QA files are ASCIItext files that contain the summary quality assessment metrics for the wide-band, summed spectrometer and individual spectrometer channels for the L-1 V2 data for KI. The following gives an example of a line from a KI QA file:
QA 01/01/2004/08:44:24 8.740074 HDC27406 1.2 KI_K1K2 6 WB 78 49 58 64 spec 83 48
58 74 1 79 34 56 89 2 45 35 47 40 3 67 5980 79 4 59 52 58 63
The line consistsof a number of space-delimited fields. The meanings of these fieldsare summarized in the table below. Each line corresponds to a blockaverage of data (typically from 5 to 25 seconds of fringe data, notnecessarily contiguous). A value of NULL indicatesthat the quantity was not calculated. Note that the grade calculationis not yet implemented. See the QAoverview for details on the QA calculations. A # as the leadingcharacter indicates a comment.
field# | content | comments |
QA | a literal string; each line starts with QA. |
date | UTC date of the observation (dd/mm/yyyy/hh:mm:ss) |
time | Mean observation time (decimal UTC hours) |
target | Target designation (ASCII string) |
context version | CVS version of context file |
baseline | Baseline name |
Num. of bands | Number of bands of QA data (wideband, summed spectrometer and individual spectrometerchannels |
Band ID | ID for this band. Allowed values are WB, spec and integers for the individual spectrometerchannels |
Grade | Overall grade for this band. |
Record percentile | Record-context percentile score for this band. |
Scan percentile | Scan-context percentile score for this band. |
Night percentile | Night-context percentile score for this band. |
Band, grade, record, scan, night | Columns 8 through 12 repeated for each band. |