2007 Michelson Summer
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Workshop Site
The 2007 Michelson Summer Workshop will be held in the NASA Ames Conference Center
(NACC) in Moffett Field, California.
Foreign Nationals
order for Foreign Nationals (i.e. non-US citizens) to obtain access to
NASA Ames National Laboratory grounds, and hence the NACC, they are
required to complete and submit this
form as soon as possible
to Yvonne Ibarra.
includes green card holders. All permanent residents
must bring their original I.N.S. green card. All foreign nationals must
have their original passports and visas. Photocopies of IDs will not be
Internet Access
We are happy to provide wireless internet access during
summer workshop so
everyone can follow along with the speakers' presentations. Please
note, we will not be providing computer access. If you
wish to make
use of the internet access, bring a laptop, or make arrangements to use
a colleague's. Instructions for connecting to the wireless, along with
a username and password, will be given to you when you pick up your
This year we have 2 workshop hotels: the Sundowner Inn and the County Inn. Each hotel is less than 2 miles from
NASA Ames, and offers several amenities including free wireless
internet access in guest rooms and a full breakfast each
block of rooms at the July 2007 government rate (currently $110/night
single/double) has been set up at each hotel for workshop
participants. To make a reservation at the Sundowner Inn call: (408)
734-9900, or 1-800-223-9901. To make a reservation at the County
Inn call: (650) 961-1131, or 1-800-828-1132. For reservations at
either hotel mention the group code: Michelson
Summer Workshop. You will not be able to book a room in this
block through the website. Rooms must be booked before June 22,
2007 to be eligible for the workshop rate.
note: All attendees (NOT SPEAKERS) who are receiving financial
support for
lodging will be paired in rooms (by gender) at the Sundowner Inn, and
do not need to make a hotel reservation.
We will book your room for you. You will; however, need to pay
with your own credit card when you check out. Information on
receiving reimbursement for your hotel bill can be found in your travel
will be reimbursed according to your travel guidelines.
Bus transportation will be provided between the workshop
hotels and the workshop site. See below for more details.
Sunnyvale and
Mountain View
Area Hotels
If you would prefer to stay at another hotel in the area,
there are a
number of hotels and motels close to NASA Ames. For more
information please
Please note that all
workshop attendees who are awarded financial support for their lodging
will have reservations made for them at the Sundowner Inn (see above).
Due to the many different area airports and participant arrival
times, we will not be
coordinating transportation from the airports to the workshop
hotels. Below are some ground transportation options from the
local airports:
San Jose International Airport Ground Transportation Information:
San Francisco International Airport Ground Transportation
Oakland International Airport Ground Transportation Information:
Bay Area Transit Information:
For those of you renting a car and staying at the Sundowner Inn:
- Directions from the San
Jose International Airport (SJC): The Sundowner Inn is located
10 miles north of the San Jose International Airport. Take HWY 101
North toward San Francisco. Take the Mathilda Ave north exit.
Immediately get into the far left lane. Turn left onto Ross Drive. The
Sundowner Inn is on the left-hand side next to the Cattleman's
- Directions from the San
Francisco International Airport (SFO): The Sundowner Inn
is located 35 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport.
Take HWY 101 South toward San Jose. Take the HWY 237/Alviso exit. From
237 take the Mathilda Ave exit and turn right at the light. Take the
first right onto Ross Drive. The Sundowner Inn is on the left-hand side
next to the Cattleman's restaurant.
- Directions from the
Oakland International Airport (OAK): The Sundowner Inn is
located 55 miles southwest of the Oakland International Airport. Take
HWY 880 South toward San Jose to HWY 237. Take HWY 237 West toward
Mountain View. From 237 take the Mathilda Ave exit and turn left at the
light. Take the second right onto Ross Drive. The Sundowner Inn is on
the left-hand side next to the Cattleman's restaurant.
For those of you renting a car and staying at the County Inn:
- Directions from the San
Jose International Airport (SJC): The County Inn is located 12
miles north of the San Jose International Airport. Take HWY 101 North
toward San Francisco. Take the exit called Moffett Boulevard. There is
only one direction off this exit. Immediately get into the far left
lane. Turn left at the light onto Leong Drive. The County Inn is on the
left-hand side immediately after the Arco gas station.
- Directions from the San
Francisco International Airport (SFO): The County Inn is located
33 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport. Take HWY 101
South toward San Jose. Take the exit called Moffett Boulevard. There is
only one direction off this exit. Immediately get into the far left
lane. Turn left at the light onto Leong Drive. The County Inn is on the
left-hand side immediately after the Arco gas station.
- Directions from the
Oakland International Airport (OAK): The County Inn is located
57 miles southwest of the Oakland International Airport. Take HWY 880
South toward San Jose to HWY 237. Take HWY 237 West toward Mountain
View to HWY 101. Take HWY 101 North toward San Francisco. Take the exit
called Moffett Boulevard. There is only one direction off this exit.
Immediately get into the far left lane. Turn left at the light onto
Leong Drive. The County Inn is on the left-hand side immediately after
the Arco gas station.
Parking at the NASA Ames Conference Center
We will be providing bus transportation
between the workshop hotels and the NASA Ames Conference Center.
For those who choose to drive themselves to the NASA Ames grounds, you
will be required to show a valid drivers license at the main gate
checkpoint. If you are a
foreign national (i.e. not a US Citizen)
you take the bus to the workshop each day. Regardless of
mode of entry onto the national lab grounds, all foreign nationals will
have to fill out
and submit paperwork well in advance of the workshop (see above for
more information); however you should be scrutinized less if you are on
the bus with the other workshop registrants rather than in your own
car. We will not be responsible for foreign nationals who have not
submitted their paperwork and are denied access to the Ames grounds.
Parking for the NASA Ames Conference Center is located in 2 lots
near Hanger 1 at South Akron/Severyns and on McCord between North and
South Akron (behind the NACC).
Transportation between the Workshop Hotels, NACC, and Workshop Events
Each morning the bus will make 2
trips from the workshop
hotels to the NACC. In order to facilitate dinner plans on Monday
July 23 & 24, after stopping at each hotel, the bus will proceed to
Castro Street on Monday and Murphy Street on Tuesday. Each area
has a number of restaurants open for dinner. The bus will loop
between the hotels and eating area several times through the
The bus will also loop between the hotels and Chef Chu's during the
workshop banquet on Thursday evening. The specific bus schedule
each day is as follows:
Each morning the
bus will make 2 trips from the workshop hotels to the NACC:
Leave Sundowner Inn: 7:30 AM, 8:15 AM
Leave County Inn: 7:45 AM, 8:30 AM
NACC: 8:00 AM, 8:45 AM
After the presentations
are over:
Monday: Ride to
Castro Street
Leave NACC: 5:00
PM → Drop off at
County Inn and Sundowner Inn → Drop off
at Castro Street
(see restaurant list in bag) → Return to hotels and repeat until
~9:00 PM
Tuesday: Ride to Murphy Street
Leave NACC: 5:00
PM → Drop off at
County Inn and Sundowner Inn → Drop off
at Murphy Street
(see restaurant list in bag) → Return to hotels and repeat until
~9:00 PM
Wednesday: Lick Observatory Tour
There will be no bus
transportation back to the hotels before the Lick Observatory Tour.
Leave NACC: 12:00 Noon for Lick
Observatory → Leave Observatory ~5:00 PM → Stop for dinner in San Jose
→ Drop
off at the NACC, County Inn, and Sundowner Inn
Workshop Banquet at Chef Chu’s
Leave NACC: 4:30
PM → Drop off at
County Inn and Sundowner Inn (& return to County Inn) → Leave
County Inn:
5:15 PM, Leave Sundowner Inn: 5:30 PM → Drop
off at Chef Chu’s → Return to
hotels and repeat until ~8:00 PM
Friday: Last
Leave NACC:
4:00 PM → Drop off at County Inn and Sundowner Inn
Workshop Events
Sunday Evening Reception & Registration
There will be a reception at the Sundowner Inn
6:00 - 8:00 pm on Sunday, July 22.
This will include an opportunity to pick up your registration
materials. Hors d'oeuvres
(not dinner) will be provided.
Wednesday Afternoon Tour of Mt. Hamilton/Lick
On Wednesday afternoon we will take a tour
of the Lick Observatory
at Mt. Hamilton. There is no charge for workshop participants;
however space is limited.
Guests are
welcome on a
first-come first-served space-available basis, and guest
tickets can be
purchased on the registration website for $20 (to cover the cost of
lunch and transportation). Please
note that we
will NOT issue refunds for purchased guest tickets.
It will likely be hot at the observatory. Please
dress for hot, dry weather. You may want
to bring sunscreen as well. We will
provide each of you with a bottle of
water (in addition to the drink included with your box lunch). If you would like more water, please bring it with you.
We are currently planning on leaving the NACC at Noon. We will
stop for dinner on the way back down to the Moffett Field
area. Once we return to Moffett Field, tour participants will be
dropped off at the NACC and the workshop hotels.
Thursday Evening Banquet
The workshop banquet will be held from 6:00 - 8:30 pm at Chef Chu's
located at 1067 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022. Chef
Chu's features wonderful Chinese food. The
price of the dinner is included in each workshop participant's
registration fee. A limited number of guest tickets are available and
may be purchased on the registration website for $40. Please note that we will NOT issue refunds
for purchased guest tickets. A cash
bar will be available. We will
be providing bus transportation for this event (see above).
Both of the
workshop hotels provide a full breakfast each morning. We will be
providing snacks and drinks at 2 coffee breaks, as well as lunch at the
NACC every day of the workshop. There will be hors d'oeuvres
provided Sunday evening at the opening reception, bus transportation to
a restaurant-populated area on Monday and Tuesday evenings, a stop for
dinner on the way back to the area on Wednesday evening, and the
Workshop Banquet on Thursday evening.
Area Restaurants
Maps are available for:
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2007 Michelson Summer Workshop
NASA Ames Conference Center, Moffett Field, California
July 23-27,