
2015 Sagan/Michelson Fellows Symposium

May 7-8, 2015

4th floor conference room, Keith Spalding building

California Institute of Technology

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Click on the talk title to view the presentation (or abstract)

Thursday, May 7

9:00 Dawn Gelino (NExScI) and Chas Beichman (NExScI): Welcome and Opening Comments
9:30 Courtney Dressing (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): The Occurrence Rate and Composition of Small Planets
9:50 Sarah Ballard (Univ. of Washington): Choose Your Own Adventure: Multiplicity of Planets among the Smallest Stars
10:10 Eric Nielsen (SETI/Stanford): Mapping the Distributions of Exoplanet Populations from NICI to GPI
10:30 Morning Break
11:00 Leslie Rogers (Caltech): Origins and Demographics of Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Sized Planets
11:20 Ian Crossfield (LPL/Univ. of Arizona): Small Planets, Small Stars: The K2 M-Dwarf Program
11:40 Katja Poppenhaeger (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): A high-energy view of exoplanets and their host stars
12:00 Lunch (on own)
1:30 Jill Tarter (SETI) Keynote Talk: Finding Inhabited Worlds Among the Habitable Ones (abstract)
2:30 Timothy Brandt (IAS): The Ages of Massive Stars and Young Clusters from Rotating Stellar Models
2:50 Paul Robertson (Penn State University): Spotting Blue Planets Around Spotted Red Stars: Removing Stellar Activity from Radial Velocities of M Dwarf Stars
3:10 Jonathan Gagne (University of Montreal): The Brown Dwarf to Exoplanets Connection through Young Moving Groups
3:30 Afternoon Break
4:00 Rafael Millan-Gabet (NExScI): Last Gasps from the Keck Interferometer Nuller: New Results on Exozodi
4:20 Phil Hinz (Univ. of Arizona): Exoplanetary System Reconnaissance with LBTI: Warm Dust and Giant Planets
4:40 Jake Simon (SWRI): Probing the Nature of Accretion and Planet Formation in Protoplanetary disks: Connecting Theory with ALMA Observations
5:00 Adjourn
7:00 Dinner

Friday, May 8

8:45 Vivien Parmentier (UCSC): From cloudy to cloudless hot Jupiters
9:05 Jayne Birkby (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): High resolution studies of exoplanet atmospheres
9:25 Ty Robinson (NASA Ames): Titan in transit: A new technique and surprising results from Cassini solar occultation observations
9:45 Kevin Stevenson (Univ. of Chicago): From Exoplanets To Exoworlds
10:05 Bryce Croll (Boston University): The Applications of Precise, Near-infrared, Ground-based Photometry to the Thermal Emission of hot Jupiters, & the Search for Habitable Earth-sized Planets
10:25 Morning Break
10:50 Chris Schwab (Penn State University): A wavelength calibrator with cm/s precision for high resolution radial velocity instruments
11:10 Jared Males (Univ. of Arizona): High contrast imaging at visible wavelengths with MagAO and its VisAO camera
11:30 Katie Morzinski (Univ. of Arizona): Using MagAO and GPI to obtain complete spectral energy distributions and empirical bolometric luminosities of young giant exoplanets
11:50 Lunch (on own)
1:20 Ashwin Vasavada (JPL) Keynote Talk: Recent Results from Mars/MSL
2:20 Jennifer Yee (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): Microlens Parallax with Spitzer: 2 Case Studies
2:40 Sebastiano Calchi Novati (NExScI/Caltech): Pathway to the Galactic Distribution of Planets: Microlensing Parallaxes with Spitzer
3:00 Matthew Penny (Ohio State): Towards a Galactic Distribution of Exoplanets
3:20 Afternoon Break
3:40 Avi Shporer (JPL): Visible-light orbital phase curves: Not so simple!
4:00 Daniel Foreman-Mackey (NYU/UW): Searching for long-period transiting planets in the Kepler light curves using supervised classification
4:20 Julian van Eyken (NExScI/Caltech): Continuing Observations of PTFO 8-8695b, a 3Myr-old T-Tauri Planet Candidate
4:40 Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda (UC Berkeley): A disintegrating planet with a cometary head and tail
5:00 Adjourn

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last modified May 14, 2015