
2017A NASA Keck Time Solicitation


The call for proposals for NASA Keck time in observing semester 2017A (February 1-July 31, 2017) is now open for professional research using the NASA allocation for telescope observing time at the W.M. Keck Observatory.

Proposals are due Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 4 pm PDT

General Information and Guidelines

  • NASA intends the use of the Keck telescopes to be highly strategic in support of on-going missions and/or high priority, long-term science goals. The NASA Keck call is open to a wide range of disciplines spanning from exoplanets and solar system topics to galactic and extragalactic topics. Click here for more details on this proposal call.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Application Procedures

  • Click here for information on page limits, proposal content, electronic submission, etc.
  • The opportunity to propose as Principal Investigators for the NASA time on the Keck Telescopes is open to all U.S.-based astronomers (i.e. those who have their principal affiliation at a U.S. institution).
  • Online Proposal Submission Site
  • Questions? email:

Highlights for 2017A

  1. Time Domain Astronomy: Observers now have the ability to propose both cadence (Time Domain Astronomy, TDA) and Target of Opportunity (ToO) programs following the policies outlined here (ToO policies) and here (TDA/cadence policies). For Semester 2017A, four Keck partners (UC, Caltech, UH, and NASA) have agreed that TAC-approved ToO/TDA projects may interrupt observers at any of the four institutions. Each TAC can award up to a combined total of six ToO/TDA observations which interrupt any of the other institutions. If you are considering submitting a ToO or cadence observing proposal, see Section V below for important details.

  2. PIs may ask for their time to be designated as uninterruptable, i.e. as exempt from ToO or cadence interrupts. Note that programs scheduled as half-nights or smaller will not be interrupted. To do this, mark the appropriate box on the NExScI submission page and explain in one brief paragraph why the proposed observations cannot be interrupted. This explanation should be scientifically motivated, namely that interruptions would seriously compromise the scientific return of the observing program. It is anticipated that interruption-free time will be rarely granted.

  3. Information on strategic grading has been updated for 2017A and is found in Section Ia below. Please refer to the updated 2014 NASA Science Plan for the strategic relevance section of your proposal.

  4. Letters for Mission Support proposals must be requested from NASA HQ by September 1 , two weeks before submission deadline.

  5. Special notes and considerations for the Keck instruments are listed below. Please also check the WMKO instrument page for telescope observing limits and the current list of available instruments.
    • a) OSIRIS is unavailable for science through May 1, 2017 for the imager detector upgrade.
    • b) KCWI and NIRES are planned for commissioning in 2017A but will not be offered for science.
    • c) NIRC2 L-band Vortex Coronagraph: WMKO has prepared a User Manual for the Vortex Coronograph at NIRC2 on Keck II and a Quick User Manual on How to run QACITS for the Vortex Coronograph.
    • d) SUBARU exchange: The SUBARU-Keck exchange will continue as last semester with flexibility as to the number of nights available for exchange, with the final number based on the demand from each community. Keck will offer DEIMOS, ESI, NIRSPEC, and NIRC2 on Keck-II and LRIS, HIRES, OSIRIS, and MOSFIRE on Keck-I. Generally, all Subaru instruments will be available. HSC is available for 5 runs in 2017A but not available in dark time from late May to early June because S-Cam will be available during that dark period from late May to early June.

Key Dates

September 1: Mission Support letter inquiries due to NASA HQ

September 15: All proposals and supporting letters due to NExScI by 4 pm PDT

Useful Links and Information

The icon indicates updates have been made since last semester.

The NASA Keck Time Solicitation Information web site is a source of information for professional researchers who wish to submit proposals for the NASA allocation of observing time at the W. M. Keck Observatory. For general public information, please visit the Keck Home Page.

Web Curator and NExScI Cognizant Official: Dawn Gelino

(last updated August 19th, 2016 15:25:02)