RVs package - Credits: Xavier Dumusque, Dan Foreman-Mackey 

NOTE: The following instructions have been tested on a Linux Centos 6.8 machine. 

Before starting to install the package, make sure that:

1) you have installed Anaconda (https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/install)
2) you have installed Astroconda (http://astroconda.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)
3) you are in the Astroconda environment. If you are not sure, type: 

   conda list env 

   If astroconda is not selected, do: 

   source activate astroconda

4) make sure you can open Python notebooks. To this end, install jupyter, i.e.,:             
   conda install jupyter

At this stage, you can continue with the installation of the RVs package. 

5) install GSL libraries (e.g. yum install gsl-devel)

6)  install the following additional packages (e.g. pip install XXX) 

    numpy 1.6.2 (or higher)
    scipy 0.11.0 (or higher)
    matplotlib 1.1.1 (or higher)
    ffmpeg 2.1 (or higher)
    emcee (-> this is Dan Foreman-Mackey package: http://dan.iel.fm/emcee/current/. It installs with pip command) 

7) install SOAP 2.0 package (download at http://www.astro.up.pt/resources/soap2/)

8) unpack .zip file: 

unzip Sagan_workshop_hands_on_XDumusque.zip

9) Now build the code:

- cd Sagan_workshop_hands_on_XDumusque/functions

   python setup_periodogram.py build

   cp build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/periodogram.so .

- cd ../SOAP2/StarSpot

   python setup.py build

   cp build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/starspot.so