

    Overview of star and planet formation




    S. Strom, NOAO





Following a brief historical overview, I will attempt to identify and discuss a few key issues that appear ripe for observational or theoretical attack. Among these are: (1) observational possibilities for linking initial conditions and outcome stellar properties via mid-IR spectroscopic study of protostellar cores and optical observations of rotation properties of young stars; (2) the potential studying and exploiting the extrema in disk properties (mass; evolutionary timescales) for informing our understanding of the planet formation process; (3) the status and potential importance of developing the tools needed to constrain the total disk mass and its radial distribution; (4) ambiguities in interpreting signatures of inner disk holes and possible observational paths toward resolving them. I plan to end by looking a decade into the future and outlining briefly the potential of 30m class telescopes to advance our understanding of star- and planet formation.