005090 # for timings on 8/12/2005 UTC, day 2005224 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2453594.5 (precessing coordinates to this date) # The LST at 0 hr UT is 13:34:44 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 17:00:00 (Daylight Savings Time) # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 03:35 -- 12:09 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate LST at sunset -- sunrise: 17:10 -- 01:46 # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 19:03 -- 06:07 # 39% moon illumination -- 1.1 days before first quarter (moon transit 14 12 RA -15 50 Dec) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using -38.3 to 38.3 m delay interval # # NW baseline, K20 mode # ## Cluster 1: Sundown to 4:30 UT # Simbad Search HD 134083: Type: Variable Star F5V V=4.93 * 45 Boo * c Boo # HDC134083 15 07 32.8 +24 50 52.2 transits at 01:32 UT, zenAng 8.5 deg (1.01 am) # HDC134083 is within zenith angle range from 22:56 to 04:09 UT # HDC134083 is within delay range from 22:16 to 09:03 UT for PTI_NS # HDC134083 is within delay range from 23:12 to 03:17 UT for PTI_NW HDC134083 15 07 18.066 +24 52 09.104 0.204 -0.164 4.9 3.8 F5V 6.6 0.62+/-0.1 cal HDC131511 # Simbad Search HD 131511: Type: Variable Star K2V V=6.01 V* DE Boo (BY Dra Var, 125 d period) # HDC131511 14 53 39.2 +19 07 48.3 transits at 01:18 UT, zenAng 14.2 deg (1.03 am) target # HDC131511 is within zenith angle range from 22:54 to 03:42 UT # HDC131511 is within delay range from 21:34 to 09:18 UT for PTI_NS # HDC131511 is within delay range from 22:55 to 02:49 UT for PTI_NW HDC131511 14 53 23.766 +19 09 10.074 -0.469 0.217 6.0 3.8 K2V xxx xxx trg ...
I'm not going to reproduce the timing documentation here, but three particular variants I'll bring to your attention are
a) routing the output of timing into the timing GUI tGui
(gnomad:39) timing -replace -day 12 -month 8 -base PTI_NS -baseline PTI_NW < | tGui
b) routing the timing output to the u-v track visualization tool uvTool:
(gnomad:40) timing -replace -day 12 -month 8 -b PTI_NS -baseline PTI_NW < | uvTool
c) a specialized invocation of timing that reports interesting astronomical information:
(gnomad:19) which tonight tonight: aliased to timing --noTargets (gnomad:20) tonight # Timing summary (timing v0.6dev) run at 3/31/2005 UTC, day 2005090 # for timings on 3/31/2005 UTC, day 2005090 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2453460.5 (precessing coordinates to this date) # The LST at 0 hr UT is 04:46:25 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 03:00 -- 12:42 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate LST at sunset -- sunrise: 07:47 -- 17:31 # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 07:41 -- 17:22 # 66% moon illumination -- 1.5 days before last quarter (moon transit 17 23 RA -28 15 Dec)
gcList – Run getCal over a list of targets
Relatively early in the getCal lifecycle users started requesting a way to drive getCal over a list of targets rather than only target at a time. Our answer was gcList. gcList reads an input (standard input) list of targets and an optional set of getCal command line options, and walks the input list invoking getCal on each input target, returning the getCal output (standard output). Any input getCal command-line directives are forwarded to getCal for each target. A typical gcList invocation would look like:
gcList [--objDesig=name|HD|HIP] [getCal command-line arguments] < targetList [> gc.targList.out]
gcList recognizes two command-line arguments:
Input file format:
The following is a sample input file format:
iota peg ## Iota Peg -- SB2 # Random comment 64 Psc
Comments are indicated by a pound or hash sign (#). All characters on a line following one or more comment characters are ignored.
An illustrative invocation of gcList is:
(gnomad:8) gcList -fbol < tmp ## executing getCal -targetName iota_peg -fbol ### GUI catalog from getCal-2.7c ### # Resolving target iota peg via SIMBAD # target HD 210027 # Simbad Search HD 210027: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 HDC210027 22 07 00.666 +25 20 42.402 0.328 0.027 3.8 2.7 0.43 F5V 0.0 xxx xxx trg # HIP 106897 (HD 206043) has his variability flag set (1) # with 0.020 mag scatter in 166 observations # Simbad Search HD 206043: HD 206043 -- Variable Star of gamma Dor type F2V V=5.783 HDC206043 21 39 01.189 +20 15 55.623 0.131 -0.001 5.8 5.0 0.31 F2V 8.2 0.37+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 # HIP 107310 (HD 206826) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 4.856 # B component -- V= 6.308 at sep 2.002 arcsec/PA 302 deg # Simbad Search HD 206826: HD 206826 -- High proper-motion Star F6V V=4.51 HDC206826 21 44 08.578 +28 44 33.476 0.297 -0.243 4.5 3.3 0.51 F6V 6.1 0.67+/-0.4 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 208527: HD 208527 -- Star K5V V=6.399 HDC208527 21 56 23.984 +21 14 23.490 0.002 0.015 6.4 3.5 1.70 K5V 4.8 0.58+/-1.1 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210074: HD 210074 -- Star F2V: V=5.742 HDC210074 22 07 28.593 +19 28 31.893 0.129 0.037 5.7 4.9 0.33 F2V: 5.9 0.32+/-0.2 cal HDC210027 # Simbad Search HD 210460: HD 210460 -- Star G0V V=6.194 HDC210460 22 10 19.021 +19 36 58.821 0.098 -0.094 6.2 4.8 0.69 G0V 5.8 0.32+/-0.3 cal HDC210027 # HIP 110548 (HD 212395) has his multiple component flag set to C # the C designation indicates solutions were found for individual components # 2 components: # A component -- V= 6.391 # B component -- V= 9.287 at sep 0.42 arcsec/PA 0 deg # Simbad Search HD 212395: HD 212395 -- High proper-motion Star F7V V=6.04 HDC212395 22 23 39.565 +20 50 53.627 0.359 -0.015 6.2 4.9 0.52 F7V 5.9 0.36+/-0.1 cal HDC210027 ### Bolometric Flux Diameter Fit results ### # option fixedError # option stdin # 2 command line arguments processed # Read 170 data lines from file stdin # ChiSqr F_bol (10^-8 Ang # Star Teff(K) /DOF DOF erg/cm2/s) Size (mas) Filters 1 HD_206043--F2V 6157 +/- 322 1.86 6 15.53 +/- 5.37 0.57 +/- 0.35 XXXXXXXX 2 HD_206826--F6V 6212 +/- 96 0.71 9 41.8 +/- 3.6 0.92 +/- 0.21 XXXXXXXXXXX 3 HD_208527--K5V 3319 +/- 257 8.95 5 22.51 +/- 12.6 2.36 +/- 2.79 XXXXXXX 4 HD_210027--F5V 6353 +/- 68 1.44 53 83.67 +/- 5.58 1.24 +/- 0.31 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5 HD_210074--F2V: 8277 +/- Inf Inf 0 17.33 +/- Inf 0.33 +/- Inf XX 6 HD_210460--G0V 5092 +/- 96 0.23 5 12.32 +/- 1.69 0.74 +/- 0.17 XXXXXXX 7 HD_212395--F7V 6649 +/- Inf Inf 0 11.55 +/- Inf 0.42 +/- Inf XX ### Simbad query results ### # Simbad Search HD 206043: HD 206043 -- Variable Star of gamma Dor type F2V V=5.783 [snip]
Warning: csAdhoc is deprecated and may be removed from the getCal suite in the future. You should use getCal --calScript --cal instead.
A tool for ad-hoc calibration script generation is csAdhoc:
(gnomad:10) csAdhoc --target=iota_peg HD_210074 HD_206043 capella 51_peg --verbose ## iota_peg resolved to HIP 109176 ## HD_210074 ## HD_206043 ## capella resolved to HIP 24608 ## 51_peg resolved to HIP 113357 HDC210027 22 07 00.648 +25 20 42.402 0.297 0.027 0.08506 # F5V V = 3.8, K = 2.7 --- 4 HDC210074 22 07 28.588 +19 28 31.893 0.122 0.037 0.01639 AD? ADerr? # F2V: V = 5.7, K = 4.9 HDC206043 21 39 01.184 +20 15 55.623 0.123 -0.001 0.02557 AD? ADerr? # F2V V = 5.8, K = 5.0 HDC34029 05 16 41.340 +45 59 52.768 0.076 -0.427 0.07729 AD? ADerr? # M1:comp V = 0.1, K = -3.8 HDC217014 22 57 27.972 +20 46 07.796 0.208 0.061 0.0651 AD? ADerr? # G5V V = 5.5, K = 3.9
csAdhoc is designed for those circumstances when the user has taken the data already, and wants to compose a provisional calibration script with a particular set of calibration objects.
The standard invocation of csAdhoc can be with or without a target designation, as in:
csAdhoc [--target=targetDesig] cal1 [cal2...]
such as:
(gnomad:13) csAdhoc HD_210074 HD_206043 capella 51_peg --- 4 HDC210074 22 07 28.588 +19 28 31.893 0.122 0.037 0.01639 AD? ADerr? # F2V: V = 5.7, K = 4.9 HDC206043 21 39 01.184 +20 15 55.623 0.123 -0.001 0.02557 AD? ADerr? # F2V V = 5.8, K = 5.0 HDC34029 05 16 41.340 +45 59 52.768 0.076 -0.427 0.07729 AD? ADerr? # M1:comp V = 0.1, K = -3.8 HDC217014 22 57 27.972 +20 46 07.796 0.208 0.061 0.0651 AD? ADerr? # G5V V = 5.5, K = 3.9
(gnomad:16) csAdhoc HD_206043 capella sirius 51_peg -target spica HDC116658 13 25 11.580 -11 09 40.759 -0.043 -0.032 0.01244 # B1V V = 1.0, K = 1.7 --- 4 HDC206043 21 39 01.184 +20 15 55.623 0.123 -0.001 0.02557 AD? ADerr? # F2V V = 5.8, K = 5.0 HDC34029 05 16 41.340 +45 59 52.768 0.076 -0.427 0.07729 AD? ADerr? # M1:comp V = 0.1, K = -3.8 HDC48915 06 45 08.931 -16 42 58.017 -0.546 -1.223 0.37921 AD? ADerr? # A0m... V = -1.4, K = -1.4 HDC217014 22 57 27.972 +20 46 07.796 0.208 0.061 0.0651 AD? ADerr? # G5V V = 5.5, K = 3.9
Overstating the obvious, without a target designation the intent is that the target line is to be supplied later by the user.
In all cases csAdhoc does not prepare angular diameter estimates for calibrators – instead these fields are left to be supplied by the user. Please note that wbCalib and nbCalib (part of the V2Calib package) will fail to parse such a calibration script without numerical values in these fields.
At the time of this writing targets and calibrators served by csAdhoc must be contained in the Hipparcos catalog.
Note: before getCal v. 2.7, csAdhoc did not correctly handle HIP designations; it was getting the HIP number from an undefined variable. Now it uses the input target HIP number properly.
timing – Compute interferometric target temporal accessibility
timing is a Perl program that ingests one or more astronomical target specifications (identifier + RA/Dec), and computes interferometer temporal accessibility for these targets, specifically when the target matches zenith and delay specifications for a given site on a specified day. This information is (by default) inserted into the input stream on output in the form of pound (hash – #) delimited annotations, and input to and output from timing is done through the stdin and stdout channels. Using command-line arguments the user can specify date for the calculation, geometric criteria (zenith angle, delay limits, bias offsets), location (e.g. Palomar), multiple baseline designations (e.g.: PTI_NS, PTI_NW, all), and various other output options. Timing also has the ability to compute pointing accessibility based on physical telescope alt/az limits.
The canonical use case is that the user has some list of astronomical targets (objects), and timing is used as a conduit to add timing constraint information to that list (as in):
timing [options] < > list.out
timing [options] --stdin < > list.out
(one of the recognized options is --stdin – see command-line options below). Note that to use the first form the user cannot enter ANY options not recognized by timing (i.e. ARGV must be empty after processing through getOpt).
Alternatively, timing can also accept a filename as an argument:
timing [options]
timing [options] > list.out
Note that in the last form the user cannot enter ANY options not recognized by timing (i.e. ARGV must contain only desired files after processing through getOpt). Object lists from multiple input files are concatenated in their order of appearance on the output stream.
As implied, in any form timing's output is written to stdout.
The coordinate format is a standard ASCII obj, ra, dec + ancillary data format common in astronomical applications. For example, at PTI (where timing was developed) this format looks like:
# Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
timing is interested in the positional information and target/calibrator role only, and (except as indicated in the option settings) only adds to the input stream, so the format of the remainder of the line is arbitrary from the timing perspective. The target/calibrator role information must be found somewhere in the line as the strings "trg", "cal", "ROLE=TRG" or "ROLE=CAL". We explicitly assume that input astrometry is referenced to epoch J2000.
Timing constraint information is added in the form of comment information (indicated by a #-sign) prefacing each valid target line detected in the input stream (we refer to these as timing annotations):
# Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 # HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 transits at 06:44:49 UT, zenAng 18.4 deg target # HDC234677 is within zenith angle range from 03:58:49 to 09:30:49 UT # HDC234677 is within delay range from 07:33:09 to 10:11:57 UT for PTI_NS # HDC234677 is within delay range from 04:18:23 to 19:31:16 UT for PTI_NW HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
When input to the PTI/KI sequencers these timing annotations are ignored as comment lines. You can already see that timing is setup to handle interferometers with multiple simultaneous baselines (i.e. NOT PTI).
So you can actually figure out what all these calculations are based on, timing provides a preamble in the output stream that provides context:
# Timing summary (timing v0.51dev) run at 12/28/2001 UTC, day 2001362 # for timings on 12/28/2001 UTC, day 2001362 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452271.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 22:38:41 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 01:46:00 -- 13:51:41 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate LST at sunset -- sunrise: 00:24:59 -- 12:32:39 # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 22:43:48 -- 13:00:29 # 94% moon illumination -- 2.2 days until full moon (moon at 04:26 RA +19:46 Dec) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using 38.3 m delay constraint
In particular there's interesting sunset/rise, moonrise/set/illumination/phase, LST, Julian date, and local time information in the preamble. If the user ONLY desires this information and no target accessibilities we have added the –noTargets option to exit timing after the (pertinent part of the) preamble is finished (see command-line options below).
timing's output is designed to be human readable, but the tGui and uvTool graphical user interface (GUI) applications also read that format and create (hopefully) informative line graph renderings of the timing output in temporal and u-v track spaces – see the tGui and uvTool documentation for details.
timing allows the computation of delay limits for interferometers with two stages of delay (i.e. "long" delay lines and "fast" delay lines, like NPOI and KI). The --biasOffset option (used in conjunction with the --delayLimit option) allows timing to compute either the full temporal delay limits, or just the temporal delay limits with the long delay lines in a particular configuration.
timing computes target zenith angle constraints based on a default value of the zenith angle (35 degrees), but this behavior can be modified using either the --zenithAngle (--za) or the --airmass switches (see below). For example:
timing --zenithAngle=40 < > list.out timing --airmass=1.25 < > list.out
(Note: the airmass switch overrides the zenithAngle switch.)
For timing users also interested in using single-aperture telescopes (e.g. me), the baseline command-line option now accepts "none" (or "NONE" or "None") to NOT compute delay timings:
timing --baseline=none < > list.out
By default, target astrometry (assumed J2000) is precessed to the current epoch/epoch of calculation. This can be controlled on or off with the -precess and -noPrecess options discussed below.
In addition to zenith angle and delay range constraints, timing can also compute windows of pointing accessibility for the given telescope/baseline. This captures the limitations of telescope pointing, since many telescopes are unable to access certain parts of the sky due to physical constraints of the telescope mount or nearby obstructions. These calculations are only done for baselines where pointing limits have been configured (sorry, they're hardcoded at this time, see if you want to hack and add your own). Pointing range information is reported similarly to zenith and delay range information, as comments in the output stream.
# altair 19 51 05.9 +08 53 07.1 transits at 10:16 UT, zenAng 10.9 deg (1.02 am) target # altair is within zenith angle range from 07:59 to 12:34 UT # altair is within delay range from 11:17 to 18:05 UT for KI_K1K2 # altair is within pointing range from 06:26 to 13:52 UT for KI_K1K2 altair 19 50 46.999 +08 52 05.959 0.543 0.386 0.8 0.3 0.22 SPECTYP=A7IV-V ROLE=TRG PID=PID?
timing comes with an ancillary utility stripTiming that removes the timing annotations added by timing. (stripTiming is actually just a tedious grep call.) The use case here is that you want to remove (and possibly replace) timing annotations previously inserted in a list:
stripTiming < [| timing [options] ] > list.out
or more straightforwardly, timing will pass the input through stripTiming for you using the -replace argument:
timing --replace [options] < in > out
Like timing, stripTiming takes its input on stdin and produces its output on stdout.
timing is also used as a component in the getCal suite to provide timing information for experiment planning purposes.
timing [options]
where valid options include:
--airmass= --baseline= --biasOffset=/--LDL=/--offset= --day= --delayLimit= --delayMax= --delayMin= --location= --month= --noEcho --noPreamble --noPrecess --noTargets --precess --replace --twilightAngle= --year= --za=/--zenithAngle= --table --tableStep= --nullDepth -NDstep --NDwavelength --trgAngDiam=
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
--baseline=PTI_NS --baseline=PTI_NW
Default all provides timings for all supported baselines at selected location, and supercedes all other baseline arguments. Value of "none" computes no delay timings. May be invoked multiple times.
Generic options:
Most default values in timing are controlled by configuration parameters (see Run-Time Configuration). Some of the parameters of particular relevance to timing are GC_DEFAULT_LOCATION, GC_DEFAULT_INTERFEROMETER, GC_DEFAULT_BASELINE, GC_DEFAULT_BIASOFFSET, GC_NULLDEPTH_WAVELENGTH, GC_NULLDEPTH_TRGDIAM, GC_TWILIGHT_ANGLE, GC_ZENITH_ANGLE.
As shown above, the canonical use case for timing is:
timing [options] < > list.out
1) A simple timing calculation (that replaces old timings) therefore goes something like:
(gnomad:143) timing -replace < testCases/64p.list # Timing summary (timing v0.5dev) run at 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # for timings on 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452265.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 22:15:01 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 01:42:39 -- 13:49:07 (12 deg twilight) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using 38.3 m delay constraint ### GUI catalog ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 transits at 02:33:58 UT, zenAng 16.4 deg (1.04 am) target # HDC4676 is within zenith angle range from 00:16:11 to 04:51:44 UT # HDC4676 is within delay range from 22:39:01 to 10:44:22 UT for PTI_NS # HDC4676 is within delay range from 00:09:49 to 03:59:33 UT for PTI_NW HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 F8V... xxx xxx trg
Timings for an alternate day can be computed by (note we've used the filename on the command line – rather than pushing it in on stdin):
2) Alternate locations and baselines can be specified via:
(gnomad:145) timing -replace -location MaunaKea -baseline KI_S1S2 < testCases/64p.list # Timing summary (timing v0.5dev) run at 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # for timings on 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # Using MaunaKea Location (long: -155:28:24 lat: +19:49:36) # Using KI_S1S2 Baseline (ENUBias: 12.37 16.23 0.01 17) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452265.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 19:40:35 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 14:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 04:39:43 -- 16:00:55 (12 deg twilight) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using 16.5 m delay constraint ### GUI catalog ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 transits at 05:08:24 UT, zenAng 2.9 deg (1.00 am) target # HDC4676 is within zenith angle range from 02:41:05 to 07:35:42 UT # HDC4676 is within delay range from 05:02:29 to 14:02:41 UT for KI_S1S2 HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 F8V... xxx xxx trg
3) Different zenith angle, delay limit, and bias offsets are set by:
(gnomad:146) timing -replace -location MaunaKea -baseline KI_S1S2 -zenith 45 -delay 19 -bias 12 < testCases/64p.list # Timing summary (timing v0.5dev) run at 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # for timings on 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # Using MaunaKea Location (long: -155:28:24 lat: +19:49:36) # Using KI_S1S2 Baseline (ENUBias: 12.37 16.23 0.01 17) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452265.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 19:40:35 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 14:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 04:39:43 -- 16:00:55 (12 deg twilight) # Using 45 deg zenith angle (1.41 airmass) constraint # Using 19 m delay constraint with 12 m bias offset ### GUI catalog ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 transits at 05:08:24 UT, zenAng 2.9 deg (1.00 am) target # HDC4676 is within zenith angle range from 01:58:30 to 08:18:17 UT # HDC4676 is never within delay range for KI_S1S2 HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 F8V... xxx xxx trg
As mentioned above, the --biasOffset option was added to provide support for interferometers with two-stage delay chains (e.g. NPOI, KI). To compute the delay limits for the fast delay lines (FDLs) moving around a particular long delay line (LDL) setting:
timing -delayLimit FDLLimit -biasOffset LDLSetting < list > listAnnotated
Conversely, to compute the limits for the full LDL+FDL excursion range this invocation becomes:
timing -delayLimit (FDLLimit+LDLLimit) < list > listAnnotated
4) This time setting twilight angle for sunset/sunrise:
(gnomad:147) timing -replace -twilight 5 testCases/64p.list # Timing summary (timing v0.5dev) run at 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # for timings on 12/22/2001 UTC, day 2001356 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452265.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 22:15:01 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 01:06:22 -- 14:25:24 (5 deg twilight) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using 38.3 m delay constraint ### GUI catalog ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 transits at 02:33:58 UT, zenAng 16.4 deg (1.04 am) target # HDC4676 is within zenith angle range from 00:16:11 to 04:51:44 UT # HDC4676 is within delay range from 22:39:01 to 10:44:22 UT for PTI_NS # HDC4676 is within delay range from 00:09:49 to 03:59:33 UT for PTI_NW HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 F8V... xxx xxx trg
5) Here's an example where I illustrate the no baseline/delay timing feature and the -filename command-line switch:
(gnomad:17) timing -replace -base none -filename testCases/64p.list # Timing summary (timing v0.52dev) run at 1/4/2002 UTC, day 2002004 # for timings on 1/4/2002 UTC, day 2002004 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452278.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 23:06:17 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 01:50:44 -- 13:53:37 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 05:56:47 -- 19:00:57 # 68% moon illumination -- 1.6 days before last quarter (moon transit 11 38 RA +07 26 Dec) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint ### GUI catalog ### # Resolving target 64 psc via SIMBAD # target HD 4676 # HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 transits at 01:42:25 UT, zenAng 16.4 deg (1.04 am) target # HDC4676 is within zenith angle range from 23:24:38 to 04:00:11 UT HDC4676 00 48 58.708 +16 56 26.318 -0.002 -0.202 5.1 3.7 F8V... xxx xxx trg # HDC2454 00 28 20.052 +10 11 23.452 transits at 01:21:50 UT, zenAng 23.2 deg (1.09 am) # HDC2454 is within zenith angle range from 23:27:29 to 03:16:10 UT HDC2454 00 28 20.052 +10 11 23.452 0.033 -0.203 6.0 4.8 F6Vawvar 8.40892 0.36+/-0.1 cal # HDC3651 00 39 21.806 +21 15 01.701 transits at 01:32:50 UT, zenAng 12.1 deg (1.02 am) # HDC3651 is within zenith angle range from 23:03:55 to 04:01:44 UT HDC3651 00 39 21.806 +21 15 01.701 -0.495 -0.371 5.9 3.9 K0V 4.87127 0.72+/-0.0 cal
6) Here's a demo of the -noTargets option:
(gnomad:57) timing -noTarg -noPre # Timing summary (timing v0.53dev) run at 2/17/2002 UTC, day 2002048 # for timings on 2/17/2002 UTC, day 2002048 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452322.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 01:59:45 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 02:27:31 -- 13:35:30 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 17:34:30 -- 05:44:36 # 27% moon illumination -- 2.5 days before first quarter (moon transit 02 02 RA +07 28 Dec)
timing is part of the getCal suite – a product of the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology –
fbol – Bolometric Flux/Spectral Energy Distribution Modeling
fbol is a spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling and angular diameter estimation tool (and part of the getCal suite); it is designed to estimate simple star apparent (angular) diameters by modeling their photometry with a Plank black-body SED parameterized by effective temperature and bolometric flux. The angular diameter (theta – units of radians) is simply related to effective temperature (T) and bolometric flux (Fbol) by:
Fbol = 1/4 theta^2 sigma T^4 = 1/4 pi theta^2 integral[B_lambda(T) d lambda]
with sigma being the Steffan-Boltzman constant. This relationship defines effective temperature, and is derived in the accompanying fbolSED.tex (see the doc directory in the getCal tarball).
The basic fbol invocation looks like:
fbol [options] photometry.file [phot.file2 ...] [more options]
By default fbol reads input photometry/flux information from one or more photometry files (the format is discussed below), however photometry can also be read from stdin using a stdin switch:
fbol --stdin [more options] < photometry.file
fbol output is written to stdout:
fbol ~/photometry.51_Peg # Read 89 data lines from file: /home/bode/photometry.51_Peg # ChiSqr F_bol (10^-8 Ang # Star Teff(K) /DOF DOF erg/cm2/s) Size (mas) Filters 1 HD_217014--G2.5IVa 5705 +/- 36 0.54 85 19.14 +/- 0.189 0.74 +/- 0.11 .........
Errors quoted in the model parameters are mapped to a fit chi squared per degree of freedom of 1.
Errors quoted in the model parameters are FORMAL errors, and should NOT be taken as the actual errors (i.e. stars are only approximately black body radiators).
fbol can also output plots of the input photometric/flux data and resulting SED model using the third-party graphing package gnuplot (available on most systems, see Plots are available in screen display, PostScript, and png formats (see more information in the options section below).
fbol [options]
where valid options include:
--blackwellCorrections --constrainTemp --eps --fixedErrors= --hardCopy --plots --png --reddening --verbose
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
> T HD_217014--G2.5IVa 5808 # Model Effective Temp <= Spectral Type G2.5IVa)
No argument when used.
Generic options:
The photometry file format a is simple ASCII-based format:
### HD 19373 -- High proper-motion Star ### ICRS 2000: 03 09 04.0197 +49 36 47.799 ### Spectral Type G0V T HD_19373--G0V 5930 # Model Effective Temp <= Spectral Type G0V ### V=4.05 M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.05 0.09 # Simbad V=4.05 ### B-V=0.59 C HD_19373--G0V B-V=0.59 ## Simbad B-V color index D HD_19373--G0V 10.534 0.074 ## Parallax 94.93 [.67] A [21]1997A&A...323L..49P M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.04 0.05 # UBV Johnson V=4.04 1953ApJ...117..313J M HD_19373--G0V Johnson B 4.64 0.05 # UBV Johnson B=4.64 1953ApJ...117..313J M HD_19373--G0V Johnson U 4.74 0.05 # UBV Johnson U=4.74 1953ApJ...117..313J ## The format supports comments ## The format also support flux in Flambda or Fnu units Fl HD_19373--G0V 360 68 5.22e-07 2.3e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson U 4.77 0.05 # UBV Johnson U=4.77 1966CoLPL...4...99J Fl HD_19373--G0V 555 89 8.83e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.07 0.05 # UBV Johnson V=4.07 1967AJ.....72.1334C Fl HD_19373--G0V 450 98 8.75e-07 3.9e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson B 4.66 0.05 # UBV Johnson B=4.66 1967AJ.....72.1334C Fl HD_19373--G0V 360 68 5.07e-07 2.3e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson U 4.8 0.05 # UBV Johnson U=4.8 1967AJ.....72.1334C Fl HD_19373--G0V 555 89 9e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.05 0.05 # UBV Johnson V=4.05 1952ApJ...116..251S Fl HD_19373--G0V 450 98 8.85e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson B 4.648 0.05 # UBV Johnson B=4.648 1952ApJ...116..251S ## Format supports different photometric systems (e.g. Johnson, Cousins, ## Stromgren, Geneva, and 2Mass) M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren u 5.959 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy u=5.959 1998A&AS..129..431H M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren v 5.004 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy v=5.004 1998A&AS..129..431H M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren b 4.427 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy b=4.427 1998A&AS..129..431H M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren y 4.05 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy y=4.05 1998A&AS..129..431H #M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren u 5.956 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy u=5.956 1966AJ.....71..709C #M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren v 5.003 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy v=5.003 1966AJ.....71..709C #T HD_19373--G0V 5528 # model Effective Temp <= Stromgren photometry M HD_19373--G0V Johnson J 3.06 0.05 # JP11 Johnson J=3.06 1968ApJ...152..465J M HD_19373--G0V Johnson K 2.69 0.05 # JP11 Johnson K=2.69 1968ApJ...152..465J M HD_19373--G0V Johnson L 2.66 0.05 # JP11 Johnson L=2.66 1968ApJ...152..465J M HD_19373--G0V Johnson H 2.73 0.05 # JP11 Johnson H=2.73 1968ApJ...152..465J # 2Mass Search HD_19373: K = 2.723 +/- 0.266 J = 3.143 +/- 0.246 H = 2.875 +/- 0.206 M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass Ks 2.723 0.266 # 2Mass Ks=2.723 +/- 0.266 M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass J 3.143 0.246 # 2Mass J=3.143 +/- 0.246 M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass H 2.875 0.206 # 2Mass H=2.875 +/- 0.206
Available formats in this scheme are:
M starID System Band Magnitude Error <### Generic photometry format M StarID Lambda Bandpass Magnitude Error <### (magnitudes in Johnson system assumed) F StarID Lambda Bandpass Flux Error <### (Fluxes in Jy) Fn StarID Lambda Bandpass Flux Error <### (Fluxes in Jy) Fl StarID Lambda Bandpass Flux Error <### (Fluxes in erg s^-1 cm^-2 um^-1) C StarID B-V=color <### Star B-V color S StarID Filter Magnitude Error (Not yet implemented) Z Filter Lambda Bandpass Zeropoint (For specifying a new filter) D StarID Distance P StarID Parallax N Datafilename BlackbodyFilename (For specifying output filenames)
General notes on this format:
, Fn
F_nu units) or erg s^-1 cm^-2 um^-1 (Fl
F_lambda units)
For magnitude data in an unspecified system (Johnson assumed), the supported Johnson-system bands (wavelengths, pass-bands, and zeropoints) (in nm and erg s^-1 cm^-2 um^-1) are:
Filter | Lambda_0 | Delta_lambda | Zero (F_lambda) | Zero (F_nu)
(nm) | (nm) | (erg s^-1 cm^-2 um^-1) | (Jy)
| |
U | 360 | 68 | 4.27e-5 | 1829
B | 445 | 98 | 6.61e-5 | 4144
V | 555 | 89 | 3.64e-5 | 3544
R | 668 | 210 | 1.74e-5 | 2950
I | 879 | 240 | 9.12e-6 | 2280
J | 1215 | 260 | 3.18e-6 | 1630
H | 1654 | 290 | 1.15e-6 | 1050
K | 2179 | 410 | 4.14e-7 | 655
L | 3500 | 700 | 6.59e-8 | 276
M | 4769 | 450 | 2.11e-8 | 160
N | 10472 | 5190 | 9.63e-10 | 35.2
Q | 20130 | 7800 | 7.18e-11 | 9.70
getCal uses the companion (perl) program fbolFormat to automatically create this photometry file format from Simbad (and other) database material. getCal now exposes this format to the user so they can see details of the bolometric flux calculations, and save (and modify) this data in future calculations. Note that starting in the v2.6 series, by default getCal produces all photometry records in the generic system/band specification. Further, fbol uses the companion script convertPhotometry to render disparate photometry data into consistent flux (Flambda or Fnu) units.
Estimating Stellar Angular Diameters With SED Modeling
As argued elsewhere, we are motivated to estimate star angular diameters. For instance, our own sun viewed from a typical solar neighborhood distance of 10 pc is less than 1 milliarcsecond (10^(-3) arcseconds, mas) in apparent diameter. Therefore, as an adjunct to both selecting and using calibration stars, it is a practical necessity to estimate stellar angular diameters from ancillary data. While several techniques exist for such estimates, the most broadly applicable and prevalent techniques are based on modeling the stellar photosphere as a blackbody, in which case the apparent diameter of the star reduces to a simple function the observed bolometric flux and the effective temperature (e.g.~see Blackwell94 and references therein). This section documents the algorithm fbol uses for angular diameter estimation.
First consider a unit area Plank blackbody at temperature T. The emittance (radiation emitted per unit surface – dimensions of energy per unit time) is:
where the last two expressions capture the spectral energy distribution of the blackbody radiation. Radiation from the unit surface is isotropic, so the specific intensity (radiation flux density per unit solid angle – dimensions of energy per unit time per unit solid angle) is a simple function of the projected area, so in a direction \bf \hat o this flux density is:
where \bf \hat n is the unit normal to the surface, and $\theta$ is the angle between \bf \hat n and \bf \hat o. Thus at a location D \, \bf \hat o from the unit emitter, the radiation flux per unit cross-sectional area (dimensions of energy per unit time per unit area) is:
Now consider the photosphere of a star as an isotropic sphere of radius R, the surface of which is taken to be a Plank blackbody radiator at uniform temperature T. For the observer at distance D the total radiation flux per unit cross-sectional area (the bolometric flux) can be computed as the integral of the contributions f_a \, dA over the hemisphere of the star visible to the observer:
Choosing the observer direction \bf \hat o as the reference axis in a spherical polar coordinate system allows us to identify the star surface area element dA as R^2 \sin \theta \, d \theta \, d \phi, making the evaluation of the integral straightforward:
with the identification of the star's angular diameter \Theta = 2 R / D, and introducing the stellar flux per unit wavelength F_\lambda. Solving Eq.~\ref(eq:Fbol) for \Theta yields the desired angular diameter estimator:
\approx 8.17 mas \times 10^(-0.2 * (V + BC)) \left[T / 5800 K \right]^(-2)
with V and BC as the star's (Johnson) visual magnitude and bolometric correction respectively. A couple of aspects of Eq.~eq:angDiameter are noteworthy. First, it is significant that no particular knowledge of the physical size of the star is necessary – the bolometric flux characterizes the solid angle of the star on the sky, and the blackbody temperature characterizes the emittance of the stellar surface. This emphasizes the intuitive notion that two stars of the same temperature but different physical radii R_1 and R_2 (e.g.~an M-dwarf and an M supergiant) will have the same apparent size and bolometric flux so long as R_1 / D_1 = R_2 / D_2. Secondly, in deriving Eq.eq:angDiameter it was sufficient that the photospheric emittance was taken as isotropic and characterizable by a ancillary parameter (temperature); no particular use is made of the blackbody SED model.
The operational issue in applying Eq.angDiameter to potential calibrators is determining the bolometric flux and effective temperature for the star. The most prevalent methods for this estimation is by modeling the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the star. This is illustrated in Fig.~fig:SEDmodel1 which depicts the modeling of the SED for 51 Pegasi (HD~217014) with a Plank blackbody form (specifically Eq.eq:Flambda) with free parameters \Theta and T_eff. In both cases the flux data for the stars is derived from archival optical and infrared photometry. In the first example (Fig.~fig:SEDmodel1) the 51~Peg SED is well-modeled by Eq.eq:Flambda with T \approx 5600 K and \Theta \approx 0.74 mas (despite the putative planetary-mass companion to 51 Peg; the implied temperature and physical size (R \sim 1.3 R_\odot from this diameter estimate and Hipparcos parallax) are in good agreement with the putative evolutionary state of the star.
Modeling of the spectral energy distributions for 51 Pegasi (HD 217014) with a single-temperature Plank blackbody photosphere model (Eq.eq:Flambda). The agreement between data and model is reasonably good.
fbolFormat is a companion application to fbol that retrieves photometry (and optionally, radiometry) information for astronomical objects and produces formatted records for use by fbol (see fbol Input). Normally this happens behind the scenes in getCal without user intervention, but this short section introduces fbolFormat to the user if the need ever arises for manual processing.
Note: Unlike in past releases, fbolFormat now retrieves information from Simbad and other information sources directly instead of using records returned from another utility. In the past, fbolFormat read reports produced by another utility, simbadInteractiveQuery. This functionality is no longer supported.
For illustration, a manual fbolFormat invocation looks like:
> fbolFormat iota_peg --longWL --strom --geneva --2Mass --fLambda | fbol --stdin # option stdin # 1 command line arguments processed # ChiSqr F_bol (10^-8 Ang # Star Teff(K) /DOF DOF erg/cm2/s) Size (mas) Filters 1 HD_210027--F5V 6320 +/- 57 6.13 86 83.52 +/- 4.8 1.25 +/- 0.42 ..........................................................................XX............
fbolFormat supports the following options:
--2Mass --CIO --fLambda --fNu --geneva --gezari --hipparcos/--tycho --longWL --noB --noPlx --noU --noV --stromgren/--uvby
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
convertPhotometry is a companion application to fbol to manipulate photometry data in fbol format (fbol Input). convertPhotometry converts disparate photometry and flux units into a consistent set of fluxes (either Flambda in erg s^-1 cm^-2 um^-1 or Fnu in Jy). fbol literally uses convertPhotometry to convert input on the fly, but convertPhotometry is also exposed to the getCal user for their convenience.
The basic convertPhotometry invocation looks like:
convertPhotometry [options] photometry.file [phot.file2 ...] [more options] [> output]
convertPhotometry [options] --stdin < input [> output]
As indicated in the above examples, convertPhotometry can read input from one or more files listed on the command line, or accept input from stdin (but not both). All convertPhotometry output comes out on stdout.
convertPhotometry is written to function both as a command-line user tool to manipulate photometry files, and as an in-line filter to convert photometry formats on the fly (this is exactly how fbol uses convertPhotometry).
To illustrate, a common use of convertPhotometry is the conversion of photometry file:
> convertPhotometry photometry.iota_per ### HD 19373 -- High proper-motion Star ### ICRS 2000: 03 09 04.0197 +49 36 47.799 ### Spectral Type G0V T HD_19373--G0V 5930 # Model Effective Temp <= Spectral Type G0V ### V=4.05 Fl HD_19373--G0V 555 89 9e-07 7.2e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.05 0.09 # Simbad V=4.05 ### B-V=0.59 C HD_19373--G0V B-V=0.59 ## Simbad B-V color index D HD_19373--G0V 10.534 0.074 ## Parallax 94.93 [.67] A [21]1997A&A...323L..49P Fl HD_19373--G0V 555 89 9.08e-07 4.1e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.04 0.05 # UBV Johnson V=4.04 1953ApJ...117..313J Fl HD_19373--G0V 450 98 8.92e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson B 4.64 0.05 # UBV Johnson B=4.64 1953ApJ...117..313J Fl HD_19373--G0V 360 68 5.36e-07 2.4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson U 4.74 0.05 # UBV Johnson U=4.74 1953ApJ...117..313J Fl HD_19373--G0V 555 89 9e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson V 4.05 0.05 # UBV Johnson V=4.05 1966CoLPL...4...99J Fl HD_19373--G0V 450 98 8.83e-07 4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson B 4.65 0.05 # UBV Johnson B=4.65 1966CoLPL...4...99J Fl HD_19373--G0V 360 68 5.22e-07 2.3e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Johnson U 4.77 0.05 # UBV Johnson U=4.77 1966CoLPL...4...99J Fl HD_19373--G0V 350 34 4.85e-07 3.4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren u 5.959 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy u=5.959 1998A&AS..129..431H Fl HD_19373--G0V 411 20 8.63e-07 6.1e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren v 5.004 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy v=5.004 1998A&AS..129..431H Fl HD_19373--G0V 467 16 9.98e-07 7.1e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren b 4.427 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy b=4.427 1998A&AS..129..431H Fl HD_19373--G0V 547 24 8.95e-07 6.4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V Stromgren y 4.05 0.08 # Stromgren ubvy y=4.05 1998A&AS..129..431H # 2Mass Search HD_19373: K = 2.723 +/- 0.266 J = 3.143 +/- 0.246 H = 2.875 +/- 0.206 Fl HD_19373--G0V 2159 262 3.49e-08 7.6e-09 ## M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass Ks 2.723 0.266 # 2Mass Ks=2.723 +/- 0.266 Fl HD_19373--G0V 1235 162 1.74e-07 3.5e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass J 3.143 0.246 # 2Mass J=3.143 +/- 0.246 Fl HD_19373--G0V 1662 251 7.86e-08 1.4e-08 ## M HD_19373--G0V 2Mass H 2.875 0.206 # 2Mass H=2.875 +/- 0.206
As you can see, the converted flux lines have the original input lines appended to them to provide data traceability. convertPhotometry passes lines it doesn't recognize (i.e. non-photometry or flux lines) without modification.
convertPhotometry supports the following command-line options:
Generic options:
obsCalendar – perl program to compute target annual accessibility.
obsCalendar is a Perl program that ingests one or more astronomical target specifications (designation + RA/Dec), and computes annual accessibility information (i.e. when the target is available in the sky for viewing). This accessibility information is (by default) inserted into the input stream on output in the form of pound (hash – #) delimited annotations, and input to and output from obsCalendar is done through the stdin and stdout channels. Using command-line arguments the user can specify year for the calculations, geometric criteria (zenith angle), location (e.g. Palomar), and various other output options. The user interface and option set for obsCalendar in general mimics its older sibling timing.
The canonical use case is that the user has some list of astronomical targets (objects), and obsCalendar is used as a conduit to add accessibility constraint information to that list (as in):
obsCalendar [options] < > list.out
obsCalendar [options] --stdin < > list.out
(one of the recognized is stdin – see command-line options below). Note that to use the first form the user cannot enter ANY options not recognized by obsCalendar (i.e. ARGV must be empty after processing through getOpt).
Alternatively, obsCalendar can also accept a filename as an argument:
obsCalendar [options]
obsCalendar [options] > list.out
Note that in the last form the user cannot enter ANY options not recognized by obsCalendar (i.e. @ARGV must contain only desired files after processing through getOpt). Object lists from multiple input files are concatenated in their order of appearance on the output stream.
As implied, in any form obsCalendar's output is written to stdout.
The coordinate format is a standard ASCII obj, ra, dec + ancillary data format common in astronomical applications. For example, at PTI (where obsCalendar was developed) this format looks like:
# Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
obsCalendar is interested in the positional information and target/calibrator role only, and (except as indicated in the option settings) only adds to the input stream, so the format of the remainder of the line is arbitrary from the obsCalendar perspective. The target/calibrator role information must be found somewhere in the line as the strings "trg", "cal", "ROLE=TRG" or "ROLE=CAL".
The obsCalendar constraint information is added in the form of comment information (indicated by a #-sign) prefacing each valid target line detected in the input stream:
# Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 # HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 is near transit at sunrise on 4/23/2002 (2002113) target # HDC234677 is near transit at midnight on 6/26/2002 (2002177) # HDC234677 is near transit at sunset on 9/14/2002 (2002257) HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
The accessibility calculations default to the dates of transit for local sunrise, midnight, and sunset. These are serviceable definitions, but they are rather restricted in their scope. So obsCalendar also accepts an -hourAngle command-line argument that allows the user to add additional computation of offsets from transit that expand the accessible range:
(gnomad:24) obsCalendar --hourAngle=2 tmp # Observing calendar (obsCalendar v0.1dev) run at 2/23/2002 UTC, day 2002054 # for timings in 2002 UTC # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 # HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 is near transit at sunrise on 4/25/2002 (2002115) target # HDC234677 is 2 hours pre-transit at sunrise on 3/10/2002 (2002069) # HDC234677 is near transit at midnight on 6/26/2002 (2002177) # HDC234677 is near transit at sunset on 9/14/2002 (2002257) # HDC234677 is 2 hours post-transit at sunset on 10/28/2002 (2002301) HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
Like timing, obsCalendar provides a (currently minimal) preamble that provides context...:
# Observing calendar (obsCalendar v0.1dev) run at 2/18/2002 UTC, day 2002049 # for timings in 2002 UTC # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24)
obsCalendar's output is designed to be human readable, but the ocGui graphical user interface (GUI) application also reads that format and creates (hopefully) informative line graph renderings of the obsCalendar output – see the ocGui and uvTool documentation for details.
timing and obsCalendar come with an ancillary utility stripTiming that _removes_ the annotations added by timing and obsCalendar. (stripTiming is actually just a tedious grep call.) The use case here is that you want to remove (and possibly replace) timing and/or obsCalendar annotations previously inserted in a list:
stripTiming < [| timing [options] ] > list.out
or more straightforwardly, obsCalendar will pass the input through stripTiming for you using the -replace argument:
obsCalendar --replace [options] < in > out
Like obsCalendar, stripTiming takes its input on stdin and produces its output on stdout.
obsCalendar supports the following command-line options:
--hourAngle= --location= --noEcho --noPreamble --replace --twilightAngle= --year=
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
Generic options:
xeConvert – conversion to XEphem catalog format
is a small utility that converts a getCal-composed
catalog file for use with the excellent third-party sky
visualization package
As mentioned above, xeConvert
is a small utility that
transforms the native getCal output format into the
input catalog format for the popular
XEphem sky
visualization package. A typical use case for xeConvert
xeConvert < my.schedule.file > my.XEphem.catalog.file
or perhaps using the XEphem input fifo mechanism (see the fifo discussion below):
xeConvert < my.schedule.file > $HOME/XEphem/fifos/xephem_db_fifo
Several of the getCal components (gcGui, tGui,
ocGui, uvTool) use xeConvert
to convert native
schedule formats into XEphem catalogs for sky visualization.
Completely unsolicited and free of charge, I'm including my tips for working with getCal and XEphem.
XEphem Setup
char fo_spect[10]; /* spectral codes, if appropriate -- mod A.B. */
This way the XEphem spectral codes can carry along astrophysical information – object luminosity class information at a minimum, and other ancillary information as is common. This is clearly more of an issue for the professional astronomer user of XEphem than the casual user.
Forgive me, I'm ignorant of the contents/MO of the RPMs, but in the source distribution there's a directory xephem-xxx/GUI/xephem/fifos which contains the Makefile for these fifos that XEphem uses. In that directory you simply type 'make' and magic happens.
I also find it expedient to setup a symbolic link from
to the XEphem fifo subdirectory in the build
tree, but this is just personal preference.
to point to the appropriate db fifo created
in the step above. See Run-Time Configuration.
Running with XEphem
If you're just going to be writing XEphem catalogs to disk with getCal components, then there are no strong dependencies between the two packages – you can arbitrarily create XEphem catalogs without regard to the run state of XEphem, and then use these catalogs at your leisure.
However, if you plan to use the XEphem fifo mechanism for communication, then XEphem should be up and accepting data from this fifo. With the 2.6 release I have now figured out how to write to the fifo in a non-blocking way (so there are no more wedges – yea!!), but if XEphem isn't up and catching the getCal output the catalogs you write will be lost (the fifo mechanism doesn't buffer this output).
The gcConf describes in detail the run-time configuration of your getCal installation. This includes the search paths for executables and Perl modules, plus the values of run-time parameters set through the getCal configuration file (e.g., $(installation prefix)/etc/getCal.conf) and/or environment variables.
If you observe odd or unexpected behavior from getCal after attempting to change the run-time configuration, it may be worth your while to run gcConf. Hopefully, this transparency (making getCal “show its work”) will quickly allow you to locate and fix any configuration-related glitches.
Sample output from gcConf:
% ~/dev/bin/gcConf ############################################ Current configuration information for getCal ############################################ getCal version getCal-v2.10.4, build 20071029 Current bin directory /Users/sgroom/dev/bin Default location of getCal Perl modules /Users/sgroom/dev/bin/../lib/modules Current configuration file /Users/sgroom/dev/etc/getCal.conf Configuration file location can be overridden by setting the GC_CONFIG environment variable. Run-time parameters in the configuration file can be overridden using environment variables. Build-time configuration: Build directory /Users/sgroom/work/getCal Installation prefix /Users/sgroom/dev Installation bin directory /Users/sgroom/dev/bin Search path(s) for Perl modules (from environment variable PERL5LIB): /Users/sgroom/local/perl/lib Search path(s) for Perl modules (from the site configuration): . /Library/Perl /Library/Perl/5.8.1 /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Users/sgroom/dev/bin/../lib/modules /Users/sgroom/local/perl/lib/darwin-thread-multi-2level Parameters in effect: getCal version 2.10.4 [build-time configure script] getCal build ID 20071029 [build-time configure script] build root directory /Users/sgroom/work/getCal [build-time configure script] installed bin directory /Users/sgroom/dev/bin [build-time configure script] sort utility /usr/bin/sort [build-time configure script] grep utility /usr/bin/grep [build-time configure script] egrep utility grep -E [build-time configure script] getCal data path /Users/sgroom/dev/data/getCal [build-time configure script] getCal doc path /Users/sgroom/dev/doc/getCal [build-time configure script] gnuplot utility /Users/sgroom/local/bin/gnuplot [build-time configure script] Perl interpreter /usr/bin/perl [build-time configure script] pstopnm utility /sw/bin/pstopnm [build-time configure script] pnmflip utility /sw/bin/pnmflip [build-time configure script] ppmtogif utility /sw/bin/ppmtogif [build-time configure script] ppmtojpeg utility /sw/bin/ppmtojpeg [build-time configure script] pnmtopng utility /sw/bin/pnmtopng [build-time configure script] ps2pdf utility /sw/bin/ps2pdf [build-time configure script] GC_CONFIG /Users/sgroom/dev/etc/getCal.conf [build-time configure script] GC_BROWSER open /Applications/ [environment variable GC_BROWSER] GC_CAL_MAXK 5.0 [config file] GC_CAL_MAXL undefined GC_CAL_MAXN undefined GC_CAL_MAXV 7.5 [config file] GC_CAL_MINK 2.0 [config file] GC_CAL_MINL undefined GC_CAL_MINN undefined GC_CAL_MINV 2.0 [config file] GC_CAL_SEARCHRADIUS 10.0 [config file] GC_CIO_CATALOG_PATH /Users/sgroom/dev/data/catalogs/CIO5.1/ciov5.1 [config file] GC_DEBUG 0 [config file] GC_DEFAULT_BASELINE all [config file] GC_DEFAULT_BIASOFFSET 0 [hard-coded default] GC_DEFAULT_FORMAT new [config file] GC_DEFAULT_INTERFEROMETER PTI [config file] GC_DEFAULT_LOCATION Palomar [config file] GC_DEFAULT_TIMEOFFSET 00:00 [config file] GC_FIRSTPASS_K 0.5 [hard-coded default] GC_FIRSTPASS_N 0.5 [hard-coded default] GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH /Users/sgroom/dev/data/catalogs/hipparcos [config file] Hipparcos catalog file /Users/sgroom/dev/data/catalogs/hipparcos/hip_main.dat [under Hipparcos Path] GC_HIPPARCOS_IDX_PATH /Users/sgroom/dev/data/getCal [config file] GC_HTTP_TIMEOUT 30 [config file] GC_IRAS_SEARCHRADIUS 10 [hard-coded default] GC_IDENT_HDC 1 [config file] GC_IRSA_HOST [config file] GC_NULLDEPTH_TRGDIAM 1.5 [hard-coded default] GC_NULLDEPTH_WAVELENGTH 11.25 [hard-coded default] GC_SIG_FIGURES 3 [hard-coded default] GC_SIMBAD_CACHEDIR [hard-coded default] GC_SIMBAD_CACHEONLY 0 [hard-coded default] GC_SIMBAD_HOST [config file] GC_TOLERANCE_K 0.4 [hard-coded default] GC_TOLERANCE_N 0.4 [hard-coded default] GC_TWILIGHT_ANGLE 12 [hard-coded default] GC_2MASS_SEARCHRADIUS 3 [hard-coded default] GC_XEPHEM_FIFO [config file] GC_ZENITH_ANGLE 35 [hard-coded default] HTTP_PROXY http://localhost:8080 [environment variable HTTP_PROXY]
simbadInteractiveQuery – Query the Simbad database by HTTP
) is a perl program (and part
of the getCal suite) that interfaces with the Simbad astronomical
database to resolve astronomical designations and retrieve data on one
or more astronomical objects (herein search targets). Optionally,
can return specific designation, astrometric, or
measurement information, and submit the query in the context of an
external user-interactive web browser application. Most of the
interface semantics and functionality is designed to be a
general service for getCal components, but the executable is exposed
to the user as part of the getCal install, and is accessible (and
maybe even useful) from the command-line.
Simbad (and its US mirror at SAO-CfA) is an astronomical database that provides basic data, cross-identifications and bibliography for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
The basic simbadInteractiveQuery
invocation looks like:
simbadInteractiveQuery [options] search_target [search_target2...] [more options]
By default simbadInteractiveQuery
retrieves the search targets from the command line, but
it can optionally read from stdin or multiple filenames as in:
simbadInteractiveQuery --stdin < my.list
simbadInteractiveQuery --filename=my.list [--filename=my.list2 ...]
By default simbadInteractiveQuery
output is written to stdout, but with the -browser
option simbadInteractiveQuery
can issue the query in the context of one or more external
browser instances:
simbadInteractiveQuery target [target2...] [--list] --browser [browser_executable]
Other than for external browser-based queries, simbadInteractiveQuery
produces basic
information on the target(s) on stdin, as in:
simbadInteractiveQuery iota_Peg # Simbad Search iota_Peg: HD 210027 -- Spectroscopic binary F5V V=3.76 simbadInteractiveQuery IM_Peg -SAO # Simbad Search IM_Peg: HD 216489 -- Variable of RS CVn type K1.5II-IIIe V=5.892 SAO 108231 simbadInteractiveQuery DG_Tau -coord # Simbad Search DG_Tau: V* DG Tau -- T Tau-type Star GV:e... coord 04 27 04.76 +26 06 16.9 D (gnomad:23) simbadInteractiveQuery -all NGC_1068 # Simbad Search NGC_1068: APG 37 -- Interacting Galaxies S... [1]Jump to the CDS home page SIMBAD Query Result ... Object query : search NGC 1068 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ... Basic data : APG 37 -- Interacting Galaxies Query around with radius ____ arc min. ICRS 2000.0 coordinates 02 42 40.83 -00 00 48.4 D [18]1999ApJS..125..409C FK5 2000/2000 coordinates 02 42 40.83 -00 00 48.4 FK4 1950/1950 coordinates 02 40 07.17 -00 13 32.3 Galaxy dimensions 1.88 0.05 70 (~) B magn, V magn, Peculiarities 8.91, Spectral type S... Radial velocity (v:Km/s) or Redshift (z) z +.003786 [ .000033] D [19]2002LEDA..........P ...
simbadInteractiveQuery [options] target
where valid options include:
--allData/--meas --browser --commonNames --coord --FK5 --HD= --HIP= --SAO --html --identifiers/--pseudonyms --Kmag --lineWidth= --list --url
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
simbadInteractiveQuery --browser --list iota_Peg 51_Peg simbadInteractiveQuery NGC_1068 --browser
Generic options:
is (of course) just a Simbad robot. It works (primarily) by
routing Simbad search targets to Simbad without interpretation. If
(when) you get the pervasive error message:
simbadInteractiveQuery DGTau This identifier is not present in the database: NAME DGTAU
Please consult the designation dictionary at Simbad ( for clarification on Simbad designation standards.
As indicated above, this version of simbadInteractiveQuery
can accept search targets by
three method: on stdin, via one or more files, or as direct
command-line arguments. These three input methods are mutually
Search target input on stdin is assumed by simbadInteractiveQuery
if there are no
remaining command-line arguments after option processing, or if
specifically directed by the –stdin command-line argument (see below).
Input on stdin follows the general principles outlined in the file
format discussed in the following paragraph.
Search target input via files is invoked by one or more instances of
the --filename=
option on the command line (see below). The
required format of the file is individual search targets listed one
per line. Blank lines and #-prefaced comments are acceptable. An
example illustrating most of the aspects of the file format is:
## Sample simbadInteractiveQuery
input file format
## Previous line left intentionally blank
Omi Cet
iota Peg ## The universe's most important spectroscopic binary
DG Tau ## A boring low-mass YSO
NGC_1068 ## I'm Shapley -- I don't believe in extragalactic objects
## EOF
If not using stdin or files, search target input via the command-line is the last alternative. Here you can input one or more search targets on the command-line, interspersed with command options:
simbadInteractiveQuery --commonNames Omi_Cet --list iota_peg DG_Tau --HD NGC_1068 --browser
Unique to the command-line input method, underscores are required to join multiple words in a target designation (iota_peg, 64_Psc, 75_Cnc, 12_Boo). (These are optional but acceptable in the stdin and filename input methods.)
is based on the Astro::SIMBAD Perl module,
version 2.0.0 or higher. It is an “all-Perl” implementation: Unlike
from previous getCal releases, it does not
require Lynx or any other non-Perl utilities.
uses these parameters from the getCal set:
See Run-Time Configuration for an explanation of these values.
irsaminer queries the IRSA catalog and prints the results in tabular form on standard output. It is essentially a command-line interface for a subset of the IRSA services offered through the OASIS Web page at
irsaminer replaces the earlier tools 2MassQuery and IRASQuery. Although those tools still remain in the getCal package, their capabilities are very limited in comparision to irsaminer's. Furthermore, 2MassQuery and IRASQuery have been redesigned so that they function as front-end interfaces to irsaminer. For all new uses, we recommend using irsaminer rather than these older tools.
By design, does not depend on any other components within the getCal suite. Thus, it can be separated from the rest of getCal and run by itself, provided that the host's Perl environment contains the necessary modules. Please be aware, though, that irsaminer is a wrapper shell script for, and irsaminer is part of getCal.
irsaminer is rather terse in its responses. This reduces its user-friendliness, but makes for an output that is easily parsed. For human-interactive use, you may find it easier simply to use the Web page through a browser. However, when scripting a task, irsaminer (or its counterpart,, also part of getCal) should be more useful.
irsaminer --catlist [ --delim= --server= --titles ] irsaminer --ddlist --dd= [ --delim= --server= --titles ] irsaminer --catalog= | --dd= [ --cols= --where= --within= --objstr= ]
) turns on verbose output.
Using -vv
makes it very verbose.
irsaminer has three modes, corresponding to the following OASIS services:
irsaminer --catlist [ --delim= --server= --titles ]
$ irsaminer --catlist --titles archive|server|database|catname|ddname|desc IRSA|@rmt_stone|fp_2mass|fp_psc|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog (PSC) IRSA|@rmt_stone|fp_2mass|fp_xsc|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_xsc_dd|2MASS All-Sky Extended Source Catalog (XSC) IRSA|@rmt_boulder|public|lga_v2|operation@rmt_boulder:lga_v2_dd|The 2MASS LargeGalaxy Atlas ...
The --catlist mode option directs irsaminer to print a list of IRSA catalogs.
--delim sets the character to be used as a field delimiter, by default the pipe (|) character. --server names the IRSA web server, nominally --titles toggles the printing of column titles (off by default).
A data dictionary query provides you with the fields contained inside a particular catalog:
irsaminer --ddlist --dd= [ --delim= --server= --titles ]
$ irsaminer --ddlist --dd=operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd --titles archive|dd|colname|dbtype|format|nulls|units|desc IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|ra|decimal(9,6)|10.6f|n|deg|right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|dec|decimal(8,6)|10.6f|n|deg|declination (J2000 decimal deg) IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|err_maj|decimal(3,2)|4.2f|n|arcsec|major axis of 1-sigma error ellipse IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|err_min|decimal(3,2)|4.2f|n|arcsec|minor axis of 1-sigma error ellipse IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|err_ang|smallint|3hd|n|deg|angle of error ellipse major axis (E of N) IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|designation|char(17)|17s|n||source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates IRSA|operation@rmt_boulder:fp_psc_dd|j_m|decimal(5,3)|6.3f|y|mag|J band selected "default" magnitude ...
The catalog search mode allows you to extract rows of data from a catalog.
--catalog= | --dd= [ --cols= --where= --within= --objstr= ]
$ irsaminer --catalog=fp_psc --cols=designation,ra,dec --objstr="51 peg" --within="2 arcmin" 22572727+2044358|344.363650|20.743284| 22573111+2045128|344.379659|20.753574| 22573120+2045316|344.380032|20.758804| 22572647+2044157|344.360328|20.737703| 22573209+2045206|344.383737|20.755726| 22572936+2046008|344.372363|20.766909| 22572233+2046372|344.343057|20.777025| 22573011+2044280|344.375485|20.741117| 22572795+2046077|344.366498|20.768818|
When specifying a catalog to search, you can supply either the catalog name or the name of a data dictionary. This is useful because a handful of catalog names are not unique; however, all data dictionary names are unique. Generally, --catalog= will work; if the name is not unique, irsaminer will return an error message rather than querying a potentially wrong catalog.
Although the Web page requires a few more parameters than just the name of the catalog or data dictionary, irsaminer looks those up so as to require the minimal amount of data needed to perform the lookup.
2MassQuery – Query the 2MASS point-source catalog by HTTP
2MassQuery is a Perl program (part of the getCal suite) that interfaces with the 2MASS point-source catalog to query that catalog for 2MASS photometry on one or more astronomical objects (herein search targets) or position search targets. (See 2MASS description at, and a description of the catalog at
2MassQuery is primarily designed to retrieve 2MASS photometry, but optionally 2MassQuery can also return astrometric information, and submit the query in the context of an external user-interactive web browser application. Most of the 2MassQuery interface semantics and functionality is designed to be a general service for getCal components, but the executable is exposed to the user as part of the getCal install, and is accessible (and maybe even useful) from the command-line.
2MassQuery uses services from the InfraRed Science Archive (IRSA) at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC).
The basic 2MassQuery invocation looks like:
2MassQuery [options] search_target [search_target2...] [more options]
By default 2MassQuery retrieves the search targets from the command line, but it can optionally read from stdin or multiple filenames as in:
2MassQuery --stdin < my.list
2MassQuery --filename=my.list [--filename=my.list2 ...]
By default 2MassQuery output is written to stdout, but with the --browser option 2MassQuery can issue the query in the context of one or more external browser instances:
> 2MassQuery target [target2...] --browser
Other than for external browser-based queries, 2MassQuery produces basic information on the target(s) on stdin, as in:
2MassQuery NGC_4151 75_cnc 64_psc # 2Mass Search NGC_4151: K = 8.519 # 2Mass Search 75_cnc: K = 4.372 # 2Mass Search 64_psc: K = 4.182 2MassQuery NGC_4151 --error # 2Mass Search NGC_4151: K = 8.519 +/- 0.018 2MassQuery NGC_4151 --photometry --error --coord # 2Mass Search NGC_4151: 12 10 32.6 +39 24 21.1 K = 8.519 +/- 0.018 J = 10.262 +/- 0.023 H = 9.436 +/- 0.023
2MassQuery [options]
where valid options include:
--allData --browser --coord --error --extended --Hmag --Jmag --Kmag --lineWidth= --photometry --searchRadius --searchRA= --searchDec= --url
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
--searchRA=331.75 --searchRA=22:07 --searchRA=22h7m00s --searchRA=22_07_00 --searchDec=25.3333333333333 --searchDec=25d20m --searchDec=25:20:00 --searchDec=+25_20
If you want to use spaces in the arguments, you may, as long as you quote the arguments using double quotes–e.g.:
--searchRA="22 07 00" --searchDec="25 20 00"
Note that using seconds is optional for both RA and Dec, but using minutes is not. Without a minutes argument the program will think you're trying to give it a decimal degrees (i.e. --searchRA=22 will be interpreted as 22.0 degrees), probably not what you had in mind.
When used, these options require a string argument.
Generic options:
2MassQuery is (of course) just a 2MASS robot. It works (primarily) by routing search targets to the 2MASS point-source catalog server at IPAC/IRSA without interpretation. If (when) you get the pervasive error message:
2MassQuery bogus Designation bogus resulted in a query error to the 2MASS database: ERROR Error Type: UserError Message: Invalid location specification or object name.
it means the name was not recognized during "name resolution". Name resolution for IRSA services is provided by NED and Simbad, so if (when) you have these issues I suggest you consult the designation dictionary at Simbad ( for clarification on Simbad designation standards (or, if you're looking at extra-galactic targets, the equivalent at NED
As indicated above, this version of 2MassQuery can accept search targets by three methods: on stdin, via one or more files, or as direct command-line arguments. These three input methods are mutually exclusive.
Search target input on stdin is assumed by 2MassQuery if there are no remaining command-line arguments after option processing, or if specifically directed by --stdin. Input on stdin follows the general principles outlined in the file format discussed in the following paragraph.
Search target input via files is invoked by one or more instances of the -filename option on the command line (see below). The required format of the file is individual search targets listed one per line. Blank lines and #-prefaced comments are acceptable. An example illustrating most of the aspects of the file format is:
## Sample 2MQ input file format ## Previous line left intentionally blank Omi Cet iota Peg ## The universe's most important spectroscopic binary DG Tau ## A boring low-mass YSO NGC_1068 ## I'm Shapley -- I don't believe in extragalactic objects ## EOF
If not using stdin or files, search target input via the command-line is the last alternative. Here you can input one or more search targets on the command-line, interspersed with command options:
2MassQuery Omi_Cet --photometry iota_peg --error NGC_1068 --coord # 2Mass Search Omi_Cet: 02 19 20.8 -02 58 39.3 K = -2.213 +/- 0.216 J = -0.732 +/- 0.148 H = -1.574 +/- 0.192 # 2Mass Search iota_peg: 22 07 00.7 +25 20 42.4 K = 2.564 +/- 0.290 J = 2.954 +/- 0.222 H = 2.729 +/- 0.184 # 2Mass Search NGC_1068: 02 42 40.7 -00 00 48.0 K = 7.271 +/- 0.019 J = 10.179 +/- 0.104 H = 9.136 +/- 0.120
Unique to the command-line input method, underscores are _required_ to join multiple words in a target designation (iota_peg, 64_Psc, 75_Cnc, 12_Boo). (These are optional but acceptable in the stdin and filename input methods.)
2MassQuery is somewhat deprecated beginning with getCal release 2.8. 2MassQuery is included for backward compatibility with previous versions of the getCal suite; all of its queries get funnelled into irsaminer. We recommend using irsaminer in place of 2MassQuery.
IRASQuery – Query the IRAS point-source catalog by HTTP
IRASQuery is a perl program (and part of the getCal suite) that interfaces with the IRAS point-source catalog to query that catalog for IRAS photometry on one or more astronomical objects (herein search targets) or position search targets. (See IRAS description at
IRASQuery is primarily designed to retrieve IRAS photometry, but optionally IRASQuery can also return astrometric information, and submit the query in the context of an external user-interactive web browser application. Most of the IRASQuery interface semantics and functionality is designed to be a general service for getCal components, but the executable is exposed to the user as part of the getCal install, and is accessible (and maybe even useful) from the command-line. IRASQuery is the companion program to simbadInteractiveQuery and 2MassQuery, and they share many design features and implementation techniques.
IRASQuery uses services from the InfraRed Science Archive (IRSA) at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC).
The basic IRASQuery invocation looks like:
IRASQuery [options] search_target [search_target2...] [more options]
By default IRASQuery retrieves the search targets from the command line, but it can optionally read from stdin or multiple filenames as in:
IRASQuery -stdin < my.list
IRASQuery -filename my.list [-filename my.list2 ...]
By default IRASQuery output is written to stdout, but with the -browser option IRASQuery can issue the query in the context of one or more external browser instances:
> IRASQuery target [target2...] -browser
Other than for external browser-based queries, IRASQuery produces basic information on the target(s) on stdin, as in:
IRASQuery 64_psc iota_peg HD_166 # IRAS Search 64_psc: fnu_12 = 1.192e+00 # IRAS Search iota_peg: fnu_12 = 3.697e+00 # IRAS Search HD_166: fnu_12 = 7.897e-01 IRASQuery iota_peg -error # IRAS Search iota_peg: fnu_12 = 3.697e+00 +/- 6% IRASQuery iota_peg -phot -error -coord # IRAS Search iota_peg: 22 07 00.8 +25 20 43.4 fnu_12 = 3.697e+00 +/- 6% fnu_25 = 8.211e-01 +/- 12% fnu_60 = 4.000e-01 +/- 0% fnu_100 = 1.000e+00 +/- 0 %
Please note that the output photometry is flux in units of Janskys, as opposed to the magnitudes you're probably used to.
IRASQuery supports a variety of command-line options:
--allData --browser --coord --error --extended --f12 --f25 --f60 --f100 --lineWidth= --photometry --searchRadius --searchRA= --searchDec= --url
--copyright --debug --filename= --help --longHelp --version --stdin
--searchRA=331.75 --searchRA=22:07 --searchRA=22h7m00s --searchRA=22_07_00 --searchDec=25.3333333333333 --searchDec=25d20m --searchDec=25:20:00 --searchDec=+25_20
If you want to use spaces in the arguments, you may, as long as you quote the arguments using double quotes–e.g.:
--searchRA="22 07 00" --searchDec="25 20 00"
Note that using seconds is optional for both RA and Dec, but using minutes is not. Without a minutes argument the program will think you're trying to give it a decimal degrees (i.e. --searchRA=22 will be interpreted as 22.0 degrees), probably not what you had in mind.
When used, these options require a string argument.
Generic options:
IRASQuery is (of course) just a robot. It works (primarily) by routing search targets to the IRAS point-source catalog server at IPAC/IRSA without interpretation. If (when) you get the pervasive error message:
IRASQuery bogus Designation bogus resulted in a query error to the IRAS database: ERROR Error Type: UserError Message: Invalid location specification or object name.
it means the name was not recognized during "name resolution". Name resolution for IRSA services is provided by NED and Simbad, so if (when) you have these issues I suggest you consult the designation dictionary at Simbad ( for clarification on Simbad designation standards (or, if you're looking at extra-galactic targets, the equivalent at NED If nothing seems to work, try a search on the position coordinates instead of the name.
As indicated above, this version of IRASQuery can accept search targets by three method: on stdin, via one or more files, or as direct command-line arguments. These three input methods are mutually exclusive.
Search target input on stdin is assumed by IRASQuery if there are no remaining command-line arguments after option processing, or if specifically directed by the -stdin command-line argument (see below). Input on stdin follows the general principles outlined in the file format discussed in the following paragraph.
Search target input via files is invoked by one or more instances of the -filename option on the command line (see below). The required format of the file is individual search targets listed one per line. Blank lines and #-prefaced comments are acceptable. An example illustrating most of the aspects of the file format is:
## Sample IRASQuery input file format ## Previous line left intentionally blank Omi Cet iota Peg ## The universe's most important spectroscopic binary DG Tau ## A boring low-mass YSO NGC_1068 ## I'm Shapley -- I don't believe in extragalactic objects ## EOF
If not using stdin or files, search target input via the command-line is the last alternative. Here you can input one or more search targets on the command-line, interspersed with command options:
IRASQuery Omi_Cet -phot iota_peg -error NGC_1068 -coord # IRAS Search Omi_Cet: 02 19 20.8 -02 58 36.1 fnu_12 = 4.881e+03 +/- 6% fnu_25 = 2.261e+03 +/- 6% fnu_60 = 3.008e+02 +/- 7% fnu_100 = 8.844e+01 +/- 10 % # IRAS Search iota_peg: 22 07 00.8 +25 20 43.4 fnu_12 = 3.697e+00 +/- 6% fnu_25 = 8.211e-01 +/- 12% fnu_60 = 4.000e-01 +/- 0% fnu_100 = 1.000e+00 +/- 0 % # IRAS Search NGC_1068: 02 42 40.9 -00 00 46.1 fnu_12 = 3.830e+01 +/- 5% fnu_25 = 8.683e+01 +/- 4% fnu_60 = 1.858e+02 +/- 8% fnu_100 = 2.405e+02 +/- 8 %
Unique to the command-line input method, underscores are _required_ to join multiple words in a target designation (iota_peg, 64_Psc, 75_Cnc, 12_Boo). (These are optional but acceptable in the stdin and filename input methods.)
IRASQuery is somewhat deprecated beginning with getCal release 2.8. IRASQuery is included for backward compatibility with previous versions of the getCal suite; all of its queries get funnelled into irsaminer. We recommend using irsaminer in place of IRASQuery.
gcGui – Graphical User Interface wrapper for getCal
gcGui is a Perl/Tk graphical user interface (GUI) to the getCal suite of tools. It allows the user to graphically interact with getCal, both inputting information into entry forms, and displaying information in return text boxes which can be saved to files.
gcGui works by interacting with the user, composing and issuing the appropriate getCal command-line invocation, and returning the output both to stdout (where it could be captured by the user to keep a log of the session) and to text boxes created expressly for display purposes. gcGui is essentially a command-line composer – all the actual smarts remains within getCal (and its constituents).
Here is a screenshot of gcGui in action:
To keep the interface relatively clean, not all getCal functions and options are exposed/accessible through gcGui – hopefully I've enabled the ones most interesting to you.
gcGui requires that the Perl/Tk module be installed in Perl tree (or Perl module path), see the getCal installation and setup documentation).
This documentation does not constitute an exhaustive getCal discussion – for more complete discussions of getCal structure and function see the getCal documentation itself.
gcGui uses the following values from the getCal runtime parameter list (see Run-Time Configuration):
GC_BROWSER – the default external browser. Nominally a standard browser application like netscape, mozilla, safari, or firefox.
GC_DEFAULT_LOCATION – default location
GC_DEFAULT_BASELINE – default baseline designation
Main gcGui window:
gcGui supports a number of keyboard shortcuts:
Return in object designation entry box dispatches getCal retrieval. Return in other entry boxes selects/enables the corresponding option (e.g. max K mag, zenith angle restriction).
gcGui packages the getCal output in several return windows:
Also new in the v2.6 series, the photometry display window now offers the option of processing the displayed (and editable) photometric data with fbol. Clicking the “run fbol” button will open a dialog box to edit fbol options, and then allow you to process the photometry through fbol and displaying the textual result.
tGui – Perl/Tk GUI visualization of target diurnal accessibility
is a Perl/Tk application that renders a line graph
depicting the target accessibility calculations performed by the
timing application from getCal. Its purpose is to graphically inform
the user about the target temporal accessibility. As such it
additionally provides functionality to depict local sunrise/sunset
times, current UT/LST, and target cluster transitions, so tGui
has both planning and real-time utility.
A screenshot of tGui in action is given here:
functions by reading and parsing the output of the getCal
timing program (timing), which looks like:
# Timing summary (timing v0.51dev) run at 12/28/2001 UTC, day 2001362 # for timings on 12/28/2001 UTC, day 2001362 # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352 -103.264746 3.319338 -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124 -28.214086 3.105647 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2452271.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 22:38:41 # The Local Time at 0 hr UT is 16:00:00 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 01:46:00 -- 13:51:41 (12 deg twilight) # Approximate UT moonrise -- moonset times: 22:43:48 -- 13:00:29 # 94% moon illumination -- 2.2 days until full moon (moon at 04:26 RA +19:46 Dec) # Using 35 deg zenith angle (1.22 airmass) constraint # Using 38.3 m delay constraint # HIP113715 23 01 49.467 +45 53 09.119 transits at 00:23:05 UT, zenAng 12.5 deg (1.02 am) target # HIP113715 is within zenith angle range from 21:30:36 to 03:15:34 UT # HIP113715 is within delay range from 23:35:27 to 05:26:10 UT for PTI_NS # HIP113715 is within delay range from 22:01:35 to 04:04:42 UT for PTI_NW HIP113715 23 01 49.467 +45 53 09.119 -0.006 0.001 9.7 9.7 C3.4v 0.0 xxx xxx trg
Like the rest of the getCal architecture, the idea with the functional
decomposition is the timing program has utility outside of just gui
functions. tGui
accepts input on stdin:
timing < my.schedule | tGui
cat my.schedule | timing | tGui
or if the schedule already contains timing annotations just
tGui < my.schedule.with.annotations
or tGui
will accept a filename as a single command-line argument:
tGui my.schedule.with.annotations
or even the maximally explicit:
tGui -filename my.schedule.with.annotations
renders the accessibility calculations as a graph with time on
the horizontal axis, and with horizontal lines indicating the target's
temporal accessibility for the set of input objects. This view is
modeled after a conventional scheduling Gant chart, and was the
original idea of Gerard van Belle (thanks GvB!). By default (and
popular demand) tGui
renders the logical intersection of the separate
zenith angle, delay (and if defined, pointing) limits, but the Intersection Track control
button (see below) can quickly toggle the display between the
intersection and separate constraints.
allows the user to add an arbitrary (UT) time offset to the
timing graph; see UT Offset below.
can indicate the transitions between target clusters in a nightly
schedule provided that there are cluster timing annotations in the
schedule in the following form:
## Cluster 1: sunset to 4:30 UT ... ## Cluster 2: 4:30 to 7:30 UT ... ## Cluster 3: 7:30 to 9:00 UT ... ## Cluster 4: 9:00 UT to sunrise ...
These time values are assumed to be in UT. A "Cluster" control button allows user control of rendering the vertical lines indicating these cluster transitions (see "Clusters" below). (Note – the search keys on two hashes, a space, and the Cluster keyword.)
can make PostScript of the current timing display, shipping the
output directly to a PostScript-capable printer or save the output to
a PostScript file. pdf, gif, jpg, and png file
formats are also supported.
I further find it useful to have both tGui
and uvTool running
simultaneously, so I added a option (under the File menu) to route the
input information into uvTool (designed to save you a little work over
a separate command-line invocation).
also provides a Simbad menu used to spawn Simbad queries on
targets contained in the input stream. By default these queries are
executed in an external web browser (set via the runtime parameter
GC_BROWSER). If an external browser is unavailable, the query results
will be displayed in a pop-up text window. (Note: the remote access
can be slow.)
If you don't like my sense of aesthetics you can alter the appearance of
by editing the tGui
attribute file
(, a perl module file) in the modules subdirectory.
There you can play with colors, sizes, menu parameters, and the like.
Some crude things (like window resizing) now work a little more
now takes command-line options, and can generate hardcopy
(PostScript, pdf, gif, jpg, png) in batch mode, and also
interactively. Command-line options are necessary to support the
batch-mode hardcopy creation, but are potentially useful on startup to
the interactive user as well (see tGuiOptions below). Hardcopy
options beyond PostScript require third-party support software –
again see options below. Interactive hardcopy creation is supported
by a dedicated popup dialog box triggered from the print
command/button (see below).
can recompute (i.e. drive the recomputation through
timing) the timings on the input catalog (or even read a
whole new catalog through timing).
The default timing argument is adaptive, reflecting the timing
options contained in the input – this makes it less labor-intensive
to make small changes to the timing computations.
As of getCal-2.6beta2, tGui
has popup balloon help messages
for many of its controls and features.
accepts the following command-line options:
exits after) creation of a PostScript timing graph
– output to Default no, no argument when used.
All command-line arguments can be abbreviated to uniqueness (e.g. -he[lp], -de[layRange], -s[un], -ps) using one or two hyphens, and given in arbitrary order with respect to other command-line items.
In addition to the Perl/Tk package, tGui
uses the following
third-party software:
uses utilities from the
netpbm package, namely pstopnm, pnmflib, ppmtogif, ppmtojpg, and
pnmtopng. See
uses ps2pdf, the ps to pdf translator
function from ghostscript. See
can interface to the excellent third-party sky
visualization software
tGui provides the following menus:
in a
text window (keyboard Alt-v). Allows schedule save.
[For all – if external browser is accessible through runtime
parameter GC_BROWSER
, queries will be executed in the browser
context. If not, queries are executed and minimal information is
returned in a text window.]
Note all menus are detachable/tear-off
Note that if pointing information is available indicating that an object is out of pointing range when it transits, the normal transit marker (a red triangle) is highlighted with a yellow background and overlaid with a black vertical bar.
Control Buttons:
Where practical we have bound menu items with Alt keys, and control buttons with Ctrl keys. Complete list of keyboard shortcuts:
A number of customizations of the tGui display are possible. The
perl module
getCal-2.10.4/src/gui/tGui/modules) contains all the
customization parameters:
$tGuiCopyright = "Copyright 1998 -- 2005 CIT"; ## Define the colors in the tGui display $intersectionColor = "DarkSlateGray"; $zaColor = "green4"; $delayColor = "blue"; $transitColor = "red"; $currentUTColor = "red3"; $sunColor = "MediumBlue"; $clusterColor = "red"; $moonColor = "green4"; $pointingColor = "OrangeRed"; $pointingThickness = 3; ## Define tGui's canvas size $tGuiXCanvasSize = 700; $tGuiYCanvasSize = 300; $tGuiDisplayHours = 18.0; ## Max Items in the target menu(s) $targMenuItems = 25;
ocGui – Graphical User Interface visualization of target annual accessibility
is a simple Perl/Tk GUI application that renders the calendar
target accessibility information output from obsCalendar in the form
of a line graph (patterned after a Gant chart). It's purpose is to
graphically inform the user about annual astronomical target
Here's a screenshot of ocGui
in action:
functions by reading and parsing the output of the getCal
observing calendar program (obsCalendar), which looks like:
# Observing calendar (obsCalendar v0.1dev) run at 2/24/2002 UTC, day 2002055 for timings in 2002 UTC # Using Palomar Location (long: -116:51:48 lat: +33:21:24) # Using 2.0 hour transit offsets in accessibilty calculations # ## HD 40084 -- G5III Binary 219 d period # Simbad Search HD 40084: Type: Star G5III V=5.917 # HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 is near transit at sunrise on 10/5/2002 (2002278) target # HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 is 2.0 hours pre-transit at sunrise on 9/10/2002 (2002253) # HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 is near transit at midnight on 12/18/2002 (2002352) # HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 is near transit at sunset on 3/8/2002 (2002067) # HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 is 2.0 hours post-transit at sunset on 4/3/2002 (2002093) HDC40084 05 59 21.780 +49 55 28.344 -0.007 -0.003 5.9 3.8 G5III 0.0 xxx xxx trg
Like the rest of the getCal architecture, the idea with the functional
decomposition is the obsCalendar program has utility outside of
just gui functions. ocGui
accepts input on stdin:
obsCalendar < my.schedule | ocGui
cat my.schedule | obsCalendar | ocGui
or if the schedule already contains calendar annotations just
ocGui < my.schedule
or ocGui
will accept a filename as a single command-line argument:
ocGui my.schedule.with.annotations
or even the maximally explicit:
ocGui -filename my.schedule.with.annotations
renders the accessibility calculations as a graph with
time/date on the horizontal axis, and with horizontal lines indicating
target annual accessibility for the set of input objects. This view
is modeled after a conventional scheduling Gant chart, and was the
original idea of Gerard van Belle in the context of the companion
tGui application (thanks GvB!).
can make PostScript of the current timing display, shipping the
output directly to a PostScript-capable printer or save the output to
a PostScript file. pdf, gif, jpg, and png file
formats are also supported.
also provides a Simbad menu used to spawn Simbad queries on
targets contained in the input stream. By default these queries are
executed in an external web browser (set via the runtime parameter
GC_BROWSER). If an external browser is unavailable, the query results
will be displayed in a pop-up text window. (Note: the remote access
can be slow.)
If you don't like my sense of aesthetics you can alter the appearance of
by editing the ocGui
attribute file (, a perl
module file) in the modules subdirectory. There you can play with
colors, sizes, menu parameters, and the like.
takes command-line options, and can generate hardcopy
(PostScript, pdf, gif, jpg, png) in batch mode. Command-line options
are necessary to support the batch-mode hardcopy creation, but are
potentially useful to the interactive user on startup as well (see
below). Hardcopy options beyond PostScript require third-party
support software – again see options below.
can recompute (i.e. drive the recomputation through
obsCalendar) the calendar for the input catalog (or even read
a whole new catalog through obsCalendar).
The default obsCalendar argument is adaptive,
reflecting the obsCalendar options contained in the input – this
makes it less labor-intensive to make small changes to the calendar
As of getCal-2.6beta2, ocGui
has popup balloon help messages
for many of its controls and features.
accepts the following command-line options:
exits after) creation of a PostScript timing graph
– output to Default no, no argument when used.
In addition to the Perl/Tk package, ocGui
uses the following
third-party software:
uses utilities from the
netpbm package, namely pstopnm, pnmflib, ppmtogif, ppmtojpg, and
pnmtopng. See
uses ps2pdf, the ps to pdf translator
function from ghostscript. See
can interface to the excellent third-party sky
visualization software
in a
text window (keyboard Alt-v). Allows calendar save.
[For all – if external browser is accessible through runtime parameter GC_BROWSER
, queries will be executed in the browser
context. If not, queries are executed and minimal information is
returned in a text window.]
help – View this (lame-o) help file.
help – View obsCalendar help file.
Note all menus are detachable/tear-off
Control Buttons:
Where possible we have bound menu items with Alt keys, and control buttons with Ctrl keys. Complete list of keyboard shortcuts:
A number of customizations of the ocGui display are possible. The
perl module
getCal-2.10.4/src/gui/ocGui/modules) contains all the
customization parameters:
$ocGuiVersion = "0.2dev"; $ocGuiCopyright = "Copyright 1998 -- 2005 CIT"; ## Define the colors in the oCalGui display $intersectionColor = "DarkSlateGray"; $zaColor = "green4"; $delayColor = "blue"; $currentDayColor = "red3"; $sunColor = "MediumBlue"; $obscureColor = "black"; $clusterColor = "red"; $transitColor = "blue"; $sunriseColor = "green3"; $sunsetColor = "red"; ## Define oCalGui's canvas size $ocGuiXCanvasSize = 700; $ocGuiYCanvasSize = 300; ## Max Items in the target menu(s) $targMenuItems = 25;
uvTool – render u-v plane coverage
is a Perl/Tk graphical user interface (GUI) application that
renders a line graph of u-v track and instantaneous u-v point
information. uvTool
runs both in and out of the context of the getCal
planning tool suite. It ingests input from stdin (in particular the
timing annotation produced by the getCal timing module), and computes
its u-v renderings based (solely) on those inputs. uvTool
produces no
outputs other than the GUI window and PostScript hardcopy of the line
Here's a screenshot of uvTool
in action:
takes its input either from stdin:
uvTool <
cat | timing | uvTool
timing < | uvTool
or uvTool
will read a filename given as a single argument on the
uvTool list.with.annotations
The input list format looks like (the output from timing):
# Timing summary run at 7/16/2000, day 00198 # for timings on 7/16/2000, day 00198 # Using Palomar Location (long, lat: -116.8633, 33.3567) # Using PTI_NS Baseline (ENUBias: -37.116352, -103.264746, 3.319338, -12.915245) # Using PTI_NW Baseline (ENUBias: -81.685124, -28.214086, 3.105647, 0.031416) # The JD at 0 hr UT is 2451741.5 # The LST at 0 hr UT is 11:49:06.5 # Approximate UT sunset -- sunrise times: 03:20:13 -- 12:26:48 # Using 35 deg zenith angle constraint # Using 38.3 m delay constraint ... # Simbad Search HD 234677: Type: Variable of BY Dra type K6Ve V=8.07 # HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 transits at 06:44:49 UT, zenAng 18.4 deg target # HDC234677 is within zenith angle range from 03:58:49 to 09:30:49 UT # HDC234677 is within delay range from 07:33:09 to 10:11:57 UT for PTI_NS # HDC234677 is within delay range from 04:18:23 to 19:31:16 UT for PTI_NW HDC234677 18 33 55.773 +51 43 08.905 0.301 -0.325 8.2 5.0 K7Vvar xxx xxx trg
uses information in the timing preamble to define
interferometer location and baseline 3-vectors, and individual target
annotations for timing constraints. The input target list may contain
an arbitrary number of targets, and an arbitrary number of
interferometer baseline definitions. (However there are practical
limitations to list sizes because uvTool
constructs both target and
baseline selection menus.)
renders u-v tracks for a single object as observed by an
arbitrary number of interferometer baselines, with transit (and hour
angle) markers indicating local meridian passage (and offsets
thereof). The rendered target and baselines are user-selected with
selection menus at the top of the uvTool
window. The rendered tracks
are constrained by target accessibility criteria as computed by the
getCal timing module. Note that uvTool
renders the u-v tracks as they
would appear on the sky – increasing East is to the left, and
increasing North is up. A small (and hopefully unobtrusive) indicator
is given in the upper left to remind the viewer of this orientation
In addition to rendering simple u-v tracks constrained by zenith
angle, uvTool
separately renders those tracks constrained by delay
line range, a new concept to those with a heterodyne interferometry
background. Direct (homodyne) interferometry requires the use of
delay lines for pathlength equilibration, and a necessary condition for
observation is that the target be within the delay constraints imposed
by the interferometer. Both zenith angle and delay coverage are
computed by the getCal timing module and are ingested by uvTool
in the
form of timing annotation; see the timing documentation for more
details. By default (and popular demand) uvTool
renders the u-v
tracks delimited by the intersection of delay and zenith angle
constraints, but the individual constraints can rendered separately
(my personal preference) either by toggling the Intersection Track
button, or by individually toggling the ZA Track and Delay Track
buttons (see below). Intersection, zenith angle, and delay-limited
tracks can all be toggled off and on. As per the convention, rendered
u-v tracks are shown in axially symmetric pairs, which follows from
the fact that sky brightness distributions are real – see any
standard interferometry textbook (e.g. Thompson, Moran, and Swenson)
for a discussion. To provide context, what we have termed "ghost"
tracks – the baseline projection for a full 24-h earth rotation with
no accessibility constraints – are also available
Timing markers indicating transit and integral hour angle values on the tracks can be toggled by the Hour Angle control button (see below). These timing markers are three-phase (off, transit-only – default, markers between +/- 3 hrs of transit). Similarly, fringe spacing circles (indicating the angular scales measured by the interferometer) can be toggled by the Fringe Spacing control button (see below). These fringe spacing circles are four-phase (off – default, min fringe spacing, max fringe spacing, 2nd max fringe spacing).
Like it's tGui sibling, uvTool
can render the
instantaneous u-v point for each selected baseline (see the Current
UT/LST control button below). This gives uvTool
utility during observing. Further, I often find it useful to have
both uvTool
and tGui running; they provide
quasi-orthogonal information that I find informative in real-time
applications. So I added an option (in the File menu) to route the
input to uvTool
into tGui (designed to save you a little work
over a separate command-line invocation).
can make PostScript of the current timing display, shipping the
output directly to a PostScript-capable printer or save the output to
a PostScript file. pdf, gif, jpg, and png file
formats are also supported.
also provides a Simbad menu used to spawn Simbad queries on
targets contained in the input stream. By default these queries are
executed in an external web browser (set via the runtime parameter
GC_BROWSER). If an external browser is unavailable, the query results
will be displayed in a pop-up text window. (Note: the remote access
can be slow.)
If you don't like my sense of aesthetics you can alter the appearance of
by editing the uvTool
attribute file (, a
perl module file) in the modules subdirectory.
now takes command-line options, and can generate
hardcopy (PostScript, pdf, gif, jpg, png) in batch mode, and also
interactively. Command-line options are necessary to support the
batch-mode hardcopy creation, but are potentially useful on startup to
the interactive user as well (see below). Hardcopy options beyond
PostScript require third-party support software – again see options
below. Interactive hardcopy creation is supported by a dedicated
popup dialog box triggered from the print command/button (see below).
can recompute (i.e. drive the recomputation through
timing) of the timings on the input catalog (or even read a
whole new catalog through timing).
The default timing argument is adaptive, reflecting the timing
options contained in the input – this makes it less labor-intensive
to make small changes to the timing computations.
As of getCal-2.6beta2, uvTool
has popup balloon help messages
for many of its controls and features.
falls back to the default condition (first desig in
exits after) creation of a PostScript timing graph
– output to Default no, no argument when used.
In addition to the Perl/Tk package, tGui uses the following third-party software:
- To generate gif, jpg, and png, uvTool
uses utilities from the netpbm
package, namely pstopnm, pnmflib, ppmtogif, ppmtojpg, and pnmtopng.
- To generate pdf, uvTool
uses ps2pdf, the ps to pdf translator function
from ghostscript. See
a text window (keyboard Alt-v). Allows schedule save.
[For all – if external browser is accessible through runtime
parameter GC_BROWSER
, queries will be executed in the browser
context. If not, queries are executed and minimal information is
returned in a text window.]
Note all menus are detachable/tear-off.
Control Buttons:
Where possible we have bound menu items with Alt keys, and control buttons with Ctrl keys. Complete list of keyboard shortcuts:
A number of customizations of the uvTool display are possible. The
perl module
getCal-2.10.4/src/gui/uvTool/modules) contains all the
customization parameters:
$uvToolVersion = "0.9dev"; $uvToolCopyright = "Copyright 1999 -- 2005 CIT"; ## Define the colors in the uvTool display $intersectionColor = "DarkSlateGray"; $zaColor = "green4"; $delayColor = "blue"; $ghostColor = "black"; $transitColor = "red"; $currentUTColor = "red3"; $obscureColor = "black"; $maxFSpaceColor = "firebrick3"; $medFSpaceColor = "blue2"; $minFSpaceColor = "ForestGreen"; ## Define uvTool's canvas size $XCanvasSize = 450; $YCanvasSize = 450; ## Max target menu items $targMenuItems = 25;
makeHipIdx is a utility to create a set of index files for the Hipparcos catalog, to speed searches of the catalog. getCal will use these indexes, if available, to quickly locate individual records within the catalog based on HD, HIP or DM identifiers.
makeHipIdx locates the main Hipparcos catalog file hip_main.dat in the directory indicated by GC_HIPPARCOS_PATH, and stores the created index files in the directory indicated by GC_HIPPARCOS_IDX_PATH. Three index files are generated, they are idx_hd.db, idx_hip.db, and idx_dm.db. Any existing index files in the destination directory are overwritten.
Among the issues which have been identified and corrected in this release:
getCal was originally written and maintained for many years by Andy Boden, who was motivated by the difficulty of manually composing observing schedules for PTI.
getCal has benefited over the years from the contributions of many people that we want to acknowledge (and thank) here...
- Andy stole the original idea of scanning the (then new) Hipparcos catalog for calibration sources from his long-time colleague and friend Gerard van Belle (GvB). In addition to being a user "not shy about providing feedback", Gerard also contributed the original "Gant-chart" concept for tGui.
- Another long-time friend and colleague Ben Lane (together with GvB) actually did the first hackery on what was to become fbol. Ben was an "early adopter", and helped to sharpen many of the presentation and user interface aspects of the getCal package.
- Michelle Creech-Eakman has been a loyal user and "critic", and contributed to the documentation for the fbol package.
- Rafael Millan-Gabet has been a user for a relatively short time, but already holds (what will probably be) the career record for exposing getCal bugs.
- Steve Groom for doing lots of testing, finding a platform-dependent flakey if test in fbol, contributing the fbol/convertPhotometry communication code, testing getCal on the Mac platform, and re-working the internal data handling code.
- Tracey Evans for adding new getCal options and debugging some old ones.
- Mark Echeverri and Claude Felizardo helped with a major rework of the installation and configuration mechanisms, massive overall code refactoring, and elimination of the dependancy on lynx.
- Irene Bregman, Mark Abajian, and Jennifer Herstein for helping make gcWeb (the web interface for getCal) come to life.
- [Andy's] wife Nan "for the Perl evangelism, for a clever or elegant incantation here and there, and mostly for being patient when I was trying to track down a bug."
Of course, underlying it all is the grateful acknowledgment to NASA for support of getCal development over the years.
If you find getCal (or any other NASA Exoplanet Science Institute software or service) useful in your research, we would appreciate the following acknowledgment:
"This research has made use of services from the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology,"
getCal-2.10.4, build 20071105
Copyright © 1997 – 2007 California Institute of Technology. Developed with U.S. Government sponsorship under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
For questions or comments about this software, please visit the NExScI Help Desk at
Permission to use, copy and distribute this software and its documentation for academic and/or non-profit research purposes, without fee and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies. Reuse of all or part of the software contained here for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The California Institute of Technology makes no proprietary claims to the results, prototypes, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of the research, results and/or prototypes for academic and/or non-profit research uses only. However, to the extent that any software and system built in collaboration with industry partners may incorporate proprietary designs of the industry partners, it is possible that certain restrictions may be imposed on the proprietary information.
In no event shall California Institute of Technology be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the California Institute of Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any warranties, including the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software and documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the California Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications.
Concept Index * getCal: (getCal). Interferometric observation planning tool suite
Program Index
getCal was originally written and maintained for many years by Andy Boden, who was motivated by the difficulty of manually composing observing schedules for PTI.
getCal has benefited over the years from the contributions of many people that we want to acknowledge (and thank) here...
- Andy stole the original idea of scanning the (then new) Hipparcos catalog for calibration sources from his long-time colleague and friend Gerard van Belle (GvB). In addition to being a user "not shy about providing feedback", Gerard also contributed the original "Gant-chart" concept for tGui.
- Another long-time friend and colleague Ben Lane (together with GvB) actually did the first hackery on what was to become fbol. Ben was an "early adopter", and helped to sharpen many of the presentation and user interface aspects of the getCal package.
- Michelle Creech-Eakman has been a loyal user and "critic", and contributed to the documentation for the fbol package.
- Rafael Millan-Gabet has been a user for a relatively short time, but already holds (what will probably be) the career record for exposing getCal bugs.
- Steve Groom for doing lots of testing, finding a platform-dependent flakey if test in fbol, contributing the fbol/convertPhotometry communication code, testing getCal on the Mac platform, and re-working the internal data handling code.
- Tracey Evans for adding new getCal options and debugging some old ones.
- Mark Echeverri and Claude Felizardo helped with a major rework of the installation and configuration mechanisms, massive overall code refactoring, and elimination of the dependancy on lynx.
- Irene Bregman, Mark Abajian, and Jennifer Herstein for helping make gcWeb (the web interface for getCal) come to life.
- [Andy's] wife Nan "for the Perl evangelism, for a clever or elegant incantation here and there, and mostly for being patient when I was trying to track down a bug."
Of course, underlying it all is the grateful acknowledgment to NASA for support of getCal development over the years.
If you find getCal (or any other NASA Exoplanet Science Institute software or service) useful in your research, we would appreciate the following acknowledgment:
"This research has made use of services from the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology,"
getCal-2.10.7, build 20081112
Copyright © 1997 – 2008 California Institute of Technology. Developed with U.S. Government sponsorship under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
For questions or comments about this software, please visit the NExScI Help Desk at
Permission to use, copy and distribute this software and its documentation for academic and/or non-profit research purposes, without fee and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies. Reuse of all or part of the software contained here for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The California Institute of Technology makes no proprietary claims to the results, prototypes, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of the research, results and/or prototypes for academic and/or non-profit research uses only. However, to the extent that any software and system built in collaboration with industry partners may incorporate proprietary designs of the industry partners, it is possible that certain restrictions may be imposed on the proprietary information.
In no event shall California Institute of Technology be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the California Institute of Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any warranties, including the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software and documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the California Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications.
Concept Index * getCal: (getCal). Interferometric observation planning tool suite
Program Index
: convertPhotometrycsAdhoc
: csAdhocfbol
: fbolfbolFormat
: fbolFormatgcConf
: gcConfgcGui
: gcGuigcList
: gcListgcWeb
: getCal Web InterfacegetCal
: getCalIRASQuery
: IRASQueryirsaminer
: irsaminermakeHipIdx
: makeHipIdxobsCalendar
: obsCalendarocGui
: ocGuisimbadInteractiveQuery
: simbadInteractiveQuerytGui
: tGuitiming
: timinguvTool
: uvToolxeConvert
: xeConvert