This ASCII filecontains the values for each metric calculated during the qualityassessment. The calculations are based on a number of attributes(i.e. phase jitter) and for each attribute the caulcated value and thepercentile are given. Each line corresponds to one band (wide-bandchannel, summed spectrometer or individual spectrometer channels).The following gives an example of a line from a KI .qadet file:
QADET 01/01/2004/08:44:39 8.744241 HDC27406 1.2 KI_K1K2 WB 4 6 2 0.44 18 316.87 18 0.66 75 0.00 100 0.45 17 0.01 90 330.11 21 0.69 70 0.34 100 74.99 52 0.39 32 0.04 97
The line consistsof a number of space-delimited fields. The meanings of these fieldsare summarized in the table below. Each line corresponds to a blockaverage of data (typically from 5 to 25 seconds of fringe data, notnecessarily contiguous). All entries, including time and delay lineposition, are mean values for the block. A value of NULL indicatesthat the quantity was not calculated. See the QA overview for details on the QAcalculations. A # as the leading character indicates a comment.
field# | content | comments |
QADET | a literal string; each line starts with QADET. |
date | UTC date of the observation (dd/mm/yyyy/hh:mm:ss) |
time | Mean observation time (decimal UTC hours) |
target | Target designation (ASCII string) |
context version | CVS version of context file |
baseline | Baseline name |
Band ID | ID for this band. Allowed values are WB, spec and integers for the individual spectrometerchannels |
Num. record attributes | The number of attributes in the record score. |
Num. scan attributes | The number of attributes in the scan score. |
Num. night attributes | The number of attributes in the nightly score. |
Record att. 1 value | 1st record attribute value. |
Record att. 1 score | 1st record attribute percentile score. |
value, percentile | For each record, scan, and night attribute a pair ofvalue/percentile numbers is given. |