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Click here for the listing of the poster sessions titles and abstracts.
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Click on the presentation title to view the abstract and on the words "archived video" to view the talk (these will be posted as they become available).
5-7 pm |
Opening Reception and Registration at Exploration Tent - outside Main Gate |
8:00 am |
Registration and Poster Group 1 mounting | |
Kepler Science Conference II | Session Chair: Roger Hunter (NASA Ames) | |
8:30 am |
Conference Logistics | Mark Messersmith (NASA Ames) |
8:35 am |
Welcome to Ames | Pete Worden (NASA Ames) |
8:40 am |
Future Kepler Mission Plans (archived video) | Charlie Sobeck (NASA Ames) |
9:00 am |
Two Wheels - One Planet (archived video) | Steve Howell (NASA Ames) |
9:20 am |
Progress Toward Reliable Planet Occurrence Rates with Kepler (archived video) | Natalie Batalha (NASA Ames) |
10:00 am |
Morning Break and Poster Session 1 | Poster Session Chair: Chas Beichman (NExScI) |
10:15 am |
Press Conference | Michele Johnson (NASA Ames) |
Exoplanet Statistics, False Positives, and Completeness Corrections | Session Chair: Bill Borucki (NASA Ames) | |
11:15 am |
Planet Occurrence in the Kepler Era (archived video) | Erik Petigura (UC Berkeley) |
11:55 am |
Another Piece of the eta_Earth Puzzle: The Issue of Completeness (archived video) | Jessie Christiansen (NExScI) |
12:35 pm |
Lunch | |
2:15 pm |
The Kepler Q1-Q12 Planet Candidate Catalogue (archived video) | Jason Rowe and the Kepler Team (NASA-Ames/SETI Institute) |
2:30 pm |
PASTIS: A new fully-bayesian tool for planet validation (archived video) | Rodrigo Diaz (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille) |
2:45 pm |
Probing the nature and mass diversity of Kepler candidates with SOPHIE (archived video) | Alexandre Santerne (Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto) |
Earth Analogues and Super-Earths | Session Chair: Dawn Gelino (NExScI/Caltech) | |
3:00 pm |
Hot on the Trail of Warm Planets Orbiting Cool Stars (archived video) | John Johnson (Harvard) |
3:40 pm |
Afternoon Break | |
4:10 pm |
Earth Analog Statistics (archived video) | Courtney Dressing (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) |
4:50 pm |
Glimpsing the Composition Distribution of Sub-Neptune-Size Exoplanets (archived video) | Leslie Rogers (California Institute of Technology) |
5:05 pm |
Understanding Kepler's Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes: Insights from Thermal Evolution and Photo-Evaporation (archived video) | Eric Lopez (UC Santa Cruz) |
5:20 pm |
Mass and density of Kepler-78b (archived video) | Christophe Lovis (University of Geneva) |
5:35 pm |
The Mass of an Earth-size Planet (archived video) | Andrew Howard (Institute for Astronomy, Univ. of Hawaii) |
5:50 pm |
New Small Habitable Zone Candidates from Q1-Q12 (archived video) | Douglas Caldwell (SETI Institute) |
6:05 pm |
Adjourn |
Multiple Planets and Multiple Star Systems | Session Chair: Bill Welsh (San Diego State Univ.) | |
8:30 am |
Multiple-Planet Systems: Full Architectures via TTV and TDV (archived video) | Daniel Fabrycky (University of Chicago) |
9:10 am |
Determining the orbital configuration of a single-transiting system with TTVs (archived video) | Katherine Deck (MIT) |
9:25 am |
On the High Reliability of Kepler's Multiple Planet Candidates (archived video) | Jack Lissauer (NASA Ames) |
9:40 am |
Hit and miss: a slightly misaligned circumbinary planet KIC12351927b (archived video) | Veselin Kostov (Johns Hopkins University) |
9:55 am |
The Confirmation of a Third Planet in the Kepler-47 Circumbinary System (archived video) | Jerome A. Orosz (San Diego State University) |
10:10 am |
Planet-Disk Interaction and Final Orbital Assembly of Planets in Circumbinary Disks (archived video) | Nader Haghighipour (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii) |
10:25 am |
Morning Break | |
11:00 am |
The high multiplicity systems Gliese 667C and KOI 3158 (archived video) | Christa Van Laerhoven (The University of Arizona) |
11:15 am |
Obliquities of Kepler planet-hosting stars: small planets and multiple-planet systems (archived video) | Simon Albrecht (MIT) |
Exoplanet Statistics, False Positives, and Completeness Corrections (continued) | Session Chair: Alan Boss (Carnegie Institution) | |
11:30 am |
Contamination in the Kepler Field. Identification False Positive KOIs via Ephemeris Matching (archived video) | Jeffrey L Coughlin (SETI Institute) |
11:45 am |
A Direct Measurement of the Density of Background False-Positive Transit Signals from Kepler Data (archived video) | Steve Bryson (NASA Ames) |
12:00 pm |
Lunch | |
12:30 pm |
Splinter Session: Kepler Data and Tools for Users - Building 3 download the slides from this splinter meeting here |
Rachel Akeson (NExScI) and Martin Still (NASA Ames) |
Planet Formation and Migration Theories | Session Chair: Alan Boss (Carnegie Institution) | |
1:45 pm |
Theory of planet formation and comparison with Kepler data (archived video) | Christoph Mordasini (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) |
2:25 pm |
Planet Formation in Kepler Multiplanet Systems (archived video) | Kevin Schlaufman (MIT) |
2:40 pm |
The Composition of Exo-earths in the Habitable Zone (archived video) | Gijs Mulders (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory) |
2:55 pm |
Vortices being killed by planets in disks under thermal relaxation (archived video) | Aiara Lobo Gomes (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie) |
3:10 pm |
Afternoon Break | |
The Habitable Zone | Session Chair: Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) | |
3:45 pm |
Identifying Habitable Planets with Kepler (archived video) | Rory Barnes (University of Washington) |
4:25 pm |
Habitable Zones and the frequency of potential habitable planets in Kepler data (archived video) | Ravi Kopparapu (Penn State) |
4:40 pm |
Spectro-Thermometry of M dwarfs and their candidate planets: too hot, too cool, or just right? (archived video) | Andrew Mann (University of Texas at Austin) |
Exoplanet Statistics, False Positives, and Completeness Corrections (continued) | Session Chair: Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) | |
4:55 pm |
An Eta-Earth Projection, Based on a New Analysis of Kepler Completeness (archived video) | Wesley Traub (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) |
5:10 pm |
Investigation of Kepler Objects of Interest Stellar Parameters from Observed Transit Durations (archived video) | Peter Plavchan (Caltech/IPAC) |
5:25 pm |
The shortest-period planets (archived video) | Roberto Sanchis Ojeda (MIT) |
5:40 pm |
Inferring the Eccentricity Distribution of Hot Jupiters Detected by Kepler in Occultation (archived video) | Megan Shabram (Penn State) |
5:55 pm |
Adjourn | |
7:00 pm |
Public Lecture: Kepler and Its Impact on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (archived video) | Frank Drake (SETI) |
Future Exoplanet Telescopes and Instrumentation | Session Chair: Nuno Santos (Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto) | |
8:30 am |
Challenges of cm/s Doppler spectroscopy (archived video) | Francesco Pepe (Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève) |
9:10 am |
The CHEOPS mission (archived video) | David Ehrenreich (University of Geneva) |
9:25 am |
Bridging the habitable gap: Combining Kepler and AFTA-WFIRST to obtain a more robust estimate of eta_Earth (archived video) | Matthew Penny (Ohio State University) |
9:40 am |
The PLATO 2.0 mission: On the shoulders of giants... and dwarfs (archived video) | Stephane Udry (University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory) |
9:55 am |
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) (archived video) | George Ricker (MIT) |
10:35 am |
Morning Break and Group 1 poster removal | |
Characterizing Transiting Planets | Session Chair: Jonathan Fortney (UC Santa Cruz) | |
11:10 am |
From Hot Jupiters to Super-Earths: A Kepler-Centric Perspective on Exoplanetary Atmospheres (archived video) | Heather Knutson (Caltech) |
11:50 am |
How Clouds Impact the Characterization of Low-mass, Low-density Planets (archived video) | Caroline Morley (UC Santa Cruz) |
12:05 pm |
Using evaporation to understand exoplanet properties (archived video) | James Owen (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) |
12:20 pm |
A GTC view of the candidate disintegrating exoplanet KIC12557548 (archived video) | Roi Alonso (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) |
Special Presentation to Bill Borucki (archived video) | Michael Bicay (NASA Ames) | |
12:35 pm |
Lunch and Group 2 poster mounting | |
1:00 pm |
Splinter Session: TESS Guest Investigator Program - Building 3 download the slides from this splinter meeting here |
Stephen Rinehart (NASA GSFC) |
Characterizing Transiting Planets (continued) | Session Chair: Jonathan Fortney | |
2:15 pm |
Low-Mass Planets in the Kepler Era (archived video) | Diana Valencia (University of Toronto) |
2:55 pm |
The Fluffy Sub-Neptunes of Kepler's Multiplanet Systems (archived video) | Daniel Jontof-Hutter (NASA Ames) |
3:10 pm |
Two seasons of HARPS-N follow-up of Kepler planetary candidates (archived video) | David Latham (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) |
3:25 pm |
HARPS-N and SOPHIE joint follow-up of Kepler planetary candidates (archived video) | Guillaume Hebrard (IAP/OHP) |
3:40 pm |
Afternoon Break | |
4:25 pm |
Eccentricity Distribution of Kepler Planets Transiting Stars with Astroseismology (archived video) | Eric B. Ford (Penn State University) |
4:40 pm |
Validation by Asteroseismology for KOI-69 (archived video) | Sarah Ballard (University of Washington) |
4:55 pm |
Precise ages of exoplanet host-stars determined from asteroseismology (archived video) | Victor Silva Aguirre (Aarhus University) |
5:10 pm |
Exoplanet Properties from the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (archived video) | Travis Metcalfe (Space Science Institute) |
5:25 pm |
Poster Session 2 | Poster Session Chair: Karl Stapelfeldt (GSFC) |
Asteroseismology I | Session Chair: Bill Chaplin (University of Birmingham) | |
8:30 am |
The golden age of asteroseismology (archived video) | Hans Kjeldsen (Aarhus University) |
9:10 am |
Asteroseismology of Exoplanet Host Stars (archived video) | Daniel Huber (NASA Ames) |
9:50 am |
Asteroseismic determination of the obliquities of candidate Kepler exoplanet-host stars (archived video) | Tiago L. Campante (University of Birmingham) |
10:05 am |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the A and F type stars (archived video) | Victoria Antoci (Aarhus University) |
10:20 am |
Morning Break | |
Asteroseismology II | Session Chair: Steve Howell | |
11:00 am |
Asteroseismology of Red Giant Stars (archived video) | Tim Bedding (University of Sydney) |
11:40 am |
Putting red-giant models to the test (archived video) | Thomas Kallinger (University of Vienna) |
11:55 am |
Period-luminosity relations in semi-regular variables? Just solar-like oscillations (archived video) | Benoit Mosser (Observatory of Paris, LESIA) |
12:10 pm |
Lunch | |
Asteroseismology III | Session Chair: Suzanne Aigrain | |
2:00 pm |
The APOGEE-KASC Catalog of Seismic and Spectroscopic Properties (archived video) | Jennifer Johnson (Ohio State University) |
2:40 pm |
Kepler and the RR Lyrae stars (archived video) | Katrien Kolenberg (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) |
2:55 pm |
It takes a village to raise a tide: nonlinear multiple-mode coupling and mode identification in KOI-54 (archived video) | Ryan O'Leary (UC Berkeley) |
3:10 pm |
Afternoon Break | |
Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics | Session Chair: Jessie Dotson | |
3:40 pm |
Characterizing microlensing planets with Kepler (archived video) | Rachel Street (LCOGT) |
4:20 pm |
Unleashing Kepler's astrophysical potential: robust discovery and correction of systematic effects in Kepler data (archived video) | Suzanne Aigrain (University of Oxford) |
4:35 pm |
Asteroseismology for Galactic Archaeology (archived video) | Luca Casagrande (The Australian National University) |
4:50 pm |
KISS - The Kepler International Supernova Search (archived video) | Brad Tucker (Mt. Stromlo Observatory, ANU/UC Berkeley) |
5:05 pm |
Concluding Remarks and Group 2 poster removal |
Click here for the list of poster presentations and their assigned IDs.