Update (July 2007): The KI team has investigated and
quantified a flux bias in the visibility amplitude (see the
flux bias memo for more details). This bias can be
corrected using the -fluxBias command line option in wbCalib and
and we recommend that all KI data be calibrated with this option.
What is data calibration?
After you have obtained your
level 1(L1) data, the next step in data
analysis is to use your calibrator and target observations to produce
calibrated visibilities, or level 2 (L2) data.
The visibility that KI measures
on an astronomical object (Vm) is
product of the true object (Vt) visibility and a factor, called the
system visibility (Vs), which represents the loss of
coherence due to instrumental and atmospheric factors: Vm = Vt * Vs.
In order to obtain the true object visibility, the system visibility
must be estimated. The system visibility can be estimated using
observations of stars of known size, and thus of known true
visibility; or more typically using observations of unresolved stars,
which have a true visibility of 1.0 and directly provide an estimate
of the system visibility (Vm = Vs). Once the system visibility has
been estimated, the calibrated or true object visibility is simply
obtained as: Vt = Vm/Vs. (Note: the Keck Interferometer data reduction
method uses visibility amplitude squared, rather than visibility
amplitude, as the basic observable; a distinction with no consequences
to the present discussion).
In general the system visibility
is an instantaneous quantity, and
depend on other factors such as the object location in the sky
(e.g. as the zenith angle increases, the atmospheric effects may
become more severe) and the instrument configuration (e.g. integration
time). Insuring that target and calibrators can be observed under the
same instrument configuration (e.g. have similar magnitudes for the
different sub-systems) and are close in the sky, is part of the planning
process. Insuring that a target
observation is bracketed by calibrator observations with a few minutes
cycle time, so that a valid estimate of the system visibility can be
formed, is the responsibility of the WMKO/NExScI staff executing the
How to calibrate your data
Your L1 data contains all that
is needed to perform the calibration,
and a variery of methods can be considered for estimating and applying
the system visibility to produce calibrated data.
Although data calibration is not
performed at the NExScI, we make
available two software packages, wbCalib
(for calibration of
wide-band data) and nbCalib
(for calibration of
narrow-band data), which which greatly automate and simplify this
process. The Calib packages take as input a L1 data file and a calibration
script detailing which objects are targets and which
are calibrators, and their estimated sizes, and produces one file of ASCII
output containing the calibrated data, plus other very
useful ancillary data, such as the spatial frequencies (u and v)
corresponding to each calibrated visibility. The Calib packages also
have a variety of options which apply corrections for potentially
significant effects such as unbalanced fluxes between the two
interferometer arms, or optical path jitter. Please refer to the help
pages above for details on how to use those programs. Both packages
can be downloaded from the NExScI
download page.
Troubleshooting your calibrated data
Once you have calibrated your visibilities, there are some simple
you can do to insure that they are sensible:
- Plot the system visibility, it should be a smoothly
function, with an average value between 0.6 and 0.8. The system
visibility can change with time, for example it may decrease as the
zenith angle increases, but abrupt changes are usually indicative of
an instrument problem. In that case, inspect your data and observing
- Note that if the calibrators are not unresolved, it is
provide good estimates of their sizes in order to obtain a good
estimate of the system visibility. A common way to verify this is to
treat a calibrator as a target, and verify that you get the expected
value of the calibrated visibilities (for example 1.0 for an
unresolved calibrator). If not, then the calibrator sizes may need to
be corrected.
Extracting astrophysical information from your calibrated data
Once the visibilities have been
calibrated as outlined above, your KI
data is ready for astrophysical interpretation. Typically this is done
by assuming a simple target brightness (e.g. a binary, a uniform disk,
a Gaussian disk, a ring, or a combination of those), deriving the
corresponding visibility function, and fitting this function to the
calibrated visibilities to extract some of the parameters that define
the assumed brightness (e.g. binary separation, orientation, flux
ratio; uniform disk or Gaussian diameters etc). Another typical
approach is to add the visibilities to the global fitting of a more
complex and physical model to a dataset which might also include
spectro-photometric data, for example.
Suppose you have just retrieved your L1 data, containing some
of one of your targets. The wide-band raw visibilities might look as in
the plot below:

Clearly the above data shows that the source myTarget is
resolved, as its raw visibilities are much lower than those of the two
calibrators used (HD157546 and HD174596).
The calibration script
We want to calibrate these
wide-band data, and therefore will use the
wbCalib program. As explained in detail in the user's manual, in
addition to the input L1 SUM data, wbCalib requires a calibration
script which informs it of the target and calibrator names, their
astrometric information, and the calibrator angular sizes and errors,
please see the Calib documentation for the detailed format
specification. A calibration script for these observations would be as
# Example calibration script for myTarget
17 56 21.288 -21 57 21.880 -0.009 -0.040 0.01
HDC157546 17 24 37.040 -18 26 44.743 0.016 -0.008 0.02 0.17 0.1
HDC174596 18 52 08.375 -21 55 17.498 0.048 -0.048 0.01 0.21 0.1
Note that the getCal
package contains a
function that facilitates the generation of properly formatted
calibration scripts.
Please pay particular attention
to your choice of calibrator angular
sizes and errors, as those will directly impact the resulting
calibrated visibilities. While for observation planning it is
acceptable to provide only approximate calibrator angular sizes, it is
crucial to provide accurate estimates with realistic errors in the
calibration step. Recall that in addition to providing stellar size
based on standard lookup tables for normal stars, the getCal package
also contains routines to provide better estimates by fitting
data, see the getCal documentation for details.
Running wbCalib
If we save the above calibration script in a file called
"example.calScript", and the L1 SUM data is in a file called
"example.sum", then the command to run the calibration program would
wbCalib -WL -ratioCorrection example.calScript
example.sum >
A variery of command line options
are available for both wbCalib
nbCalib. The NExScI science team has evaluated these options for KI
data, and
documented the recommended
Calib settings. Note that the recommended settings for KI and PTI
not the same.
In the example above, we have
told wbCalib that we want to use data
from the white-light pixel, and to apply a correction for un-balanced
fluxes between the interferometer arms. The calibrated data is now in
the ASCII file called "example.wbcalib". Please see the wbCalib
documentation for a detailed description of the output file
fields. Using this file, a plot of the calibrated visibilities and
errors versus UT time (columns 8, 9 and 5 respectively) is shown

Modelling the calibrated data
Suppose you know that the
target above is an evolved star surrounded
by a near-infrared emitting dust shell, and that you have independent
evidence that the central star is unresolved and contributes 30% of
the total K-band flux. You may then want to obtain a characteristic
size for the dust shell being resolved by KI. Given what you know
about the target, a reasonable model for this source would then
consist of a point source plus an extanded component, represented for
example by an uniform brightness. The plot below shows the model (and
uncertainties) that would result from fitting such a model to the
calibrated visbilities.
